Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

Would you please elaborate?

he is using

  • DR stage 1 (last I heard/remembered)

  • Paragon Ultima


lets us know if anything else or how the stack is scheduled !

@ALMIGHTY what kind of non-subliminal things are you doing?

Really gives a sense of perspective about how long we’ve had to heal.

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Started incorporating one loop of st2 DR with st1. Let’s see how it goes.


Hello, i do plan to get rid of everything that makes me feel negative about the situation but is there any techniques or something you would recommend for appropriate action other than that? Or for releasing?

I found another book worth checking out and I am currently reading. I get people on here asking me what my goals are and what I want to accomplish or achieve in life and so often I just want to tell them I have no idea because I honestly don’t. My mind and brain are so fucking cluttered with all the shit and trauma I have been through that I often feel like my I’m driving down a road with a blizzard going on and I can’t see two feet in front of me. That’s why Dragon Reborn is so important to me. The ability to rent a mental and emotional wood chipper and throw all the mental and emotional baggage and what’s been unnecessarily hoarded into it.
What I crave more than anything is clarity. Without clarity having a vision for anything is damn near impossible


You aren’t a pirate without a crew and ship :wink:

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Yo subclub police, be quiet when the elders are talking.

@Sigma11 Since you like “free” stuff I guess we should also ask if you actually bought SC products or pirated them?

It will really surprise me if people who run Dragon Reborn don’t become minimalists either entirely or to an extent



this is an incredible book, I’ve read it 2x before in the past, and this is a reminder to read it again.

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Weekend is certainly a good time for rest from subs. I’m still feeling the outstanding sense of nothingness from DR. One of the few things I do want to do is watch more investing videos and read Neville Goddard

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I do agree DR also works as a passive healing sub. At least in my case I don’t notice anything that slows down my progress overall. I’m liking the fact to everyday discover something new about myself and new avenues for potential development.

A few days ago DR gave me a excellent idea which I’ll seriously pursue, be a photographer. Who would have thought? Just a camera and I’ll be on my way, begin to make proper steady wealth.


Reminds me that I’m doing a disservice by not (privately) journaling enough.

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Get on it ya slacker

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He got ya there :smile:


These days, the phone cameras are pretty good, and the clients want their pics to look like “it was a great shot, naturally captured from a phone”, not on a professional shoot. :wink:


I’ve actually started my journey of making money from product photography since running DR.