Luther's Khan/Spartan/RICH journal

Something really, really, really weird happened yesterday. I suspect it’s WANTED, but I’m not sure. I’m a little spooked right now to be honest. It might actually be a part of a progression of Khan now that I think of it.

Anyways, yesterday I went for lunch with a colleague of mine. We were sitting in a restaurant (indian style chinese food /kirby), talking about work etc. I get a text from a “friend” of mine asking me to meet her sister who came to spend time with her for the week. This is very common for me nowadays… ever since beginning Khan, I mainly meet women through network type of manifestations rather than through approaches. It’s very convenient, lol. So anyways, I text her “yeah sure” not thinking anything of it. Lol…

On my way home from work, I stop by her house. This is where things get a little weird. I ring her bell and she greets me, I give her a hug etc. I walk in and boom, I begin to have this unusual unsettling feeling. It’s a feeling that I haven’t had in a loong time, like an intuition of “something isn’t right here” but you can’t put your finger on it. Her sister walks out from the kitchen and comes to greet me.

Holy fucking shit.

I don’t know what’s going on here, but it’s almost like I’m manifesting a… mirror? I don’t get it.

Her sister was extremely attractive, had a very strong aura, I mean almost overwhelming. You would think she was running WANTED or Seductress for 5 months. Something about her gives me this vibe to where it’s like she’s the “female” me. I’m talking about she had the aura of mystery, seductress vibes, everything. None of my sexual energy, looks and etc worked on her. It’s like she was immune, I’ve never seen anything like it. I got closer and looked into her eyes (this thing I do where I project laser-like sexual energy into their being) and it’s like her eyes had a barrier but yet her own eyes were filled with so much energy. Since starting SubClub subs, I’ve never encountered a woman as “powerful?”, I literally don’t know what word use here… LOL. I don’t know if she uses subliminals, magick or whatever but I’m 101% sure she does something, there’s just no way. It almost feels like I’ve “met my match” so to speak as a manifestation to grow from somehow. This shit is really weird. I was completely entranced by her, which is very very rare for me and I mean very rare. I’m a very strong coquette but somehow, she was out-coquetting me which makes absolutely zero sense. She was also starting to seduce me subconsciously. My mind was just firing off in response to her influence. It’s like she had me wrapped around her finger without even trying.

It was literally like this:


Lol… yeeah. She’ll be at one of the Halloween parties and I’m going to be ready. We’ll see cupcake. We’ll see.


Lol I can watch porn and get girlfriends/sex.

I don’t know why that’s somehow the indicator of success. I don’t know why people generalize like that.

The only thing that matters is quality of sex/romantic life and quality of relationships.

I’m going 1 step further into what actually matters… and that’s where you’re going to see the difference.

Person A (porn addict):

Quality of sex = 1/10
Quality of relationships = 1/10

Person B (sexually healed):

Quality of sex = 8/10
Quality of relationships = 8/10

Person A and Person B BOTH have multiple girlfriends and they BOTH have a lot of sex.

As you can see, that literally doesn’t mean jack shit.

See what happens when you get beyond the extremely vague shit? Yeah, lol. :yawning_face:

Porn addicts don’t like going a step further like I’m doing right now… to you know, the
stuff that actually matters, because then they lose the conscious defense of their addiction.

This is a common tactic used by addicts for various addictions in general. It’s called hiding behind generalized comparisons of success. When you keep things as surface level as possible, then you are left with the illusion that everything is the same. When you go deeper like how I’m doing, you realize that - it’s not the same at all.

A 1/10 vs 8/10 is not the same. LOL

Sometimes we avoid eye contact with the reality of things because it makes us feel better. It’s a
child-like coping mechanism, which is what all porn addicts do. They’re all children that haven’t matured, which is why they have insanely weak frames and are brainfogged all the time.

Every single man that I’ve met in real life who watches porn, had such a weak frame. It literally reeks like no other.

You know how men with high testosterone levels go around in public and they can feel how they have
something “more” than all of the estrogized men? It’s almost like that, when I’m around porn addicted men. I literally feel like a wolf around guinea pigs… and their frames, aura and eye contact etc is so ridiculously weak that I have to tone myself down and accommodate their metaphorical state of castration. They’re not even men in my opinion. Only a couple people will know what I’m talking about here, but yeah.

I can detect people who watch porn in 2 seconds, lol they’re all so weak. They make the dating market too easy for me. They make the competition too easy LMAO. Porn is there to demoralize and weaken men on all levels. There’s a reason why it’s free and easily accessible to literally everyone.

Despite all of this, I really don’t care to be honest lol. Like I said, if guys want shitty sex lives and want to eat out of the trash can, it doesn’t affect me. It doesn’t take away from my life or well-being.

