Main Dev. Thread - Spartan: Apex Warrior and The Legacy

@SaintSovereign would you say this sub is more of an “exercise motivation” orientated ?. Or does it also make changes internally for example hormone balancing to achieve optimal muscle growth ?


I am so excited about Spartan and Legacy. I really want to get back into shape but haven’t acted on it.

My only concern is that I don’t want to give up Ascended Mogul. I WANT IT ALL!!! :smiley:


Going Super Saiyan on this sub hahahaha

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Both and more :wink:


Are you going to list some of the submodules out on the sales pages like you did with the first few subliminal products


Still deciding. Had a large number of refunds and support emails because people were thinking each module was a separate file.


@Kaprice just stack it woth your existing stack and you shoukd be ok

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I figure there must be an “alpha male” component to Spartan: Apex Warrior, but how might it compare, contrast and integrate with the scripts of Ascenscion and Primal?


Maybe it can be solved by creating Techical Thread on forum! Where all insterested people can get more details about modules (knowning more about modules somehow improve integration for me). Of course, not trade secrets but general description of modules. And on main site just leave general description without specifics.


Will thw product.raise testosterone levels ?

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It’s on the table. As someone who is on TRT, I can assure you that the process is more involved than just raising testosterone levels. There’s a whole “balancing act” that goes on, one that requires me to get expensive blood work every 3 months. If anything, we’ll try to balance all hormones.


That awnser my question, I might run this sub this summer to heal my body :smiley:


Thanks Sovereign I am in the low end of T hence me asking. I believe IGF2 is more important to muscle growth. I only there was a.sub that could raise t.levels

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Is the supercharger meant to listen right before training for maximum effects?

Also is in Spartan teachings of Wim Hof included like his penetrating mind control and ability to stay longer in the cold

It is meant to be listened at least once in a day, preferably at least once in the morning and once in the evening.

Not sure about penetrating mind control, but you will definitely be able to control your mind at peak efficiency while working out or doing something physical. As for staying longer in the cold, depends if that is your goal, then the subliminal will be able to help you with that.


Couldn’t you state that those are the sub modules in the script or some of them so people don’t think oh i’m getting like 10 files lol?


can i get a link to purchase the bundle together since i have my discount code and would like to use it to buy the products

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Add Spartan to your cart, pay for it and it’ll trigger the one time offer.

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So I am hoping Spartan will encourage the development of a “Warrior Alpha” mindset which I would see as having differences with the “Social Alpha” of Ascension and the “Sexual Alpha” of Primal.