Main Disc. Thread - Beyond Limitless Ultima

That’s your brain turning “the machine” on :wink:

Haha. Could be.

P.S i thought it was myself responding as your portrait photo looks similar to mine, especially the colour. Then I saw that yours is that of a tiger.

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You never know, if you listen to BLU too much you might split up!

I’m sending you a profile pic high five :raised_hand::wink:


I love back to back convos with these two noble cats

yes I get my version of this too, it comes and goes

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You have to run commander then,
it integrates parts of you back together.

I also just realized you weren’t kidding, commander is like executive light.
I revisited the sales copy and it even talk about executive presence and decision making.

Congruence and alignment leads to hire executive function.


It was the other way around… :smile:

Bear in mind that Executive is likely to be a free product, while Commander will be priced at $49.99 when upgraded to Ultima.


lol-that makes more sense.

my theory is its a loop
regular commander = Executive Ultima Lite
Executive Ultima=Commander Ultima Lite


Would be interesting to get a Lite version of every main ultima, to increase testing and hype before the main title launch.

Beyond Limitless works well has anyone tried BL alongside Libertine perhaps it will enhance the effects ?

Yes I do BLU 3 -5 times a week, and Libertine now 2-3 times a week.

Libertine certainly works for me solo but all my strongest experience on libertine happen when I am stacking with BLU day of or 1 days apart.

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@Azriel appreciate you sharing your experiences tonight I will stack BL and Libertine however i will keep a 4 hour window between them.

Is Executive Ultima available yet ? if so when ?

of course, I like Libertine 1-2 loops at night, BLU next morning-

Or BLU afternoon and Libertine 1-2 at night-then going out next day, no Ultimas until that night

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I don’t believe it’s available yet

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I think this is where I am going wrong if I am correct in what I am saying if you run libertine overnight whilst asleep it will get assimilated into the unconsciousness more easily, will test this tonight thanks again :slight_smile:

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Soon we shall have it! :smiley:

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Guesstimate is probably by next weekend

Hmm, I was guessing that it would come out with the “surprise” this weekend.

This weekend ? lets hope it lives up to our expectations and its not like that other company that promised an aura subliminal that worked but its fucking rubbish.

Executive functionning seems really relevant for everything “personnal change” related. It is not only work, but discipline, impulse control, emotion control, self awareness, planification, etc.

Boosting executive functions would mean a lot for everybody who seeks growth and change in their lives.

How many times did you lack the discipline to do something you have to do? Follow your diet, go out socialising, ask a girl out, sit down and work, NOT eating an entire bag of cheetos, NOT sitting down in front of porn, going to the gym, meditate… Basically everything that is not easy and require willpower.

BLU and Commander partly influence Executive functionning, but an Ultima title solely dedicated to it? Sounds amazing to me!