Magick and the subs

Believe it or not, it is entirely true. It’s not that we one day wake up with the Earth having a gravitational pull that’s 1/2th of what it was the previous day.

Physics takes a look at the Laws of physical existence, yet in similar fashion emotions, thoughts, and all of the reality operates under strict Laws. Otherwise, everything would be in complete Chaos, would it not? Life is a mechanism where every action has an equal and opposite reaction that maintains balance.

No books or knowledge will give you this understanding besides the necessary awareness to SEE it.


That’s hilarious. Something I haven’t shared is that back in 2014 I seriously considered joining the local Ordo Templi Orientis or O.T.O. until I realized there is this whole social aspect involved. I didn’t have a whole lot of free time then either


I don’t know. Given the premise and purpose of Quantum Limitless I am inclined to disagree with you there

Everything is magick.


In yoga, practicing “magic” is called Inferior Path which leads the yogi to his fall. Attaining supernatural powers is only a byproduct of the Path of the Yogi. The goal is complete liberation from suffering and becoming a “walking happiness”.

Subs are a tool which helps you conduct inner and outer transformations. Nothing more.

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You are full of surprises, arent you…



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@James Personally, I dislike using the word “Magick”. I think you would feel more comfortable just coming up with a word that you can use to replace the word “Magick”. Maybe find a scientific-sounding term that resonates with you, and you may have less problems with it.

Everything is about how you view the world, and language just is a tool. Scientifically, Hermit, King, Saint Sovereign, Fire, Simon, Joa93 appear to exist because your mind rendered us in your reality aided by various cognitive tools.

Actually, actually, none of us exist and we are all expressions of your reality.

If you want to believe that Harry Potter, Jesus Christ, Krishna, Mother Teresa , Mark Zuckerberg, Chewbacca or Pikachu is writing this to you, no one’s stopping you.

Why use some scientific term? For thousands of years it’s been called “ritual”.

Whatever, my point is that @James should use whatever term he is comfortable with. If he doesn’t understand English, maybe he would be less uncomfortable with the word Magick and could find something that resonates with him more in another language.

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I agree because that word has so many fantastical connotations. Perspective or mindset is far better. Recently I came across the term " internal map of reality " and I really like that a lot. It feels like a combination of perspective and mindset


You mean Chopra-cise it. :joy:


Don’t "Pray to God seeking a blessing."

"Set an Intention to steer your Reticular Activation System to percieve desired Synchronicities in the Quantum Field of Infinite Potentiality."

Don’t "Do a ritual to invoke courage."

"Transpose an Emotion from a Past Memory to a Future Action, by applying a Spatial Anchor using Circle of Excellence from Neuro-Linguistic Programming."

Don’t "Ask for wisdom and support from Angels and Demons."

"Create an Imaginary Mastermind with Billionaires and Leaders of the past."

Or if you prefer

"Quantum Jump into Parallel Universes to learn from Other Yous and Future Yous."

The need to Sound Scientific is Mental Masturbation. :man_facepalming:t2:



@Simon I was wondering when someone would say something like this…seems that belief in science and science alone is limiting.

Belief in college textbooks is limiting.

Applying the Scientific Method to all easily & cheaply testable experiments is smart, liberating, fun … and sometimes, highly rewarding.

:wink: :+1:t2:

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Don’t blame me for this crap. I just ask questions.
- Science

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Interestingly, it is people like Deepak Chopra who make me lose faith in spirituality and “Magick”.

Thank God there is only one Deepak Chopra in this world.

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@King I lost it when everything was tagged as " Quantum "

My Wife calls him Deepshit

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And me when I realized that it was some guy disguised as Santa. :smiley:

Science is like sex: Sometimes something useful comes out of it, but that’s not the reason we are doing it.” -Richard Feynman


Depends on what kind of magic you’re talking about. There are different kinds. There’s the magic that I have: eloquent speech. @SaintSovereign also has this. Others might also achieve this magic through Mercy Protocol + Dragon Tongue + Cleansing of the inner garbage that’s preventing you from expressing yourself.

And there’s the magic where you contact demons, which is ill advised because you will lose your hereafter and land in hell… for eternity.

@Hermit knows all too well how bad that type of magic is.