You know how I rate the quality of sex/relationships of porn addicted men so low. Those same men go “how do you know that?!”. Or “Who are you to rate? It’s all subjective!”

LOL. This is what they do because they’re so brainfogged and literally lack the capacity to think. You see, someone who has been a porn addict their entire life, isn’t able to objectively rate their quality of sex or quality of relationships because they’ve never been sexually healed. They’re unaware of a broader context because they haven’t been there and don’t know what it’s like.

Someone who only knows how to eat out of the trashcan might think that what they’re eating is an 8/10 because that’s within the context of the trashcan.

However, when you expand the context and bring in a 5 star restaurant, then suddenly their
8/10 is actually more like a 1/10 in comparison. LOL.

People who live in the porn world, don’t have access to the superior comparisons because all they know is the porn world. It’s like living in a box, but the joke is only on them because they’ll be having mediocre sex lives/relationships and nothing more. The fulfillment won’t be there, which is another thing with porn addicts.

Again… this is Congruent Reality vs Traumatized Reality. If you’re in the Traumatized Reality, you won’t know anything about the Congruent Reality.

Bringing this to my journal because it kind of fits with the congruence/incongruence thread. Thanks LOL



was a tough pill to swallow but all you’re saying makes sense. Thanks for your great thoughts, i definitely learned something valuable today.


hmmm… good question. I don’t know. It could be more like performance review.

current khan playlist, lol

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Woke up this morning and just felt like a total badass. These feelings are too strong it’s like I wake up on morphine. Once you get through the healing/recon, you just feel incredible.

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Yesterday was crazy… LOL.

Way too many things happened and I don’t feel like typing right now but I’m a wizard lol

My face is permanently like this for today :relaxed:

all is love and god is good

I’ll get this journal entry out of the way now so I don’t have to later LOL.

Yesterday was a long night.

I was in role since 7pm and I was having too much fun. Like I mean really in role, as in someone offered me a drink later on in the night and I spat it out yelling “Vat is this shit? Where iz my blood??” LMAO. They were talking amongst each other saying “Luther’s lost it” and I was cracking up inside like a maniac lmao. I also scared some young teenager shitless near my friend’s driveway. There were 5 of them playing with fireworks and I just crept up from the darkness behind one of them, he didn’t notice me. I went “Hello…” he turned around confused and I showed my teeth which spooked the poor kid. LMAO.

I was doing all types of shenanigans like this. For most of the time I was with 2 of my “friends”, however they didn’t want to be vampiresses lol… 1 of them was a witch, the other a kitten. We went to a few parties together, just hanging out and having a good time, etc.

I met my other “friend” (the one I mentioned in previous post) who was surrounded by 3 guys when I walked in lol. I couldn’t blame them. When I saw her, I immediately looked around for her sister (Ms. Mysterious) and she was staring right at me when I found her. Her costume was a witch, but like a super adult rated version… very revealing to say the least lol.

Later on, I end up isolating her and found out that she was crazy about me but was pretty much a master at hiding it. I’ve never met a woman in my entire life who was this good at hiding her attraction. I’m actually so impressed that I’m going to reward lol. I was literally 90% sure she was a lesbian after our first encounter. I even hinted it to her sister in clever ways, in hopes of getting some answers about it but I got nothing. I didn’t want to go “hey um so like, is your sister a lesbian?”
because that’s just weird LOL. So I said things like “Your sister looks just like you lol, do you guys have the same interests”. Stuff like that lol.

So fast-forward, when I isolated her, she started to become “normal” as in typical signs and indicators of attraction. Gazing long into my eyes, smiling at me, blushing, laughing at everything I say, flirting, etc. This will sound insane but part of me was kind of disappointed but at the same time I was super on guard. In my mind, I was thinking “If she’s that good at hiding her attraction, I wonder how good she is at faking her attraction”. I had that initial skepticism/confusion but it eventually got better. I was just constantly pushing the limit and using everything in my arsenal. Ended up having a really hot make-out session but no sex lol. Today I texted her going “I hope you still have that costume, if you know what I mean.”

She replied “Oh. I have something better.”

So now I’m in suspense LOL.

I still think something is up with her, as I have to follow my initial gut instinct. My plan is to get to the bottom of everything and I know exactly how to do that… the same way I get the truth from every other woman I date. That’s a secret though, hahaha.

But yeah, that’s 50% of my Halloween in a nutshell. The other 50%, the stuff I’ve been anticipating and manifesting for weeks… I don’t think I can put in this online journal because it’s just too much. It’ll likely scare people and shit LMAO. I have to be mindful of random people who read this stuff


You didn’t ask me… but LOL.

This is 42 seconds of semantics. It’s all semantics.

