Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

Yeah i feel overwhelmed by his dominant vibe :slight_smile:.

Gonna leg it ahhaha.


One of the things about Emperor Black I noticed is the power of my karma, something like the tryrant module.
Like I know this guy is a weirdo, he ATTRACTS people who mock and make fun of him, people do it, but I donā€™t and ask decently like a father figure. And that guy ends up being kinda my follower, even though he is physically powerful and trained in multiple martial arts, but VERY insecureā€¦
But these insecure guys if you give them more respect they will start mocking you(their shadows creatrle that loop and do everything to actualize it) But I also show my dominance to him and he is careful. Once nearly a physical altercation happened between us and I was so ruthless and made h afraid. He told never ever push and I pushed him again :sweat_smile:


It is the condescension that members do not appreciate.

Read his posts again to flesh out ā€œWhat opinion does this poster hold about the members of this forum, and the founders of this company?ā€

You will understand why prominent members feel it imperative that such unnecessary, unhelpful commentary is halted.



I was only and only talking about his 2nd last post.
He posted some pretty inappropriate stuff in some of his posts, but I prefer not to provoke him by unhelpful posts.
I prefer @Lion and @Malkuth 's approach most of the time.

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A truly dominant person just ā€œis.ā€

They do not feel the need to come to an Internet forum where they could be unceremoniously banned (proving that your ā€œdominance,ā€ at least here, is a pipe dream) and brag about how bad ass they are.

Now, cut the crap. I donā€™t want this Eliot Rodgers ā€œsupreme dominanceā€ mess being peopleā€™s first impression of Emperor Black.


I had to Google who or what that is. Not good


As David Snyder says:When you go somewhere the big dog is silent and calm but the small dog just barks and barks.

Elliot Rodgers does not seem like that kind of guy, but you never know what someone is capable of. Damn,


Lmao, Iā€™m literally just speaking to my self in a bit of a dramatic way, donā€™t really understand why youā€™re getting wound up.

Plus, I would like to emphasize, Iā€™m not some nut that is overly obsessed with ā€œdominanceā€, lol. I just like the idea of it and I see that Iā€™m very compatible with it, Idk itā€™s a journey. Iā€™m NOT here to dominate anyone, atleast not unjustly. I would like to avoid unnecessary conflict. But I am going to express myself authentically, and I will try my best to do it in a way that wonā€™t inflame any rules.

But I feel as if I make, and I say this with sincerity, people self conscious due to speaking with such confidence, lol.

If anything, I love being calm, peaceful, extremely well mannered. I get a kick when I dont react negatively to others being negative towards me and be positive towards them instead. Although I do have a knack towards being extremely competitive, lol.

Well maybe take the dramatic way you are talking somewhere else

Also maybe post those kind of things in a journal and not on a product thread


As someone NOT running this title - yet :watch: - I can say that I see the changes in every single one of you.

Keep on keeping on bois!

(and goils, if any womens is running this).


Thatā€™s fine.

Not cool. SaintSovereign and Fire are the makers of the products here and they are too busy to get wound up. If they give any advice, take it in the right spirit.

That remains to be seen. We have a pretty good idea of how things go when we encounter people who talk like this.

It is true you might actually be a chill person but it will be good for you to understand early what we expect from forum members here.


We encourage sincerety and confidence. No one will be self concious when you do.

Your first few comments have already made us wary which is why we are explaining things to you.

This forum is not for displays of competitiveness. Use the subliminals and be competitive in your respective field in your life.

Also, like @Floridianninja has recommended, please open a journal. It will encourage you to self-reflect everyday and improve manifestations of the subliminal.

And oh yeah, welcome to SubClub.


Everytime I see Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods and the picture it just makes me want to run it LOL


The whole title, theme and everything just screams badass :laughing:


In designing this one, I wanted to convey that thereā€™s no other title out there thatā€™s quite like this, while maintaining the visual language of the original Emperor box.

Weā€™re about to redesign many of the older boxes, as we want people to realize that the older titles are just as good as the newer ones.


I am a machine

James Casterlin_JavaScript_221117_123214


Okay so I just wanted to say something regarding Emperor Black:

This sub is a masterpiece, and while I didnā€™t think Iā€™d wanna run this long term, Iā€™m just so blown away with just how much better Iā€™ve gotten with this sub, hereā€™s my review for this sub in terms of the areas I saw effects from EmpB:

  • increased intensity in workouts; while my workout were already pretty damn good with my use of all the physical shifting subs, Iā€™m just blown away with the level of intensity this sub has added in my workouts.
    I could literally go to the gym with 0 motivation to workout (unless Iā€™m seriously feeling weak like yesterday), but the moment I set foot in the gym, an intense flame suddenly ablaze within me, and I become so intense with every single movement, that Iā€™ve even had my Apple Watch give me a warning for the increased heart rate :sweat_smile::joy:, and even when Iā€™m dead tired from the army service in the morning, I not only still workout intensely, but Iā€™ve also been just setting PRs every time I workout.

  • Divine presence; if we thought Emperor, Khan, WANTED, or even Chosen had some of the best ā€œflavorsā€ available to add to oneā€™s presence, then EmpB tops them with the sheer intensity, power, authority, and magnetism that it adds, and nothing in the store can come close in terms of responsiveness that youā€™ll see to your aura and presence as you would with EmpB, it simply makes everyone acknowledge the amount of greatness you posses, and depending on how much work youā€™ve put in yourself, the level of status and respect (and even attraction) youā€™ll observe are just gonna increase exponentially.

  • Results enhancement; now Iā€™m not saying this sub is a booster like Mindā€™s Eye, but pair the EmpB core with any alpha sub in a custom, and just watch how everything gets boosted, and this is simply due to the fact that EmpB is just gonna push you to effortlessly take so much action to achieve the goals of the other archetype core, that it will just feel like that you always embodied the archetype anyways, and itā€™s impossible for you to not act the way that core alpha sub describes in its description.

  • Social mastery; no matter who you are, and what other sub youā€™re running, this will bring out the best for you whenever you socialize.
    When reading the description, you might feel like this sub will make you introverted for the period youā€™d run it, but instead, it just makes you much more intensely focused while you do whatever it is youā€™re doing (as youā€™re gonna be giving your 120% to that thing), and then soon as youā€™re done with the activity, youā€™re gonna be a social god, and if you ran it with something like Stark, then boy are you in for a surprise :wink:.


@Invictus I know how you feel. I went from procrastinating on learning coding to knocking out two courses this week


Thatā€™s amazing progress man, congrats :muscle:


@James - EB was the one you have been waiting for all along. It will be my New Year 2023 title.


Very true. I have this weird feeling my life is going to change dramatically for the better in the next six to twelve months


Bro. Am sincerely happy for you :pray: