Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

This is pretty awesome though to be honest. I’ve truly noticed myself caring about the mess around me and I’ve always considered external mess to be the same as the internal mess that’s happening.


Me too. I see it as a direct reflection of my internal state


It’s great to hit two birds with one stone.
Now I’m looking at my room whilst typing this and realising I still must have a lot of internal mess to be cleaned…

However some of the external mess is boyfriend’s so might not just be me aha.

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I also felt this on Regeneration.
I cant stop cleaning up lol


@subliminalguy @pacman I feel once you start eliminating the mental and emotional clutter that working on external clutter seems like the right thing to do. I keep my goals and intentions to myself a lot but in 100% transparency I want to resolve the issues that not just keep my from being the best version of myself but also so I can be the best person, husband, friend, or whatever.


I also wondered whats the link…
I also noticed that there is some desire to keep the peace among people with DR 1.
Will to make others happy and do the best for them to see them smile.
There is also a sense of heat in and around the eye.


@pacman I feel a lot of that comes from realizing that getting upset , angry , or throwing a tantrum isn’t just immature but incredibly unproductive.


That’s what happens when you undergo a Rebirth. I must of picked-up on the Energy trail then :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: , right I’m a Scorpio I go through them all the time, lol.

Seems there’s a similarity between Scorpio’s then. I’ve also noticed when I’m in an elevated state that I can tune into Q-store Modules or Titles in general and feel how they’d be like.

Hermetic Principles Q? :mage: :man_shrugging:



I don’t understand either! But I’m guilty as well!
Changed back to my very first profile pic.


I’m seriously thinking right now this Community alone is worth the price of every module in the Q-store, the value shared on this forum in regards to Personal Development is outstanding. Free psychological consulting and therapy!


I changed mine once but changed it back the same day. Just felt really weird

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And I haven’t bothered to even upload one…


Question for @SaintSovereign @Fire @James @RVconsultant @Lion @PurpleRT73 or anyone else I’ve missed who has been running Dragon Reborn:

If someone has minor PTSD that results in a severe anxiety response to specific situations, would it be worth it to do some prep work (eg. CBT, NLP, EFT, etc) before running DR? Whether to make DR work better, faster, whatever.

Thanks in advance!


Take my money

@BLACKICE Good Question. I feel I have some PTSD and prior to running Dragon Reborn I ran Regeneration and Elixir. CBT is interesting but I have never seen and had any benefit from NLP or EFT. EFT confuses the fuck out of me. I don’t get how randomly tapping on parts of your head and collarbone while asking yourself goofy questions has any therapeutic effect

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I’ve never had any results with it either, but from what I understand EFT (as well as EMDR) acts as a pattern interrupt to break mental associations. But, I’ve only read about each one… I’ve not really used EFT and have never tried EMDR or CBT.


I think I would just do DR, assuming I already had about 90 days of experience with another SC program.


I would stick with DR only. Let the sub make it’s magic. Eventually sooner or later the issue will be solved since it’s tackling other areas in which certain techniques could fall short. Plus I assume DR also includes scripting for manifesting ways of confronting the problem, and remove the fear behind. This sub’s already drunk in power, with it alone it will solve all inner shit.


I agree with the above - there’s something about DR that just seems to be magical and tends to clear the blocks.

With that said however I’m thinking in terms of what Saint might possibly say and it might be something like:

If it’s something that is affecting the person to a certain degree of discomfort mentally then DR should/can be used alongside professional help to ensure they’re taking the appropriate action and getting the right help necessary.


@Brandon and @Apollo Are correct. I have debated adding a different program in to do the whole stack thing but I am sticking with Dragon Reborn although I am running both stages one and two. The healing is unreal and unlike anything I have ever experienced. This program more than anything has helped me begin to understand what I value and what’s important to me. I always thought it was about being wealthy or super intelligent but it’s not. For me what’s most important is being a good person. Not allowing some messed up belief some members of my family had growing up always only doing something for someone to hold it over them or get something out of them in the future.
For me it’s about doing the right thing even if I don’t want to or agree with someone on their politics or religious affiliation.