Main Disc. Thread - Beyond Limitless Ultima

@SubliminalUser I sort of realized between yesterday and today that Im done and over stressing myself out over societal expectations. Im just going to get shit done and live my life

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Isn’t that what Productivity Unleashed is supposed to do?

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I hope the module productivity unleashed, increases productivity through improving executive function
the way the executive Ultima Executive will.


Yes, and therefore getting aspects of productivity unleashed without getting the module :slight_smile:


Totally, the Ultima will be great, and great value to have.
I just have Productivity unleashed in my custom that just came, and didn’t even realize it might improve executive function. You can be productive without improving executive function-through structures that grease the groove of work actualyl being the path of least resistance. I want to improve my executive function to do stuff that’s productive outside of work lol.


Simon shared a really neat chart for the executive function.


Maybe this weekend there will be Executive Ultima ? :joy: soon :rofl:


Imagine running BLU , EU, and QLQ?

I would like to know, for those who tested BLU and Executive (Stage 1A), what were the differences between the two ?


I don’t think we will see any thing relased or any news till probably next weekend as saint is moving to a new place and moving his stuff into a new facility.

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The hype for Executive is quite something. Imagine stacking it with other subs or ultima titles that involve things the user has had struggles with. I really want to see what would happen if I stacked “Executive” with “Libertine” or “True Social”


Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That Executive can supercharge other superchargers! :astonished:

Morpheus: No, Neo. I’m trying to tell you that when you’re running Executive, you won’t need other superchargers. :sunglasses:




I sometimes hear a faint humming sound when I listen to Beyond Limitless Ultima on my headphones. Am I supposed to hear that ?

That’s your brain turning “the machine” on :wink:

Haha. Could be.

P.S i thought it was myself responding as your portrait photo looks similar to mine, especially the colour. Then I saw that yours is that of a tiger.

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You never know, if you listen to BLU too much you might split up!

I’m sending you a profile pic high five :raised_hand::wink:


I love back to back convos with these two noble cats

yes I get my version of this too, it comes and goes

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You have to run commander then,
it integrates parts of you back together.

I also just realized you weren’t kidding, commander is like executive light.
I revisited the sales copy and it even talk about executive presence and decision making.

Congruence and alignment leads to hire executive function.


It was the other way around… :smile:

Bear in mind that Executive is likely to be a free product, while Commander will be priced at $49.99 when upgraded to Ultima.


lol-that makes more sense.

my theory is its a loop
regular commander = Executive Ultima Lite
Executive Ultima=Commander Ultima Lite