Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

a script targeting only people we know ?

or we chose ?

My Man, now we talking



Some women and men liked to be pee’d on. Reminds me of that Dave Chapelle skit with R Kelly, had me weak :joy:


Please don’t make jokes because of someone is peeing a little more


I’m with you on this one, adult nappies are always an option or like Saint said just don’t listen to it anymore.


As long as there is no Pain in the pee pee everything is all right


Maybe scripting to help you respond to those situations with humor and grace.


Good, I confirm that I have tried sequences of 3 to 5 minutes a day, every day for 4 days at the same time, LBFH is a viagra that takes effect 10 minutes after listening.


I wonder how LBH would mix with khan or wanted …… actually I wonder how they would be in a custom lol

Some findings:

Research has shown there is a strong correlation between stress, anxiety, and the bladder.

Fear is the emotion of the kidneys and the bladder, organs associated with the water element. It is a normal adaptive emotion but can become chronic when ignored. Kidney issues often arise when we are dealing with fear, such as a change in life direction or unstable living conditions.

It was not thorough research but it seems that there’s a correlation between the bladder and the emotions in question. It may be that LBfH is dealing with our traumas related to those emotions and the peeing is the side effect of that. It’s only a hypothesis though, of course.


Reading all the reviews of LBfW, I decided that I would do just one loop of it, as I was on my washout schedule.

I didn’t feel anything after the loop. It has been two days since, and the biggest result from it is that my mother is talking to me again.

I and my mother had a huge fight on a really small issue to the point that we were not on talking terms for more than a month. And the thing is my mother can REALLY hold grudges for long, there are cases where she has been doing it for her entire life. So it IS a very big deal.


Okay everyone, enough joking about urinating. Let’s get back to LBfH.


I love that Titel.

Please upgrade it, make it stronger, shine some diamond on top and enjoy the whole thing


I mean, then it wouldn’t be “A Love Bomb For Humanity.” The point is the spread universal love far and wide, allowing those who come in contact with the aura to spread it themselves (with consent). If you want more control, you’ll have to use Love Bomb or Heartsong, something like that. Continuing to use LBFH will probably result in even more experiences where people are shocked by the aura you’re giving off.

Thing is, this isn’t happening with everyone and you mentioned it also happened with you on Wanted. You may need to consider the fact that you’re possibly just a sexy beast and when you go out with these very potent auras, it attracts people even more.

I don’t know what bill you were paying, but based off the interaction you posted, I think her saying “wow, that’s expensive” was her flirting in a weird way, especially if this bill is related to your income somehow. She was being awkward in saying, “oh, you must have some wealth!” When you didn’t respond favorably, she got nervous and just blurted out what she was feeling at the time: universal love. Of course, this is just my opinion on the outside looking in, but remember – people are NOT used to this kind of universal love, especially in today’s world. They may not know how to deal with feeling it.


This is possible, but I really think it’s the result of more energy usage. In fact, it could actually mean that the bodies of those who experience this are more efficient at eliminating those wastes. Whenever you transform one form of energy to another, there’s always a byproduct. You burn gasoline, you get smoke. Nuclear facilities produce nuclear waste. You eat food, you get nitrogen and other chemicals that must be expelled from the body in the form of fecal matter and urine.

Now, in an ideal state of nature, these byproducts would then be recycled and reused to create a closed system of energy creation and cultivation. For example, the fact that you can use urine as fertilizer. In fact, the only reason we can’t use human feces is because of the chemicals we consume as “food.” The plants would absorb that and we’d end up consuming it again. But, if that didn’t occur, your waste would become food for the plants and a way for them to procreate – the ultimate form of synergy between humanity and nature.

Now, if we want to get a bit more esoteric:

An emotion like love can only fill your being to the extent that you allow. The reconciliation process is part of that “purging” of blockages and emotions, both of which have been theorized to reside in the body rather than the brain. This is why a lot of people experience trauma release when doing deep stretches – breaking into tears of joy and the such. Part of this purgative healing process – which begins in a spiritual / astral real – induced by the energy of love flowing into you, would manifest in the material world as a natural metabolic process.

Remember that – as above, so below. When something happens “above” or “within,” it manifests in our realm as something that occur naturally. Subliminals focuses your true intent so strongly that sometimes, you get these results that your mind recognizes as unusual.

But again – NONE OF THIS IS MEDICAL ADVICE. Please see a medical professional if anyone is worried.


Read this, mate. :slight_smile:


I noticed today that my body feels hotter than usual and that that’s related to the body’s metabolism. What you wrote makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you.


As well as that, if you are listening to the Masked it does sound a bit like men peeing in gentleman’s urinals.
Could also be a natural response.


Thank you !

This makes complete sense to me :blush:

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