Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

I felt like that was always true with ZP, but it’s different since EmpB

Like you know about that one custom I made previously (The One), which was also made entirely from my subconscious?
It’s actually also what lead to me building Symbiote (my 6 cores custom), but since then I’ve just been a bit more “guided” to other subs, but the difference now, is that I don’t feel like making another custom or anything, but to stack the custom I have with CWON, and it’s a stronger push towards the sun than any other time I felt before :thinking:

Bro that’s similar to the vision I was having.
I was a bit tired at the service today, closed my eyes to rest then a bit, and all I could see was me sitting in a park, enjoying the atmosphere with all the World Cup fans enjoying themselves around me here, while I’m smoking hash, with my AirPods on, and my phone had CWON showing as “now playing”.

I didn’t even consciously think of CWON :sweat_smile:

Now this could be from Revelations of Mind as well, but most of the time, I can sense which core, module, or sub is doing something, and my intuition tells me it’s 90% from EmpB core in my custom, and as my friend @lovage pointed out to me, this line here speaks volumes:


Yes, I’m experiencing that too and it’s very similar to what I was experiencing on DR.

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I added an extra point in my last post, is that what you think it could be?

Bruh you’re dreams are 100X more chill than mine :joy: Mine was dealing a SuperMan that’s down on his luck, and also got fat. Now he wants to become a Spartan lol


Interesting @invictus I bought 2 customs but now I have this feeling that the next one should be with CWON !

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The amount of respect, will and reality bending AND building on this sub is mind blowing. And real results and congruence come after the rest day(when you are listening to the third sub in your stack).
Sometes you just do the impossible.
Se people just reject you at first and then just do the work. And you are soo unstifled and calm.
People with weaker confidence INSTANTLY fall under your spell and … It’s just crazy.


And here I was happy that I can finally chill out without more experimentation :rofl:

CWON seems like it would be the perfect companion for EmpB whenever you want to expand your focus on connecting with everything around you.
So instead of Monk mode targeted towards productivity and achieving your goals, it would become more of an outward expression towards connecting with your surroundings on a much deeper level.

Kinda makes me think that stack EmpB and CWON might be one of the most beautiful combos around to test out, but at the same time, reading the objectives feel a bit contradictory in some areas, so I’m not sure how the end product would be :thinking:

Emperor Black + Spartan for now. Next cycle. It is necessary for present circumstance. @Invictus


Damn, full beast mode.


I have to agree with @Invictus on this one, I am getting a calling to run Emperor: House of Medici.
It’s like I see evidences to run this title.

Yes; I felt strongly guided to stack EB with RM after just one loop lol.
Lately I have been feeling a huge urge to go back to chosen and stack it with emperor black.
Kind of hard to explain why I’m sure its EB telling me to run it but I’m certain it is.
I think because I feel it coming from a place of “this will give you the highest growth at this point in time” which is what I felt nearly all my actions coming from since starting EB.


Whenever I think of a fictional archetype to this I think of Black Panther (no racism)

King of a secret nation
Leader of his people
Has a strong mind and will for leadership
Builds his wealth and empire of Wakanda
Keeps to himself (Wakanda is a secret nation which is like monk mode of Emp BLK)

T’Challa optimises the core of this sub for me but I’m sure there are other good character this sub makes people think of


Speaking of dreams I had a good healing dream the other night. I believe it also correlates with WANTED but putting it here since these types of dreams started to show up more since Emperor Black.

So the other night I dreamt of my ex, we were just talking and hanging out. Nothing in terms of sex/romance happened, also I don’t remember what was discussed. Now when I woke up, I wasn’t sad or anything, just more curious as to why I had that type of dream.

After about 30 mins of thinking I finally came to a conclusion of what I was being told. Even though I have moved on, I admitted to myself that I need to put myself out there again. I have had a lot of subconscious blocks that have been preventing from being vulnerable and even giving anyone a chance, let alone myself.

