Main Dev. Thread - Skill Based Titles


I think hyper specific titles are going to be arriving more and more than we realize, especially since their effort to reward is so high and as the Q store evolves with more modules for customs. And their AI project that will help craft customs for people.

The two titles I requested wouldn’t necessarily be difficult to craft with their current technology, minimal effort, and it would continue attracting people to SubClub.

Run a narrow title, see results, then dive into deeper more generalized titles knowing that these subs work.


Yeah i think you’re definitely right there

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@SaintSovereign what do you think?

Any insight you can give us on this?

I"m actually very curious now that my dear friend sparked this conversation.

Martial Arts Mastery X

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I expect this’ll be released now that you mentioned it

Honestly, you could just run RICH for this and get phenomenal results. RICH shines when you have an easy path to income available. Tips from being in a service position is exactly that.

Brilliant. Think like him (both of them, actually – this is a good convo). If someone really wanted to do this, they could run Renaissance Man or Stark and apply it to this. Remember that the scripts are open ended. You can use them for any number of purposes. For example, the new Gaming Mastery X is based on Revelation of Mind. That was not the original intention. The original GMX was based on Limitless. Who knew?

There’s always something new to discover, always a new adventure. Life was meant for exploration. Don’t limit yourself.

I wish that were true, lol. It is not. Sometimes, it takes a lot more effort because we have to do a ton of research to discover the essence of what makes someone good at a skill. Using the above GMX example, we originally thought that Limitless would be the better scripting base for. So, why did Revelation of Mind make a better base?

Limitless focuses on cognitive and skill growth over time and less about executing in the moment. You will still get incredible gains, but RoM is about being in the now and penetrating the mysteries moment by moment, which fits learning an intense game. You must be very present and relying on cultured instinct, which is shaped by long term experiences. Limitless is better for studying a lot of information for recall in situations that doesn’t have that focus on NOW. For example, studying for a medical or legal exam. During those tests, you don’t have that pressure to react within 2 seconds or fail. This is hard to explain, but those who get it will get it.

Think like him if you want to understand making money and meeting customer expectations. Also, too many titles means too many SKUs to maintain, and we’ve already got a lot.

Good point. Also subconsciously teaches people to create pathways to manifestation. I still think RICH or another title could do just as well for these individuals.

This also. Good understanding.

Despite the fact that I said it’s harder to make, this is true too. Simply because we want to try it. We do the things others won’t, even if it’s not profitable. We see life itself as alchemy and you can’t learn something unless you try it.


I wonder if these two approaches to cognitive and knowledge development (i.e., the focused objective development of Quantum Limitless and the unfolding, present-immersed development of RoM) converge over time. Whether they might yield similar outcomes over a long enough duration of time.

:dragon: Dragon Reborn: Habit Destroyer :dragon:

Core Objective: identify, and neutralize all habits deemed bad based on your own conscious guidance and general reinforcement of good habits.

Edit: basically Limit Destroyer but entirely centered around habits. Atomic Habits by James Clear would be a solid resource for scripting @SaintSovereign



I would by this without any second thought


Great book with what I have read of it. That would be an amazing sub.

Run both Quantum Limitless and ROM . It would be fascinating to see what that does for someone

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Not enough space right now. But you know? I’ve run QL for 24 months now. So I think that it’s integrated enough into my baseline mental process and structure by now that we’ll still get some useful insight into this question.


Approach mastery X :smiley:


Strength mastery X
Just like fitness subs, but purely focused increasing strength.

There’s a phenomenon where if you only train your right hand, your left hand will still get stronger even if it’s just a fraction of what your right hand can do. It’s all about how good the connection between your brain and muscle is. This sub aims to focus fully on increasing that connection. also reducing limitations your body put into how much strength it can muster without sacrificing health & safety.

physical look is a nice side effect but it’s not the focus of it.

Flexibility mastery X
Become the human rubber lol

Acrobatics/gymnastics mastery X
It’s like muay thai/boxing mastery, but about performing strength & coordination based movements.

Edit: i should’ve put this in the roadmap shouldn’t i lol

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Primal seduction

Did run it for many months and SS, too

If it’s not getting you results that a “you” problem not a subliminal problem. There already is an approach mastery X subliminal it’s called Primal Seduction

Run Genesis until your flow factor increases


I will use emperor/kb and wb til the end of the year


How would Genesis do that? genuine question, because if it does I might give it a shot

Crazy magic is all we know for sure