Luther's Khan/Spartan/RICH journal

I don’t put all the power into the program. As far as I’m concerned, I manifested the program into my life because I was ready for it.

Like I said before and I’ll say it again…

If Subliminal Club shut down tomorrow and all of their products disappeared from my hard drive, I wouldn’t care at all. Minor inconvenience, that’s about it.

You don’t think I can manifest tools to help me manifest what I want in my reality and change my belief systems? You don’t think I can manifest without any technology of sort? Lol

In my opinion, if one is truly ready to face things and grow in their life or their perception, then all they need to do is but decide and the pathway will be created.

Some people say it’s God, the Universe, Higher Self, etc.
Call it what you want, lol.

My belief is that nobody is truly a “victim”, I don’t buy into victimhood mentality in any way, shape or form. Why? Because it’s predicated on powerlessness and fear - all which is an illusion. I’m not really compatible with that kind of stuff.

I told you that I’m immune to curses and all of that stuff and you said “nobody is immune”. Go and hire someone to target me then, lol. Prepare to get a refund though LOL


If you are not receptive which I’m sure you aren’t then it will just disperse in your environment, take the path of least resistance and find perhaps an innocent friend of yours who at that time you are coincidentally in conversation with.

Lol. I would rather not be at the cause of that :slight_smile:

My point was that it is very wise of you to believe these things but that it is even wiser to have this conduct while not looking down on all others who are still disempowered because it does not serve them.

That’s like being the empowered villain, while I’m sure you can be the hero in people’s lives :slight_smile:

It’s life, it’s true we are all creators and by our Will we can bend the world around us to our liking but clearly it is not working for most — it’s not actually that easy.

Also the creation of pathways is a thought-form.

What if it’s not there in your subconscious?

It’s made by the program, I’m sure it’s from Khan.

Yggdrasil would be the module for that.

Also, you will not be receptive so long you that you have willpower. It’s all a war on mind, during WW2 many occultist were captures as many of them were spies — and to get information out of them, they were tortured, poisoned, weakened, because otherwise they were not receptive to the mind-control.

Everyone can be made receptive by weakening them.

But on Khan you can become a strong and powerful individual who is unlikely to be affected by much (directly). That is true.

It will still drain you and you will likely notice it if it penetrates your aura or gets even as little as a window to penetrate it then it will be very difficult to recover.

Okay, but where did I look down on them?

Hold on a sec here because what you quoted (I’m guessing you didn’t like), was this:

Google definition of weasely:

  • devious, misleading, not direct and honest

is that not what PUA manipulators are doing?

Google definition of coward:

  • a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

is that not precise for someone who is afraid of facing internal issues?

Am I incorrect? Is there an underlying superiority behind my usage of these words or are they just accurately suitable for the point which I’m trying to convey?


I don’t use these words in a domineering type of way, that’s other people’s projection, lol.
I literally use them as analysis like a doctor.

I think you’d agree with the state I’m describing these men to be in - which their behavior and decisions are being driven from.

There’s no ego in my analysis, it’s all clinical. Some words are high ROI, what can I say lol.

I’m also not blaming or pointing fingers at these men. Like you said, I’ve been there before too. I’ve been a complete mess in the past. I’ve been a weasely coward for half of my life, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s moreso “okay but where do we go from there”. That’s what the whole discussion is about, bringing to light the importance of congruence and how subconscious tools/work allow one to develop and grow out of that.

So yeah, I don’t see how I’m blaming or looking down on people.

Yeah, but I’ll always have the willpower. I’m also immune to being captured. Hire someone to capture me, lol. No matter how hard you try, you won’t.

My friends are immune too lol

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Khan are rare individuals and if not for this program we could say they have probably gone extinct lol

This is why certain royalties are ritualistically treated as they are treated. It’s theater, sure, but it creates congruence.

I agree in all these. But are you trying to say that anyone who can’t change or heal their subconscious belief systems aren’t congruent ?

If this is so, it means that anybody who doesn’t use subliminals or anything thing or sort to change ones internal belief systems isn’t congruent.

Yes brother, lol.

By the way, I know you were battling the pornography addiction.

I have many posts here expressing my utter disdain and contempt for it, almost as if I have a personal vendetta against porn. I actually do, and I’ll tell you why.

You see, I actually don’t have a problem about the addictive part. I could care less if other men want to destroy their own mind lol, it doesn’t affect me.

99% of my issue with porn comes from my first-hand experiences with women whose sexual expectations and expressions have been molded by porn addicted men.

The first woman who I manifested with WANTED, is now my partner. She’s 23 so fairly young. When we first had sex, her expectations of how to conduct and express herself during sex had been molded by her past sexual experiences which all consisted of porn-addicted men.

These men want to do all the stuff they see in porn and then create an expectation out of the women they date, to meet their expectations. It’s absolutely insane.

