Main Disc. Thread - Chosen ZP v2

True that, I’ve been indoors these last few weeks to put Chosen to the test, not doing it justice, currently not in contact with family neither, I have to get out of this house.

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I’m thinking of the word polite, like: “Am I a polite person?” . In truth is I overreact quickly like a b#tch, it’s definitely something I should work on, that’s more gentlemanly.

Chosen Experimental…

1 loop

Dang!!! :crazy_face:

IDK what you guys did with the new experimental version, but my ass is all inspired AF :star_struck:

Got me yapping like a tweety bird :bird:

I FEEL way more happier :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Scarcity mindset GONE :sunglasses:

Increase of followers on Social Media Platforms

Back to working out :weight_lifting_woman:

Good job guys :clap::white_check_mark:

Way less resistance IMO

Waiting for Khan Experimental :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ok_hand:

FYI - Current Stack Khan/Chosen :call_me_hand::heart: But will do the 4 months of Khan before I stack it with ST4.


Khan is already in V2 last time I checked :thinking:

Nice stack though, I’m doing Khan/Chosen as well :+1:


Yeah I had to toss out LBFH , that sub had me way to soaked in my emotions for my liking. But felt it could be used like a booster to KhanSt4, something like Diamond :gem: Zp.

So I Stacked the 3 (KhanSt4/Chosen/LBFH) and it Felt WAY TO DENSE and gave me a headache(overexposure) won’t do that again :weary:

So I stacked LBFH/Khan and it felt VERY So Fucking ZEN 🧘‍♂️😇 I was in the moment with a polarizing effect that went from bliss to deep depth of my soul.
Couple days after a some loops… BAM :boom: All I wanted to do is go to POUND town on any woman of my choosing but it was way to extreme for current situation.

Gave myself a little bit washout before stacking Chosen/KhanSt4 and WOW :star_struck: it so fucking grounded and smooth like butter :butter: that all I wanted to do is dance and be flowing in ecstasy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it felt so balanced :balance_scale:

I did notice very fond memories of friends and music :musical_note: popping up in head frequently and it felt nice to feel like myself again. Leadership on Chosen is right on par with its descriptions. I think when we finally find balance & repetition between these 2 subs together, people in this forum will GAZE with AWE 🫢:ok_hand::sunglasses:

But utimately was considering switching between KHAN/Chosen and or Khan/LBFH when it applies to the situation as they arise :wink::+1:

Khan/Chosen for Deep Sense Purpose
Khan/LBFH for Deep INTENSE F*CKING :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sweat_drops::joy:

We shall see…


chosen is cool lol


So running the CFW led me to start using Chosen and I’m ngl it’s quickly becoming my favorite sub.

  • Goes beyond leadership.

  • I’m a lot more positive in general, which has led to positive manifestations.

  • People just love being around me and I can just talk to anyone.

  • Able to pick up on negative people much easier

  • Learning how to just be a better person in general.

  • Even though I am much kinder, I am also a lot more confrontational. Even more than other alpha subs.

  • People are much kinder to me just in general.

  • Learning how to better control my emotions.

  • Confidence is quickly rising up especially with it being in my primal ascension custom.

  • I also feel like Chosen is maturing me into a better person, to take better care of myself, and get my priorities in check.

13/10 Would run again


I’ve been going back and forth about adding in a third title. Since I already have Sex and Seduction I was going to do that with CFW. Buuuut, I think most immediately and at the same time setting up my long game, I’m going to get started on Chosen. It seems it could be the title I’ve really needed all along. So I’ll be stacking CFW and Chosen.


Perfect description :white_check_mark::raised_hands::sunglasses:

I was dipping into my feelings a little yesterday. So I was looking forward to my first loop of Chosen. I played Chosen From Within first and then Chosen. Since it was Friday I finished with my loop of Ascension Chamber.

Today I’m definitely tired, but I won’t say it’s from the subs. But I also am back in touch with some pleasant sensations in my body. Definitely a slight mood boost. Anxiety is lowered as well. I used to get more anxious if I was tired and maybe didn’t get a full night’s sleep. But definitely having that positivity there is nice.

