Main Disc. Thread - Beyond Limitless Ultima

There’s a romcom movie where a man wakes up one morning and starts hearing his entire life being narrated as he lives it. So he goes in search of the narrator, who is a writer trying to finish her latest novel about him.

There’s also the theory that nothing that is written is actually imagined. Rather, it exists somewhere and the writer taps into it for their story.

May the words be ever in your favor.


We talked about that before where authors can manifest experiences by using their imagination in the writing of the stories.

That is what I hope to achieve by running Mind’s Eye.

I’m a Neville Goddard follower too.

Goddard is big on visualization and imagination. Imagine going through life constantly revisioning. Until it starts to work, people will think you’re in a permanent state of denial. :slight_smile:

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I finished “At Your Command” recently and one thing said in the book is to not state these kinds of things to others :-).

That is, do not discuss your ambitions or desires with another for the other will only echo your present fears. Secrecy is the first law to be observed in realizing your desire.

Good to see more people talking about Goddard just as I get into it. :smiley:

@Palpatine There is a character in the Dark Tower series named Bryan Smith that is based on the guy who hit King. Duma Key is also based on King’s recovery

If you’re a King fan you may want to check out Joe Hill


We’ve been sleeping on BLU. I’ve been running it at 5 loops overnight for roughly, and the cognitive improvements are absolutely insane. There’s very few topics that I’ve encountered recently that I can’t understand or learn. This leads me to believe that I was wrong about my initial thoughts regarding Ultima. I’m starting to believe that they cause deeper change than we anticipated. More info later.


Have you compared it with running QL ST4 looped overnight?

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No, but QL’s script is much more broad. Long-term, it’d cause deeper, wider change. BLU is kicking in much faster and is helping with the things I’m actively studying. Most likely going to start using both.


How is this affecting your sleep quality?

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Told you so ahah! Stark Ultima was amazing in some way


about blu, qlst2 I dont feel much productivity using it… infact less energy overall

  • I took 3 days break and used blu today and still 0 productivity and less energy
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Apologies wrong thread

How many loops of each are you doing ? are you taking breaks every 5 or 6 days ? what action are you taking in terms of learning ?

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ql st2 - one loop
blu - one loop
I study everyday
and I take 2 - 3 days break every weekend to rest

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Have you already completed QL stage 1 ?

If you have already completed stage 1 and your not seeing results on stage 2 i would increase the number of loops to 4 a day. It just might be that you need more frequent listening to the sub.

I’ve skipped QL stage 1,

but in general I’m not speaking about QL, about blu shouldn’t it increase my productivity after listening to it? I dont feel like doing anything overall including studying

Try 2 loops of BLU just before you begin studying. You might even want to leave a few hours window between listening to your main sub and using BLU.

I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle 2 loops

Yes you can i know you can after the first loop grab yourself a cup of black coffee and continue listening to your second loop.

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I’m not sure I need to be tempted to run QL and BLU. Become some weirdo genius who annoys the shit out of everyone because he’s smarter than them or I could do it to prove some narcissistic people I know very wrong about what they think and believe. For so long I have criticized myself for wanting to be more critical and intellectual. Why I have no idea. For someone who prides themselves on their problem solving skills that seems more than a bit counterproductive