Main Disc. Thread -- A Stark Black Reality (Now Available!)

I think this will end up being my favourite sub


And now you should understand the presults you were getting,.


I certainly do now :joy:

Instant download of this, currently mid loop and Iā€™m already feeling clarity and tranquility filling up my mind.

It feels chill in my mind, like my thoughts are slowing, opposed to the insane rush of thoughts and creativity with the regular Stark.

Will see how it goes,
Oh and yeah, Iā€™m abroad for a wedding, which is tomorrow, so right sub right time :wink:

Though I did already get asked multiple times when am I getting married :joy: like around 12 different people.


Maybe. I am running 2 multistagers EOG and New QL though. I am going to think about this one for a bit.

DAMN this looks so baller, and really takes care of everything I was looking for in a main sub, social, wealth, PRODUCTIVITY/INTELLIGENCE, resilience. Only thing Iā€™m hesitant about is I have been absolutely loving primal. Any issues with stacking the two? @SaintSovereign


I was getting Stark pre results lol.
Wondering how this in a custom replacing stark and working with my remade emperor custom would go


I was definitly getting Stark Black presults as well. It felt like i just woke up and being extra social and popular what snapped me back was realising just how often prople were giving me physical contact for any small reason


The past few days i had a decent amount of random people just be nice to me and try to strike a convo with me lolā€¦ more so than usual


You know screw it iā€™ll just see what happens lol. If they donā€™t mesh well then iā€™ll go back to the drawing board


i might have to add this to my LOTS, HOM/LE custom rotation for the long run


Niles that could be an amazing Stack, I was thinking the same thing, it covers so much of what I am looking for in a sub. But Primal has been calling to me. Wondering how this would do for sales of course. Really looking for the thing that will take my game to the next level before I transition out.

Testing Primal soon as well.


When LE is about to be released, I had plans to create a Intelligence/Productivity custom , but I was struggling to decide on the second subliminal.

Just picture having Stark B with LE - it would be incredible. The only potential ā€˜issueā€™ would be if I also had HoM or Emperor in my other custom, as that could really trigger a strong reaction.

Pairing those 2 subs? Absolutely balling bro :joy: Primal effortlessly speaks with authenticity. When you add in Stark Black, the combination of wealth, intelligence, and fame is unbeatable. Throw NR into the mix and your sales colleagues wonā€™t stand a chance lol.

Bit off topic for 1 sec, but how is that HOM/LE treating you?

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I also wonder this does this one help with sales? Well with fame I guess they jsut buy without you trying to sell maybe hmm.

Bro, canā€™t recommend it enough. Itā€™s just enjoyable as hell to run, very low recon compared to other alpha/status subs, like I can really just enjoy life with a lot of the benefits of something like Khan. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s unproductive by any means but it doesnā€™t give you the same kick in the ass as emperor/stark; or even the new khan it sounds like.

If you were looking for something to take your sales to the next level, and really do a push phase I would say primal isnā€™t it, like you can probably maintain and do just fine while enjoying life, but it doesnā€™t compare to something like HOM which is loaded with the social skills, and wealth manifestation on top of that.

As of now stark black could be the move because it looks like itā€™s packed with more wealth scripting, productivity, social intelligence and the new learning expierience which seem to be bigger difference makers


Given the scope of this subliminal, I may consider getting this.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve run even a full cycle of Stark since I bought the earliest version of the Stark subliminal many years ago.

I wanted to run Quantum Limitless, Mogul or Phoenix Reborn for the whole of this year, or but I realised that problems in different aspects of my life have an impact on me reaching my goals in just one aspect, so itā€™s time for me to go consider a subliminal that enables results in multiple aspects of my life.

ASBR stares at me now, with the appeal of letting me apply the cognitive improvements that I had been building up with Quantum Limitless while also targetting wealth and romance goals.

Iā€™m fine with fame and improving my social life, since my social life has recently been reduced to almost zero because of various reasons, and I realise I donā€™t enjoy being a hermit and workaholic either.

Fame, popularity (in terms of being of value to others), dominance and resilience - Iā€™m happy with all these.

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@SaintSovereign when would you recommend someone to run Stark Black vs Stark?

Is there such a thing as fate?

Nah jk ā€” if youā€™ve done some base inner work, like spent some time with Emperor or Stark. Maybe even Mogul for awhile.


Of course it helps with sales. :wink:

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5 minutes loop of this knocked me out for 30 minutes, had a very slight headache along with fatigue. But then I also had my first result. Got asked to be a commentator for some uni event. Fame is trying to manifest already lol

I declined because there are more negatives than positives for me in this opportunities but itā€™s still nice to see such a fast acting sub.


@SaintSovereign when do you think the Q core for this will be released today with the 1 day delivery as well?