It was only my first listen and I’d expect some challenges along the way, as with any form of growth. But definitely a title I’m glad to finally be on board for. That positivity does seem to add a layer of protection from getting caught up in the world’s craziness. Plus being able to spread that positivity just by your presence is great.


I’m halfway through my first cycle and yea there’s definitely some “healing” and/or processing going on from Chosen From Within. Very slight though. I’m also doing regular Chosen. I have been noticing more that it’s almost like I just know which people I could probably be friends with. And I’ve been seeing more of them, not a lot but it’s starting to happen. I can’t really explain it it’s just like this new experience, some people definitely just respond better to me. Nice to know that there really are some just basically good people out there who aren’t scheming and scamming and trying to get all they can. So things are still pretty subtle but still moving in a positive direction to where I’m really looking forward to the days and weeks and months to come.


Chosen seems to be really attractive, at least in my experience with it. I’m definitely noticing when it hits, it hits. I wasn’t expecting it to outperform the seduction titles, at least for me. I will say that it could be that the other titles could have been overwhelming so women would never show it and feel safe or okay enough to look at me like they do with Chosen. The bad boys get all the women? Chosen is reminding me that women like the good , chivalrous guys too.


Chosen’s filename has been properly updated. You may redownload whenever.


I had another cool experience with an interested woman. Not gonna explain it but it was out of the ordinary. It’s got me thinking I need to put Alexander’s Play module in my Chosen custom. I’m single but at this point with all this positive attention from the ladies it’s only a matter of time until my natural social butterfly comes out. Maybe that’s why the reports aren’t flowing in on this one these days. People are too busy living their lives and getting all the great results. Also I think it’s when you’re on the right title for you, all areas of your life are going to benefit. I never got any crazy results on the dating titles but Chosen and CFW is outstanding in my book.


A lot of “good girls” were attracted to me when I was running LBfH so I bet it would be a great stack with Heartsong or… WANTED. :blush:

The closer you get to your ideal self the better results/manifestations you get overall.


Today was a loop of CFW followed by Chosen in the evening. I was having anxiety today and it doesn’t happen all the time, but it tends to happen on my listening day until I listen. A few more listens before my 5 day break and so far I’ve had a day with very short recon, and today was probably the most anxiety filled day for me, it was about nothing in particular.

So after my listen I did feel like it took that layer off. I didn’t feel particularly good, just more neutral which was definitely welcome. All I noticed was I was looking at a person while I was driving by and that person immediately looked at me, and I could feel that this was a more positive kind of loving person.

So I will say that it does seem to increase my awareness of who the more genuine or positive people are. I’ve also just been getting some looks like people in the distance and I’ll only notice because they’re looking at me for some reason. I’m not sure what it was they’re just curious I suppose, not used to the unique signature that Chosen gives me or something. I dont’ think I’d like all the Stark attention but so far Chosen fits the bill for me.

These were guys looking at me on work break or something. There we’re two different pairs of guys within like 10 mins. Each time only one of the guys was like starting and the other guy noticed but they weren’t gonna stare obviously like the other guys. I just remained non-chalant doing whatever I was doing, in the past I may have gotten annoyed by it because I’m not a big attention guy and yea, I don’t know what theyre looking at me for but I didn’t feel threatened and just brushed it off.


For that reason I use a “mitigator” in the form of a sub that addresses “sensations” that arise on recon. Those sensations are indicators of deeper issues that surface when they’re in the way of the changes occurring in you thanks to your stack. In my case, it’s about arising hate for humans that is the main form of the recon I’m getting on my current stack (RM, SE, LD, QL). Every time this recon hits me I mitigate it with LBfH immediately. It works like a charm mitigating it and at the same time I feel the execution of my stack gets more profound even a couple of hours after running the mitigator. It’s like getting stronger thanks to overcoming internal crisis that has manifested in the form of recon. I recommend this approach wholeheartedly.


How do you use the mitigator? Just listen to a 15 minute loop?

That’s correct.

The most universal mitigator is, naturally, Sanguine but everyone may need a sub addressing more specific forms of recon like in my case where I treat outburst of hate for humans with LBfH.

As far as I know LD is the best mitigator for social anxiety. You need to test it out by yourself.

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I don’t understand, where is this new file?