Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer

Mmm…I titled my journal “Path of the Black Dragon” so let’s stick to it, shall we, James? :blush:

The most essential sub at the moment, no matter what you’re running.


Did you read the copy? :point_down: :point_down:


No wonder that this title stacks exceptionally well with Genesis because most aspects of Genesis are included (confidence, calculated risk, action taking, purpose, inner circle etc)

Am I understanding it correctly that while both titles can share the same objectives, both do so from different perspectives?
Or is it more repetitive and a more advanced user could replace Genesis with Limit Destroyer?


To my eye, Genesis is your guide whilst DR:LD is your devil who burns down what stands in your way and your guardian angel that protects you from “evil” and guides you.


It can’t replace Genesis. That’s not the goal. Limit Destroyer has one single goal : annihilate the internal limits that stop you from achieving your goal. Genesis is about finding your purpose and going after it.

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I see you included action taking scripting in all new titles

Could you pls help me understand which of the titles will lit a fire under you the most?

Does Limit Destroyer has more of that scripting than Genesis or GLM: Commander?


Nope. Just to be difficult

The self-sabotage at work yet again. :rofl: C’mon, mate, jump on DR:LD. :blush:


The first limit to get destroyed will be the 3 Sub Stack Limit.

With blessings from Emperor @Palpatine.



That’s considered self sabotage? Not so politely telling me to run Dragon Reborn & this?

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No need to run DR. Just look at the graphics again:

Isn’t it cool? :blush: No need to run DR or dismantle the self-sabotage for now, just get hyped and get on! :grinning:


ROM would be good.




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Can’t help it
You realesed a beauty
I am on Khan Black st1 and Sanguine the Elixir at the moment.
I have run LBfH the last 7 months, CfW and Dragon Reborn st 4.
And prior to that 18 months of Dragon Reborn.
Gona run a loop of that Beautiful title tomorrow.
I have read your warning and I won’t complain

Thank you

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This is an amazing update. As soon as I finished reading the copy, I ran my 1st loop. About 5 minutes after I was done with the loop, I felt this warm feeling in my chest an had this inner knowing that I can handle whatever comes my way.

I usually have trouble seeing results like these, so whatever you’re doing with your latest tech and upgrades, you’re definitely moving in the right direction @SaintSovereign @Fire


The full 15 minutes? or shorter?

15 minutes

May I ask why? I thought that since Elixir is here to transform your thoughts to more positive, it would seem to be pretty aligned withe this new title that also has some positivity scripting in it?

Or is it not the clash that would be the cause of recon? Would it just be too powerful?


This I think. That’s a LOT Of power hitting from different angles at once.

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