Main Disc. Thread - BDLM ZP (Updated Nov 2023)! Q Core Now Available!

The newest report:

There are plenty if you take a look at my profile.

Oh, there are many reasons people don’t benefit fully from the goodies SC provides us with. You can find plenty info on those reasons on the forums. In my view, the most common is that some people don’t journal or introspect/observe themselves well enough.


So, if I try for 29 days, and nothing happened. My results will invalidate anyone results? The answer is no. If it works, great then! I am not a compulsive returner. I never returned any sub from SC.

I have other titles, I want to buy that are more promising to get results in a short period of 30 days. So, money wise they are less risky to end in the vault of unused subs.

I mentioned once, maybe I have near 85 % of the titles of main store. I know this is your business. I tried, I like it, and I still a customer.

I had results with many titles. But cognitive enhancers, unfortunate, never. Same as you! I do not know the reason. However, other people have seems results. You have suggested take an IQ test before and after in some titles.

Skepticism it is the base of the scientific method. A great way to create knowledge. It should not be as a bad or repulsive treat but a relentlessly pursuing of true! I mean, a scientific true in most cases.

Lion has expressed well the idea that perhaps time will answer my question. I hope!

Maybe you are on reconciliation as well!

Cheers and good luck!

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Curiosity is the basis of the scientific method. Being interested enough in something to form a hypothesis that can be TESTED.

The only really useful kind of skepticism is open-minded skepticism.


Dear Voytek,

I am happy with your results on Wanted Black. I am running it as well. Let’s see if I can get that 9/10 I am targeting.

However, I was referring solely to BDLM results. I meant, it grow? How much?

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EDIT: Oh I think(?) You mean like HB9 or HB10. My bad if so.

There is clearly a language barrier here, so I’m going to make this conversation very simple.

That has nothing to do with us. You may purchase the product, try it for 30 days exactly and if it doesn’t work, get a full refund with no consequence. If you want to test BDLM, you are more than welcome to go this route.

Otherwise, enough.


The scientific method refers to a process of thought based on integrating previous knowledge, observing, measuring, and logical reasoning. “If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.”

I am quoting Richard Feynman.

I have nothing more to add.

Indeed, I am not English native speaker. That invalidate everything I ask?


A girl that is a 9/10. I am referring to expected results with Wanted Black.

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@Salchichon - in summary, what Saint is saying is that no one owes anyone the results they get (in this case, a measured size result). That’s the long and short of it (pun intended lol).

So since the answers aren’t satisfactory, you can either test it yourself or ask in maybe 3 months.

You can repeat the latter for a while (maybe after every 2 or 3 months) and in case money is tight, you don’t purchase the product.

That’s all we can do in this scenario.


You are overthinking it. I bought Diamond to see if it works. I didn’t follow the instructions, thinking I will have the best and greatest erection right away the first time, also because the sales page says use it 1 or 2 hours before bang time. It didn’t worked for me.

So I only listen to it once a week on one pass (single) without other subs. Less than 3 weeks, I have a routine morning logs, the ignition time is controllable meaning I can go longer. My girl is asking me not to take sex drug because it’s bad, when I ask her why did she asked me that question, she told me my PP is much bigger. During bang time I can put my two hands together and see the StarX rocket tip at the end. What I wanted is the hardness not size but I got it anyway. I ask my girl’s consent about playing Diamond, but I didn’t see the results I expected from her.

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There is a medical report that says alcohol, smoking can lower your testosterone, and it goes with age. But they also found out there are 70+(age) men who still drink but have had a good hard erections and they are not taking sex drug - They are all wrong.

They discovered that this men aren’t wearing tight underwear. Our creator design our di*k and balls to swing and sing jingle bells all the way for a good reason. This is also the same with women wearing bras and high heels. But then it is not ethical having no-bra in public places.

I’m a fan of Diamond, LotS and I would highly recommend Emperor Fitness. I have a good sleep with Diamond and LotS improves that further.


Why would it be more ethical for men to have their kok and balls swing and sing, but not for women’s breasts to swing and sing?

I didn’t say it’s ethical but most men wear boxer shorts on top of their underwear or wear nothing underneath whereas in women its revealing and can be seen (it can be scandalous). It was design to swing for health, according to medical report if you keep on wearing tight underwear it will affect your testosterone production.

In women the breast has nerves including the legs that when disrupted using bras and high heels it can cause some medical conditions, an excess or abnormal stress on the joints due to the altered position and gait can lead to arthritis and pain.


Just like that all the dudes start wearing loose shorts and freeball :fire:


In the future, when we moderators and ambassadors are attempting to redirect or encourage you to reconsider, would you please use that as a way to reconsider what you are doing?


@Salchichon, we told you this conversation is over. Everyone’s points have been made. Let’s proceed on.


Why erasing? That is not democratic by any point of imagination.
I did not attack anyone. Indeed, I suggested him to PM me.
But, erasing?
That is controling, man!

Forum: a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.


Enforcing the Campfire Policy here. Let’s move on and focus on the topic - as @SaintSovereign said:

Now back on topic…

Been personally testing BDLM’s physical shifting recently after lessening WB - extremely promising results corroborated by third parties who were intimately familiar with pre-BDLM time.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Take action with BDLM, it’s incredibly effective.


Does BDLM has test boosting “stuff” in it?
