Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

I am scientifically curious to see what happens when you add EoG and EMPB together.

I have done all EoG stages the day ZP EoG came out and having been running EoG St4 for about 3 months if not more.

I am also running a podcast true sell custom.

Right off the bat I got a lot of work done and planned next steps today. Wanting to play video games has decreased.

It’s no longer a I need to do this, I have the feeling more of let’s see how this goes. (ZP gave me that mentality alongside therapy and meds)


Famous last words.

Back to topic:

3 loops on Emperor Black +RICH so far, and the only thing I dislike is I can’t wait for the days to end and listen to the next loop.


Are you running this experiment currently? Can’t wait to hear about your results!

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Inspired by @Sub.Zero, a review of EB:ToG, LBFH

And of course, reflections on my own lack of foundations


(click the top-right arrow to expand the post)


Would running Emperor Black and Quantum Limitless help someone enter a flow state easier? Question popped into my head. Had to ask


Now thats rather ambitious :slight_smile:

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@King would you have an answer to this?


That’s such an amazing question.


I very much believe so. But running Quantum Limitless is a long-term thing. And the flow state effect only comes around QLST3 based on most people’s experiences.

Having said that, Emperor Black seems to be able to creating a flow state on its own…

I am waiting to see if anybody stacks Emperor Black with Beyond Limitless.

That might be what @James is looking for.


Yes I am. I have already gone through the four stages of EoG since EoG ZP came out. I have been running stage 4 for at least 4 cycles of 21 days with 5 days in between.

Another variable in the experiment is a podcast custom which is a modified True Sell centered completely around podcasting. Which I have been running for at least 3 cycles of 21 days with 5 day washout in between.

So essentially EMPB is the true new variable. I love the confidence it brings. Initial effects are high confidence levels.


It’s so easy to focus on this sub. Ridiculous. Like I just wanna get tasks done and focus. I’m loving the process.


I legit can’t sleep lmao I been working for like almost 22 hrs


I have an infinite source of energy that I can tap into at anytime. Consciousness doesn’t get tired.

Energy isn’t a body thing. It’s consciousness


Thank you so much @SaintSovereign @Fire for creating this.

You’ve literally changed my life by creating this sub. I can’t thank you enough.

I’ve had the biggest mental block in terms of work ethic.

I used to be the hardest working person ever until one day I was a car sales man and I put my whole heart and soul into learning sales and failed miserably.

I used to take action and have no blockages towards it. But then no matter how hard I tried and learned and applied I failed in car sales while I saw everyone succeeding and making more money than me.

I wanted it to work so bad. And then I got fired.

It put such a mental block on my psyche where I equated hard work with failure.

It’s weird I’ve made 10X more money than I did in car sales. But one thing for certain was that I never worked as hard as I did back then ever.

So for the past 2-3 years I’ve been looking for anything to help me get rid of this block.

And reading books helped a lil bit. But I still had that hesitation.

Now? Dude. I’m back. Nobody can outwork me. Again. Discipline, Focus, and a tenacious/ relentless Work Ethic is something I’ve been searching for and found.

Bottom of my heart. Thank you so much. You guys should have a Buy Us Coffee section. I can’t express my gratitude enough.


Has anyone stacked this with Stark and seen further enhanced productivity ?


Bro I promise you if you stack it with the right sub you’ll see productivity.

I’m stacking it with HOM, RICH, and WANTED

Like productivity feels like when I was on Mogul, and Stark. I’m super obsessive.

Wanted effects are I’m not missing a single workout. Been super consistent.


You wanna get more productive?

Learn about Personal Knowledge Management (or PKM for short) systems using Notion, Obsidian

Good starting point can be Tiago Forte’s PARA Method or August Bradley’s PPV


There’s a certain level of productivity subs can help ya with. This is the top tier focus and discipline sub. Nothing touches it and I’ve tried everything.

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Observations from 1 loop of Emperor Black 3 min, 2 days ago :point_down:

  • Waking up 1 hour before my alarm two days in a row which is set for 7 AM. I feel just as rested after only 6 hours as I would have after my usual 8 hours.

  • Was not feeling like socializing yesterday, but went to a dinner with around 10 people yesterday. Enjoyed it a lot and everyone focused on me, also it relieved some of the recon I felt earlier that day. Got disinterested when people got drunk, and I did only drink water because I don’t want to cloud my meditations.

  • Have done about double the amount of pushups I usually do per day, and also I have found a couple of kettle balls and dum bells lying around here which I can use.

  • Constantly looking for creative things to do, and also irritation from things not working smoothly, like the crappy internet connection here on the countryside.

  • My voice sounds more like Barry White than my old one I’m used to. Finding myself having to tone it down not to scare people, and it cuts through noice like a knife. The relaxation makes it reverberate like crazy…

  • Posture on point, and an insane level of awareness of my balance and bodily orientation at all times.

  • An increasing contempt of flies, what was God thinking when he created them? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I understand their role in the eco-system, OKAY, but where’s the moderation, they are everywhere here now! Mkay… calling for a rapid bird migration immediately to this place to fix it :grin::grin::grin:


“My Darling I…” :microphone:
