Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP Test

I guess it may depend on the particular healing module and on how powerful it is.

I’m running a custom right now that has Dragon Reborn as the main core and I feel like the DR flavor is the main driver of the whole thing.

But there may be others that are more subtle?

Actually, I ran another custom that had Pride Unbroken and FEBRUUS and I felt like they hit first too.

So I’m not really sure.

I think this anti-recon scripting is probably more based on the particular modules that are smoothest and most natural for you and your personality to absorb; whether they’re healing modules or some other kind of module.


Good point. Thanks, gives me a lot to reflect upon.

So if 2 persons run Emperor, one has a good sex life but not much money, the other one a good running business but not much sex. Depending upon their beliefs (and mostly the outside world represents the inside world) the one with money would in the beginning see an improvement on the money/business side, the one with the sex life would just be amazed how much more women he attracts but is still waiting for more money. => means, run the sub long enough the really become the sub.

Reflection for myself: If I am not good in organizing and have a module in it, the other more aligned modules will kick in first (some I already see benefits from) but the ones needed the most because I am the furthest away from that will kick in later (maybe the washout). Good to know, maybe my custom is already pretty good but the speed difference explains it.


Don’t know the answer. Just thinking together. :muscle:t5:

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Day after.
Sleep not so good even tough deep was over 2 h, REM was just too low.
Thinking at work was better clear thoughts, logic etc., productivity at the same level which is above average so there are no worries.
Due to the worse sleep I was not feeling that cheerfull but despite that I have been quite ok.


I’m still wondering why certain modules feel like they didn’t add anything extra.

For example, I had Natural Winner in my custom, and while I already have that natural born winner mindset, I wanted to expand on it, to further develop my mindset to the levels of something like the Mamba mindset (just an example), but instead, I just felt like I was the same in that regard, like my motivation levels and mindset stayed the same, which later on made me remove it, as I didn’t see the same value from it as I saw from every other module.


Last part is true for sure. Run a sub long enough, don’t overexpose etc and you’re good.

However, what gets tackled first is FULLY the decision of your subconscious mind. And there might be things triggered you didn’t think of or you thought don’t matter. So maybe even if you have a good sex life and you want to run it for money, it might focus on your relationship TO sex first because there is some emotional trauma from the past.

So as always if you REALLY want to narrow down on a specific category, run a sub that only does that.


Please list those modules which you felt like did not add anything extra

How’s that gonna benefit anyone else other than me?

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That’s what I was expecting :joy:

Then why ask :man_facepalming:t2:?!


Yesterday ran into an ex randomly walking close to my place. Heard from another woman who wanted to meet for dinner. And a third ex randomly reached out to check on me and see how things were going.

Lots of coincidences - however it was really helpful. I planned to work on some things in the evening but dropped all of it to meet this lady for dinner. Now I’m not feeling so hot about that decision in general. In my body there was a feeling of needing to make a clear decision. Relationships or career/finances/fitness/personal growth. It was a reminder what gives the best R.O.I. and biggest overall lift. Wondering if the sub helped manifest all of this so I could get clear on the decision.

When running Emperor/Stark/HoM there was no ambiguity. However when I started thinking about a custom and trying a few different subs things got emotionally murky. Happy to have this sorted out again.

Also got an email yesterday about my gym membership being lapsed. For some reason I couldn’t update via their app - and I felt this burning need to get it resolved so I stopped by last night to renew in person.

Went to bed at 2am and woke up at 7am.

My first thought being I need to hit the gym - right now. I decided to sleep a bit more instead. When I woke up couple hours later all the fire was gone. To the point I felt super lethargic and just wanted to watch movies and chill.

Instead of turning on the tv I did 1 loop.

Made better food choices for breakfast, talked way, way less in todays meeting and signed up for a short programming course that will help me level up at work and will be useful to my business.

That 1 loop got me back on track with increased clarity on todays priorities.


Would like to try stacking this with my custom but I have Choosen and H.O.M as my cores in it. Would that be overdoing it or would it stack well synergistically with my custom?

Should be ok. The custom counts as one sub. Regardless of what’s in it


At a conscious level I celebrated this instruction . :tada: The results of the people who tested it Is proving this

Looking forward for this change :blush:

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@SaintSovereign please give me an answer to this

This new Emperor feels smooth like butter.

Was so relaxed I almost fell asleep listening to my loop lol. Usually I feel energized or awakened while the subliminal input hits my mind, but something in this primer allowed me to just melt into the experience and fully submerge myself with the sub. This has never happened to me before.

Minutes after running my loop I feel calm composed and ready to take on the day.


Was running that 1 loop outside your listening schedule, ran as an “emergency booster” of sorts?

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Yes - it was either waste a whole day or salvage what I could.

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I’d rather I kept cool at most times, specially when under stress but in hindsight it was positive and necessary.


The scripting is expressed into reality through your internal framework of “self.” Whatever we put in the script won’t express in a “pure form,” with pure being defined as you executing the script EXACTLY as we wrote it. That’s impossible, due to the fact that you must consent to and choose what parts of the scripting you’ll integrate and express.

So, to answer your question, the “archetypes” should merge into one internally and express itself in line with who you are.