Mac's StarkQ Journal [Stacked]

@Azriel, actually there was another possibility I was looking at. I’m going to be running Quantum Limitless anyway, so I thought for productivity, work-force, masculinity yet adding that feminine spark and touch – I could also run; Ascended Mogul, Quantum Limitless St 3 and Daredevil in a Custom.

Of course with modules such as Godlike Masculinity, Lion IV perhaps even Power Unleashed in order to create my own Stark like Archetype with added masculinity.

Seems like a solid custom.


Will you do this? the whole multi-stage or stage 1 then 4?
Extremely curious about your thoughts on Khan if you run it.

Is this on the horizon?

This would be very solid and powerful custom, especially from what you’ve shared on your current goals are. It also seems like the next evolutionary step of your own subliminal curriculum. Adding the mogul, social, and intelligence factors to Ascension.

There does seem to be programming unique to Stark though, that I have not seen in the other modules or customs
Magnetic presence and social appeal, fame, becoming a prodigy in chosen field, Inner circle business connections, modified Empire script to build a mega corporation in your field etc…

are you ‘willing’ to stack…non customs or custom and non-custom…or looking to run one title at a time?

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I am sure they are already getting support mails asking about Atlas Shrugged haha

Let’s say it is not on the horizon, yet.

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Oh and sorry for taking that thread over.

I hope it is okay TarMac


All good :slight_smile:

@Hermit, I’ve only recently added KhanST3, and I felt it working immediately. But the drive is very similar to Emperor for me (plus added sexual thoughts).

I feel Emperor has grown on me as it’s my most-listened sub; I haven’t feel effects as pronounced as when I originally ran it. I actually haven’t run as many loops/day since the Q version came out, but I think its time to start getting in some serious listening time, and just hammering in the loops like I did with Version 3.

Part of the reason I felt KhanST3 so quickly is probably because it’s a recent addition to my stack.


A bit of a lazy/nonproductive last week and weekend. TLDR smoked hella weed, ended a month nofap streak, and didn’t work in my course. I did go to work and workout though, so I can’t really complain.

So now it’s been twice I’ve ended a nofap streak with the Covid excuse: “Well I don’t wanna risk getting sick and miss work by going out and meeting women, so obviously this is the responsibile thing to do”. Anyways, tis life, back on the ball for me.

This is yet another type of escapism/addictive personality at play; I have to constantly fight it my entire life. No worries, my willpower will get stronger because of this.

I’m reminded of Rob Lowe talking about his alcoholism and recovery, that “No matter how far you drive along the highway, you’re always 10 feet from the ditch”. I related so much to that.

I have been running an overnight ultrasonic stack consisting of Emperor, KhanST3, and Admiral and Commander on loop. Libertine and BLU occasionally.

I will say I had an incident of internal rage while running a loop of BLU when someone at work told me not to do something for safety reasons, despite doing it themselves minutes ago. Of course, I controlled myself, but I think this was the confidence building portion of BLU at play.

Also a notable incident today. This morning all I ran BLU and went and did several errands. Freaking ALL eyes on me. Men, women, everyone. And I’m wearing a mask everywhere. I had to go check to see if there was something weird on my clothes but nothing.

A couple theories:

I did run Libertine yesterday, so this could be the aura effects from that.

It could also be Admiral and Commandenr at play as I’ve noticed people staring previously when I ran it with Emperor many months ago.

Third theory is that it’s the BLU script synergising with the rest of my stack, as BLU is supposed to strengthen the conscious/subconscious mind connection.

The rest of the day I played a few loops Emperor and finished up with 1 loop if StarkQ-Terminus. (Yes the sub hopping impulse is still there).

Tomorrow I’m going to take a rest day.

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