Main Dev. Thread - 12

My hopeful guess is that 12 may have to do with the 12 astrological signs. Either that, or something to do with the Hermetic Laws from the Kyballion? Though there’s only 7…hmmm.

The 12 Executive functions guess sounds kinda on the mark.

…as do the majority of your guesses.


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I think it’s a very powerful new program designed to help develop patience. :wink:


The two people that guessed it the closest should get a free sub…hows that fellas…:laughing:


Considers compiling a list of all former guesses and copy and pasting

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Now we know that the answer is in here, someone please do a digest with all mentioned ideas!


Wishful speculation


Hint: Someone in this thread has guessed correctly.

Wondering if the thread actually has the guess, and not just a person guessed it correctly happens to be posting in the thread…


And it will make a lot of people “very happy”

Main Disc. Thread - Sanguine Ultima

I dont know but i am feeling similar effects so it might have something of its script in it.

Main Disc. Thread - Sanguine Ultima

Ultima stage 3 has sanguine in it? Makes perfect sense

No Sanguine. You’re experiencing the Ultima Core.

Main Disc. Thread - Rebirth Ultima

“feel good” scripting […] taking action…

So it is an Ultima? + 30-60 Minute Q track.


There is more than one mp3 involved.

Peut-Être proclaims nothing at all. It is both question and answer, a non-committal promise, tinged with hope; it is a word symbolic of youth.

The product is new tech, from which the tech will eventually permeate the rest of the product line after 12 is community tested.


Hint #4: Saint’s statement is not 100% accurate. :slight_smile:
Alright, you get a freebie. WhiteTiger is warmer than SubliminalUser.


12 is back under production

Which points me to this post by azriel earlier, which I agreed with when it was first posted…


Saint: At this point if we just throw out a number, really any number I bet they’ll go crazy and create a universe of theories, maybe even some good ideas for future new subs. Should we use 42, @DarkPhilosopher seems to like that one. Something to do with the answer to the universe.

Fire: 12

Saint: 12 it is

The product is both finished (End Result), but in development (Polishing).


Glances at the thread replies in despair

We are still in the first circle of hell. Limbo



Naw, I’m not that cruel. 12 is real. :wink:



I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

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As we dream here,

Something appears suddenly…

We see, but what for.

You can only select 10 minimum modules for Q customs currently. Maybe that’s been increased to 12?


@Michel - that would be cool. Also if maximum is increased to 12 x 2 = 24. And maximum cores without custom being too dense = from 3 to 4. Can put in all 4 stages from the multistages then


Saint reminds me of that character called the Riddler from Batman.


Thats it raphael :slight_smile:

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Good analysis, do you have a final guess Special Investigator @user9437773791397760 :face_with_monocle:

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I like the post by blackice, Prometheus. self sacrifice to pursue knowledge… punishment is worth the collective benefit.

Knowledge will set you free, and in this case prometheus sets the world on fire.

This is symbolic of the transition from animal to rational animal (Aristotle).

Trickster archetype is invincible. Birds (Birds are ancient tricksters, few surviving dinos, evolved flight technology) torture prometheus, representing the survival and struggle of mans ascent from darkness into the light (Fire).

The ability to control Fire, is about separating and controlling animal consciousness (Fire), from the rational (Water). Water will always douse fire, so one must maintain balance in this regard, risk of evaporation or extinquishment.

Evaporation - Reversal of evolution.
Extinguishment - Weakness, no strength to survive.

Of course we live in another world, where on can still evolve despite systemic evaporation.

How I would use this personally idk… similar to transcendent module… But not too sure atm.


Just realized this concept has overlap with The Forge (Evolution), Informaticon, and Growth Through Pain, Noice.


Reminds me of the pre-Q days. There was always a default delay of at least one week past the announced release date.

Actually, I was pretty much expecting an announcement yesterday, but it didn’t come.

Maybe they accidentally glued Saint behind the sound treatment panels. And they work so well, nobody can hear him shout for help. Fire’s too busy with 12 to notice. And Saint’s girlfriend is passive-aggressively ignoring him because he spends more time with his new studio than he does with her. Poor Saint. :slight_smile:

At the risk of revealing too much but blaming it on the delay causing me to run out of hints…

Hint #8: Without Ultima, 12 would not exist in the current form.

I have to say I really like obewan’s recap.

I have a question though, something that’s been bothering me.

Without making any commitment, say WhiteTiger is correct and we’re talking about Ultima upgrades (even though 12 has been referred to in a singular form multiple times), I can’t reach 12 items. At best I reach 10. So which 12 would it be then?


I recall @SaintSovereign mentioning that custom subs already have a “free” module to “wrap” all modules in the order (or something like that). So that actually makes 11 modules for a 10-module custom sub order. What if there is another module to have that custom sub more “Ultima-like”?

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OMG a custom Ultima supercharger?

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Let’s put that one to rest, the limits for the store will remain at 10-20. For now anyway. Also, I don’t think we are at the point where any sub can be Ultima’d. Ultima still has rigid requirements.

I could be wrong, but assuming I know what 12 is and I don’t think we can Ultima customs yet, one can deduce 12 is therefor not a means to Ultima your customs.

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Sounds like the current form makes for a very efficient “12” :wink:

The guesses are getting warmer :wink:

Well, ultima upgrade could mean Ultima V2…

If all the current Ultima Titles are getting upgraded, BLU, Libertine, Rebirth, Limit Destroyer and Sanguine, we are at 5.

Then we add the current supercharger waiting to be converted to ultima. As above, so below, Dreams, beast within, commander, elexir, legacy and true social, we add 7 to 5. Which is 12.

Only thing is, we have no place for the executive here. Which would mean that the upgraded Ultima Tech might not apply a significant ant gain to all the supercharger, so maybe some of the ultima won’t be upgraded or some of the supercharger won’t be upgrades.

SaintSovereign mentionned that Fire was working on a tech that would make Libertine Ultima more effective and powerful, hence the need to upgrade more than one title and the dealy between the first announcement of “the executive” as a freebie which was already supposed to be developped a while ago, but wasn’t released.

@DarkPhilosopher you told us you were running The Executive, why wasn’t the product released? My guess is, you are running an experimental version and now they are polishing the product. As you said earlyer, just upgrading the product doesn’t equal 12, I would not pronounce myself to know exactly which product are released with 12, BUT you said in the beginning of the thread that Libertine Upgrade, ultima and Executive all had something in common :wink:, hence Ultima “V2”, or some kind of upgrade to ultima, which could be applied to 12 titles.

They are upgrading some titles right now, Executive and Libertine are two of them.


Let her run seductress …lol