Main Disc. Thread - EMPEROR: The Will to Power (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

I thought of Nietzsche immediately as I owned this book


What a upgrade on my birthday so thankful for sub club


Happy Birthday!


Thank you kind sir

Great day to be reborn

Happy birhday, Wish you a fantastic day filled with adventures :cocktail: :cocktail: :champagne:


What a W upgrade, I already have been running PCC but W2P is a fire name with a quality upgrade. I am looking forward to trying this out in my custom.


Do you want a name for this world? A solution for all of its riddles? A light for you, too, you best-concealed, strongest, most intrepid, most midnightly men?— This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides!

-Friedrich Nietzsche, [The Will to Power]

Thank you for this wonderful and powerful upgrade, Saint :pray:


Yeah I’m looking forward to this core release, I’ve got my custom draft updated with this new release in mind!

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I’ve been talking about PCC past week or so with a friend new to subs. Shared with her how quick I noticed results the short time I ran it. Last night I suggested she add it to her stack…. Cool :sunglasses:


Thank u as well Kind sir :heart:

The Will to Power is possibly one of the most ambitious titles we’ve made. I don’t want to oversell, but I am very eager to see everyone’s results. Q modules will be out in the morning.


Dude is it possible to have a voice recording of the copy

Embedded on the page

Is there NWE in this title? Money and power go hand-in-hand, so I’d imagine it being loaded with wealth scripting.

Any suggestions for how to use/stack it? Was considering NRICH, MOGUL, or HOM currently with Will to Power for sales.

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Interesting, I read laws of power back in the days. Thought it was the holy grail first. But later kinda got over it.

And PCC never really appealed to me but this one do, Will this work well in a business wealth custom?

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We want to be like God to own and rule it all but the only real thing we can grasp are godlike glimpses into the nature of the universe and into the nature of our ZP. I’ve been noticing it recently for getting closer and closer to the truth.

I know I sound like a crackpot yet that’s what I’ve been experiencing. :blush:


Gonna run the major title version once to start my washout!

Looking forward to it:

EMPEROR: The Will to Power Core
The New Learning Experience Core


Mind’s Palace


The Stream


Virtue Series: Diligence

Faith Unyielding

Furious Ascent

Natural Winner

New Dawn

Joie de Vivre

Lifeblood Fable

Divine Self-Image


Gentleman’s Speech

Power Talk


Safety Net


This looks incredible.

How distinct is this than PCC? It seems to still include the 48 laws of power but go far beyond that.

Also quick potential edit-I believe it should be 'how you uniquely acquire, express and understand it. :slight_smile:


  • While Emperor: The Will to Power may seem similar to EMPEROR, this title is hyper focused on the nature of power — how you unique acquire, express and understand it. There is some overlap in the alpha scripting, but this title focuses less on manifesting romance, while it will help you understand power dynamics in relationships.
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Based off of what I read and my initial loop observations, this title seems like PCC and Ascension had a baby.

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