Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

It shouldn’t be the case. If anything it helps us grow inwardly.


Its weird because I recall moments back in the early to mid 90s telling a couple of different people that all I ever wanted was to be loved.
I probably heard it said to me multiple times that I had to learn to love myself first and foremost. I was miles away from grasping the validity and value of what they were trying to tell me.
Loving yourself takes away neediness and desperation.


I’m feeling like dropping DR and just doing LBFH.

Maybe add in something relating to wealth or other goals.

Maybe this is recon. Maybe I am sabotaging.

Maybe I am not.

Oh boy. :crazy_face:


Could try out CWON for a session. It could be really grounding and you’d get to test it before winter, if you’re in the northern hemisphere and enjoy the last few months before snow season. :smiley:

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I’m on a washout ready to jump into stage 4. I remember after I finally finished stage 1 I took one cycle to do another title because I felt like I needed a break. Then I got back on DR and been on it ever since.

I’m noticing just having I guess my energy channels and chakras cleared up. Just feeling like a flow or spaciousness that I’m just not carrying whatever I was. It’s nice.

I think LBFH really added a new and needed dimension for me. This self love is really dropping my attachments to things and so it’s also cleaning up my anxiety issues pretty nicely.



So I didn’t wanna mention this before, but I’ve tried lbfh twice now, and both times I got presented with the most unexplainable and random manifestations of opportunities, the first one being a new role at work (which involves a department change, but will result in massive fame), and the second one was today, I got a new job offer from the Olympics, with significantly higher monthly pay, which is also nice as it involves working with the biggest global sports brands, like Nike, adidas, puma, etc.

Other than that, I’m loving myself more, and doing things for myself, like it’s not like the amusement of Stark where I just do whatever I want for my enjoyment and stuff, but more like, I do things because I want to give myself all the happiness that I truly deserve.

Other than that, if y’all feel like this sub is giving you any physical shifting (especially your face), then I think you’re a bit off, as it’s more about the reflection of the universal love you radiate physically from within you, which does make you look more attractive.


Ive noticed that LBH recon melts away when you engage in physical contact, at least for me. If thats the case for you too, please share.

I talked previously about how petting a kitten showered me in loving energy and melted the recon away.

On monday I was experiencing some pretty nasty recon and we started watching a movie with my girlfriend, she hugged me with her whole body and used a hand to rub my head for a while, then my chest… Immediately I felt waves of love and pleasure and recon started melting away. She then stated how much she loves me and that was it, my mood shifted completely and I could enjoy the movie.


It depends how good your eyes are

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I have noticed recently with LBFH that I have stopped over eating. Way smaller portions or I am fasting for longer.


Now someone has mentioned it about opportunities. I will tell my experience regarding money out of the blue.

Ever since i started running LBH, I started getting new customer inquiries and last two days ago I got money out of the blue, because it’s not related to what I sell. So, I bought another 3 new subs, Sage, Emperor, Mind’s Eye. The rest of the money I allocated for my couple of month’s expenses.

More than a decade ago, I have done reflection on myself when I took very mild psychedelic and used something like mind mapping just on a piece of paper. My aim was to find out about why my life sucks. It did point to LOVE. So, it is interesting to me by using LBH for just a total of 3 loops It seemingly coincide with opportunities.

My current stack is Wanted, LBH, Paragon C. until the end of this month.


After testing lbh and I am loving it . Now comes the question in my mind since reading the sales page of lbh

What is this transformation looks like In the eyes of @Fire & @SaintSovereign

What do you mean by global alchemy ?

What’s the possible scenarios (the good and the bad ) or outcomes we may witness world wide ?

Thanks in advance :sparkles::blue_heart:


I’ve been noticing plenty of favourable “coincidences” since I started running the sub. On top of that, I’m getting used to the notion that everything is in the right and the only flow and all I really need to do is to fasten the belt and enjoy the ride.

My sister who is doing the sub got a very nice job opportunity out of the blue. Nice.


You’re keeping me inspired and motivated as my car is approaching the final stretch of the Dragon Reborn journey. My tires are shot, my engine is ready for a tune up, definitely need some body work. Funnily enough I saw plenty of cars with dingers on my way to work today. lol

That’s what kept me going for so long, doing my best to live and know as reality the statement, “Feel love and know that everything is perfect. When the Love is complete, that problem, no matter what it is, will drop away.”


I witnessed the humor/laughter scripting in action today

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Some are calling it “The Great Reset,” others are calling it “The Great Awakening.”

I see it for what it is: more divide and conquer, and we’re letting it happen, so we’re all to blame.

That’s up to you.


Started using LBFH along DR3 (only 4 listens now), I think its already making a difference

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The funny thing with LBH : I was in the airplane. My neighbor was a young lady not very talkative. After several hours, I listened to LBH. And then, after 2 hours she was talking to me a little bit more, with a lot of smiles. When we arrived at the airport you know what she did ? she said " I am taking your carry-on bag from the overhead bin" I told her that I will do it myself and I will be the one to help her. But she refused and did it, she took my bag and gave it to me !!! she was small and thin, not strong, and I am not old or sick ! And you know what she told me when giving me my bag ? For 8 hours of trip I enjoyed your vibes, I feel better ! Well, we were mostly silent during this trip, but there is an unconscious/non verbal communication which is very strong with LBH. Fascinating this sub ! Everyday I discover new things with it !


I’m on day 5 of my washout and I’m feeling really good today. Watching the new Top Gun and I feel kind of giddy like I’m skipping school for the first time or something lol.

I’m almost apprehensive about starting sanguine/lbfh tomorrow together. But on DR st 4 I think there’ll be times I’m glad I did though!

It’s been about 4-5 years since I felt this. It’s literally the being high on life state. I’d actually like to go beyond it to some of that peacefulness. But I think I’ll be able to work with this, there is probably some resistance in me to feeling this good.


I feel like this has been going on for longer than since the pandemic started. I have told my wife and others multiple times how somewhere between 2010 and 2014 the mood and energy just began to feel different. I haven’t figured out what it is or was or how to explain what it felt like.


Yes, I totally agree. I think it was related to the social media global explosion.

How are your vibes on LBfH?