Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

He is from Switzerland.

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Please read the post at the link above.


No from Switzerland

Exept Minds Eye, no.
But visual gifts was never a problem, it’s super simple

Much more interesting is how to create objects


Can we get this effect with Song of Joy or this one scripted differently?


Another development for me is, it’s only been 2 listens so far. I listen again tonight…

The new development for me is that I finally started listening to the audiobook of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I’d known about her probably 20 years ago around when I first got into self development. I just never wanted to pick up her books or find out anything about her. Then years later after she passed away I was following other authors from Hay House, her publishing company.

Well it turns out her whole thing and she says in the first two chapters, no matter what anybody’s problem is that comes to her, the very first thing they work on is self-love. That’s the whole foundation of her work.


With Fearsome in a custom and LBFH as a major, you’re most definitely coming across as an enigma – this is a mixture that will entrance many people. You should call this stack “Xena: Warrior Princess,” or “Wonder Woman,” because that’s the vibe you’re probably giving off.

For those who remember the show, Xena was an absolute badass who even went toe to toe with Hercules (since Xena: Warrior Princess was a spinoff of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys), Ares and all sorts of warlords. She was also capable of extreme acts of kindness and care, full of love.

Those of you who have seen the new Wonder Woman movies, well – you get the idea.


This is a new script that I wrote myself. I can add it to the Q Store eventually.


It’ll subside as you get used to the title. I only ever get an energized feeling now. LBFH only gives me issues when I mix it with As Above, like I was doing. I want to go back to that stack soon, but since we’re knee deep in development, I’m just sticking to LBFH. Occasional loop of The Way of Nature.


So what would happen if I want to love myself more but couldn’t care less about humanity? Would I get severe recon, or maybe not radiate as much love, or would I just radiate something that confuses the hell out of people? “I love you but fuck off”?


Probably recon and a confusing aura that won’t even make sense to yourself. The original Love Bomb would be a better use case in this scenario.


I was wondering why this past weekend and today, women were just super friendly and guys just hovering around me but these 3 incidents stand out as the sub working for me.

  1. This lady was just giggling with every other sentence and just so happy i thought she had some kind of issue :joy:., mind you we are in a professional setting so acting like that is not the norm.
  2. A girl that I have seen multiple times when I got out decided to approach and talk to me, she is very annoying but it is still something out of character for her.
  3. Girl that rarely replies on time, suddenly replies relatively quickly

This man has brought back memories I had forgotten. I loved watching those as a kid. Thank you, I now have something to watch while working.


Mmm Gabrielle


The last time I used Love Bomb, like almost 2 years ago probably. I guess I didn’t have that self love and healing like I needed it. So I wasn’t comfortable with the attention I was drawing with it. I just wanted to be alone and away from people because of lots of unwanted attention, not from LB specifically just due to that lack of healing and self-love while also going through some spiritual awakening crises. Was not a fun time.

But there would be instances where when that LB aura hit people I could see very clearly that they weren’t conscious of it, they weren’t necessarily aware of energy on that level. I could feel their love radiating from them and it was kind of off putting but at that time I was becoming uncomfortably sensitive to all energies and that was the main reason I wanted to be alone.

Unfortunately for me I couldn’t hold a job like I wanted because it was just absolutely insane but I guess what hasnt’ been in the world for the past however many years.

I can’t say your situation is exactly like mine but I just want to tell you that LBFH is performing extremely well for me. I know when I had that love within it can’t help but radiate and people wanted to hate on me for that. But LBFH is really balanced and for me it seems to not attract unwanted attention and it’s light protection aura is just what I need to insulate me enough to continue work on myself without feeling like I’m under attack from those negative,unconscious, envious types.

I’m not being paid for my posts! LBFH is a free title. It’s just like me and LBFH are two peas in a pod. A kind of sweeet romance, lol.


I vouch to call this module Laughing Buddha.


Yes, indeed! :heart_eyes:

  • LBFH feels better with each loop I play. It caused a profound sense of self love, joy and happiness within me. The feeling was overwhelming for a few seconds but then I consciously adjusted to it. This is how I can tell a new level of love has been unlocked within me. WorldBreaker played right after and motivated me with a sense of power, to act out this combo by manifesting a reality that reflects my new level of self love in all ways.

  • I was reminded of a tough lesson by finding out a close family member of mine has been talking shit behind my back. Not worried about it, just reminds me that my own love is pure, unconditional and the best type I could ever have. It blunts any potential pain or negativity anyone could throw at me for any reason. Also motivates me to love myself even harder.

  • The looks on people’s faces when they see me now…hilarious, they look shocked and hypnotized at the same time…like an “oh shit” type of look. In private I crack up about it, which in turn helps be reap extra benefits from the way LBFH utilized laughter to help you heal from trauma. I know WorldBreaker is also contributing to this. Think it’s the energetic development part that makes my energy system and signature stronger each time I played a loop of WorldBreaker. I’m quite sure also that the wellspring of love energy within me is what’s enhancing the reaction ppl have upon seeing me.

  • Also noticed that I felt slightly disgusted while eating some fast food. I’ve improved my diet over the past few months and even thought I don’t overdo fast food, I’ll probably start consuming even less of it ( eventually I want to cut it out altogether).

  • congratulated a coworker for hitting his sales goal. Although the way he bragged about it annoyed me a little I was genuinely glad to see him hit his mark. Figured that was better than having another person around me that acted stressed and defeated.

  • Noticing my movements are getting way more graceful and smoother.

  • Another new female coworker came and sat in my row. We were engaged in normal conversation with the female coworker (another new one) from the previous post that seems to have a crush. Some time later she said she was having a tough time on calls and came to sit right between me and the other female. She chose me of all the ppl on the row to sit next to, and was actually pretty helpful to me on a particular call. Even once a team lead told her to jump back on the phones since we were busy, she still stayed next to me until the team lead came back around, like she didn’t want to leave my side.

  • Starting to feel like the once seemingly bottomless void of rage I had in my heart, is being replaced by loving energy and higher wisdom. Feels like I’m returning to who I’m supposed to be as opposed to the pessimistic, embittered and silently enraged person I’ve largely been since I was 14.

  • Starting to notice that the aura generated by LBFH is most attractive to the “good girl” archetype.


This makes sense. I also have Edge of Danger, Fenrir, Invincible Presence… This custom was designed so that I could have a better handle on a troubled person who was targeting me. I mostly get stares, respect, and admiration when I use this custom, but I’m seeing the fear when I combine it LBFH. lol


I ran LBH at one loop and gave it ago days ago i felt nothing.

Perhaps my emperor custom and spartan are overwriting LBH ?.


Something I noticed. When I ran this last week I felt really good. But then life caught up to me and it faded. I don’t think it was so much the shift in mood, but the excessive importance I placed on maintaining that positive state that brought me down a bit. Being in a good place and then losing it my first thought is always “what did I do wrong”? Completely ignoring the fact there are other valid emotions coming up that need acknowledgement.

I guess I’m actually calibrating what self love is in my own mind and getting down to the digging this week.