I have decided that in the near future after I complete state boards, find a new job (possibly 2), figure out my next move etc. I will start casually dating, since I’m not looking for anything serious since I might leave the area I live in within a year. Since it’s casual dating:

  1. Allow me to not obsess over one person

  2. Be more myself, since I’m not trying to impress anyone.

  3. Not have expectations.

Those 3 are all things I have struggled with and I literally gained a solution to those 3 and some healing from one dream. I’m a great dude :wink: I deserve to have some romance in my life. Won’t hold myself back because of self inflicted fear anymore.


Yes. I got a strong nudge to pair it up with Alchemist stage 4, started that last week and it works like a charm. Perfect fit for now. I had not planned on running Alchemist - did the ZP version earlier this year.

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My first loop of Emperor Black.

Brief context: after running Emperor consistently for over 2 months, I had developed an ‘early-bird’ routine that led to me waking up at 4-5am every day. I started developing good habits to wake up with, including a brief audiobook summary (check out Blinkist, it’s great and cheap thanks to Black Friday) and meditation.

So, back to Emperor Black.

Ran my first loop yesterday, at 4 in the morning. I normally run my loops at 5-7 minutes but for some reason, I just let EmpB run and didn’t notice until 12 minutes in. So I cut the loop at 13 minutes.

Instantly passed out right after. It hit me like a truck.

I was concerned because frankly, I felt nothing and furthermore, I had spent the last 2 weeks consistently waking up early without falling back asleep. EmpB ruined that streak and that was unfortunate.

Cut to today. I wake up, feeling more alert than usual. “Alright, time to start my meditation routine.”

Unlock the phone. What the hell? It’s 2 AM? What the f**k am I supposed to do at 2 AM?

My new routine, I guess. Meditate. Audiobook. Pray. Homework. Study. Normally that should get me up to class time but today I actually had time to squeeze a workout in right before.
Why not, right? Besides, I hadn’t worked out since last Friday so gotta get in the gym sooner or later.

Fast forward to class. Teacher decides that he wants to let us be a little more free today, all the assignments/classwork/homework for the next 2 days are going to be opened up and available for us to do, at our own pace and time. Whatever we finish today, gauges what we’ll work on next tomorrow.

2 hours later, I’m done. Everything. Most of my peers were only halfway through day 1 by that time, to put it into perspective (this would make sense as the course classwork typically is a 4 hour affair). Me? I’m freaking done. I can go, so I do.

Seems like a good time to eat something. I am an awful cook, I normally snack on things throughout the day and delivery is my worst vice. But for some reason I decide that I’m gonna make myself a great meal.

1400 delicious, healthy calories later, it’s 11:30am and I am quite literally done with my day.

Emperor Black, ladies and gentlemen.

And I haven’t even gotten started on the ‘dominance’ stuff and how this sub makes me feel. I haven’t felt this freaking good in years; confident, content, superior, satisfied, and those feelings are all secondary to the feeling of sheer power I have coursing through every fucking vein in my body. I could feel Emperor Black in everything I do, in the words I type, in the way I speak, in the thoughts I have.

ZPv2 is something else. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: ZPv2 is the most significant upgrade in SC’s history, it makes ZPv1 look like an Ultima supercharger in comparison.

But this? This sub is not this incredible because of ZPv2. This is something else. This could be the greatest subliminal ever created in the history of mankind.

And the most absurd part about this whole thing? ONE LOOP.


I was going to end this ramble with a ‘thank you @SaintSovereign & @Fire you’ve done it again, yada yada yada’ but that does not do this sub justice because no, you’ve never done it before.

Not like this.


Reason why I started running my subs (HoM + EOG + Emp Black) at night, right before going to bed. I’d rather be processing the sub while sleeping than going through the day like a zombie because HoM knocked me out.

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Now I really wanna buy this one, you all wanna derail my stack, make me join the dark side.


Do it… Do it!


A General question to everyone
Does EB overpower other subs if you use in a stack or use it on a separate day from your stack ??

E.g. Day one : KS4 + L
Day 2 :EB

Repeat for 4 days then 2 days rest

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In my experience it seems to enhance other subs, with an Emperor Black twist to it