When we say that the subconscious mind is “below” the conscious mind, we are talking about it as in, it’s deep and beneath your conscious awareness.

This is extremely basic and simple stuff. For example, the study of Hypnosis is all about the subconscious mind and involves entering deeper states.

Definition of Deep: extending far down from the top or surface.

So you’re going below the conscious mind to access a deeper part of you. That’s why we use the word “below”… because it’s deeper and below your conscious awareness.

All of this is just common sense based on the English language. Everyone gets it.

Bashar is proposing the the idea that saying it’s “beneath” or “below” your conscious awareness somehow gives the impression that your conscious mind is in “charge”… which makes absolutely zero sense.

Everyone knows how vastly in “charge” the subconscious mind is and how much more powerful it is than the conscious mind. With that knowledge, we still refer to it as being below the conscious awareness and as part of a deeper extension of the mind.

So I don’t understand Bashar’s argument in a practical manner.

What Bashar is doing in that video, is the equivalent of trying to be a “smartass”. We all encounter kids like this in school. Everyone is on the same page and then 1 kid tries to play with semantics and words in an “aha moment” type of way, to create a new way of looking at things.

Creativity is good, however. Does that new way of looking at things offer something more than the standard way of looking at it?

Ask yourself the question: What does Bashar’s alternative view, realistically offer.

Also ask yourself, if what it offers is profoundly beneficial enough to switch to, despite the mental effort required in re-configurating the current standard modus of understanding. The moment that it doesn’t, is when you’re dealing with overcomplication for the sake of one’s ego. Also known as the person in the classroom who’s trying to be a smartass.

New Age gurus love to play with semantics because it’s NLP to make them seem like they know “more” or that they’re somehow more “wise”… but yet it realistically offers nothing. It automatically creates appeal to authority and puts them in the position of an “expert” which allows them to have more influence over gullible and disempowered people. This is overwhelmingly prevalent in the “spiritual” market/realm because nothing is tangible… it’s all ideological. This is extremely effective to the average, gullible person for various reasons. It’s the same type of NLP and manipulation that cult leaders use.

You can often smell out spiritual incongruence when the individual starts speaking like a supernatural being, guru, sage or monk.

The person who actually knows their shit, knows how to convey it in a way that can be digested and easily understood without complication - which is by itself a testament to them truly knowing their shit.

Of course this is all my opinion lol.

Putting this in my journal because it’s sort of related to congruence/incongruence LOL thanks!

Have a good day


Thanks for sharing your perspective , actually I love to read for everyone on the forum

This is a complete video it’s longer 7m but it’s not about semantics so I would like you to watch it and give your opinion even if you think it’s still about semantics . But he refer to smth else .

This is the diagram he refers to

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He’s conflating the deeper/below aspect of the subconscious mind and how we approach it in relation to the conscious mind - with Low vibration and Low Frequency.

Do you not understand how that’s semantics? He’s making a connection that nobody does.

As a matter of that, this is a distortion of what Low Vibration and Low Frequency actually means.

Low Vibration/Frequency means less evolved in consciousness.

We approach the subconscious mind as being below and deep, etc as a way of easily comprehending it in relation to the conscious mind.

That understanding itself doesn’t have anything to do with perceiving the subconscious mind as having a lower vibration/frequency than the conscious mind.

That’s completely different.


I’ve watched the video before and I’ve seen the chart before, lol I’m no stranger to Bashar.

I’m saying that in the video:

He’s taking our English language of how we use “deeper, below, etc”’ in regards to the subconscious mind and saying that when we approach the subconscious mind like that… because of the (hierarchical, lesser, and low) semantics of that type of approach (all of which he is projecting)… we are assuming that the subconscious mind is Low Vibration and Low Frequency.

He’s completely playing with semantics, in my opinion.


I see what he saying In a different way , he says that to discover your negative belief you don’t need to be saddened , depressed or a bad mood . But you will see your negative beliefs when you raise your vibration because the subconscious mind is a high vibration not a low one and he agrees with your statement in these videos .

Is there a practical example of that somewhere?

An instance where someone saw their negative belief by raising their vibration?

How did they raise their vibration? Also, what negative beliefs did they see?

You can answer these questions from your life experience and you already know the answer :wink: .

  1. Person A has negative beliefs.
  2. Person A listens to subliminal to clear negative beliefs.
  3. Person A experiences recon, as negative beliefs are brought to surface and cleared.

Example: Someone who has negative beliefs about money and listens to EOG Stage 1.

See how simple it is.

Now… notice how I didn’t need to mention vibration, frequency, make fancy charts or make 7
minute videos based on vague semantics of really not much of anything practical and clearly applicable to real life.

Crazy isn’t it? Lol