I actually had to teach her how to open up and have real sex. At first she was like “oh wait… what? wow…” and I was like “exactly…”

It doesn’t stop there… most of the women I dated after - same pattern.

I always think like “so you’ve been deprived of what the true natural human experience has to offer, for most of your life”. This warped and debased form of sexuality that porn teaches and programs the mind with is disgusting.

Not because of what it is, but what it deprives people out of in terms of life experience.

That shit really, really irks me. You know how guys like Jordan Peterson start getting emotional and shit when they talk about humanity and whatnot lol… porn irks me on that level because I’ve seen what it can do to women (not men) first hand. It’s absolute madness. If it weren’t for these experiences of mine, I wouldn’t give a shit about porn… I would tell everyone to go ahead and watch it.

It’s just something insane about having the woman you’re with, confused as to why you won’t do something ridiculously insane to them and them not knowing why it’s insane. In their mind they’re thinking “Isn’t this what men like”. It’s wayyy too crazy, just heartwrenchingly insane to me.

But yeah, if you heal your sexuality, you’re also separating yourself from the typical traumatized male even more. Your sexual experiences to the women, will no longer be like how it is with every other guy. Maybe it’s a WANTED thing though, who knows.

Also, those emotional aspects of WANTED matter. I find that the best lovers are the empath, highly sensitive, HSP type of people because they feel so much and are so open. Once you start bringing highly charged emotions and energy into sex, then that’s when it starts turning into powerful, trance-like transformative experiences. Again, this is all congruence, you can’t force, fake or consciously conjure all of it. It’s far too deep for that.

These guys who are closed off and repressed will never understand the magnificence. They’re all incredibly de-sensitized too lol… porn desensitizes like crazy. That’s why they need more crazier and extreme stuff to get off on.

I don’t know if you’re still battling the porn addiction, but if you are… keep at it and don’t give up.


Am free from that shit!! My Goal is not to get back to the Porn Slavery ever again.

Don’t you think that Porn subconsciously changes the sexual perceptions of these men?
Also you should care man,Come on, you live on Earth like other men, imagine you are the only one who has solved the porn Riddle, would you lay back and watch men destroy themselves? I guess not, we men are all here to give our gift to this world , which you have did countless of times in this forum.

Whoahh I didn’t know this modern day Addiction has effect on our women.

I must say this started from our grandparents that viewed sex as a taboo and negative. They didn’t even teach their children how sex looks like and how it should be practiced.
Porn now came in and most people learnt about sexuality through it which then distorts our perception on what true sexuality is…

Don’t you guys also think that having women with this porn satisfaction mindset make it harder for us men who go in with full congruence to be able to satisfy her?

When we are healed we are coming from expressing sex in an extremely natural way with intense emotion. Where as her expectations are insane stuff from porn videos.

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This sounds like a painful and heartbreaking experience :pleading_face:

Yeah it has a way of affecting them in such manner. Because the sex will now become more of mechanical instead an emotional experience.

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Her porn expectations aren’t what she truly wants deep inside, it’s just what she’s been taught. She doesn’t know anything else, lol.

Similar to how when your parents push you to be a doctor/engineer and you want to meet their expectations so you kind of just go through with it. However, deep inside you never wanted to be a doctor, lol.

It’s more about relinquishing expectation altogether. Once you cut off the heavy chains of expectation that one is bonded to, it allows for freedom… freedom of expression.

Because the women have been conditioned by the porn expectations of porn addicted men, some of them actually have never experienced that freedom. The sex has always been based on some type of approval or validation, subconsciously.

It’s like you’re saying “I don’t need your approval” and then they’re like “oh, okay.” Then you lead them into healthy sexual experience based on what they are naturally inclined to.

Sex is teamwork lol. It’s 50/50 down to the molecule… mentally, physically, energetically, spiritually etc. You want it to be as 50/50 as perfectly as possible because through the flux of both individuals in tandem while being present, is where connection is created.

If it’s not 50/50, then there is unbalance in a way where one person is compensating or leveraging more = disconnection. Because porn sex is based on the mind (think crazy fetishes and whatnot), you’re not really in tune with the other person… you’re actually just chasing the thrill of a thoughtform and using the other person to achieve that.

I’m speaking in metaphor kind of because I don’t want to get sexually explicit and x rated lol. Before you know it, my post will become an erotic literature piece.

So to answer your question, no it’s not harder for us, it’s actually easier. In fact, she won’t really be interested in traumatized men after… even if they’re really good looking.

If you have the option to eat McDonalds (McDonald’s sex) that doesn’t really fill you up and is quickly forgettable, or eat a full, perfectly cooked, gourmet meal that’s been simmered for hours and hits you in a different way, that relieves all your stresses, uplifts your mood and your day while possibly even healing you such as changing your perspective on life to be more positive… which one are you going to choose? Will the thought of McDonalds ever cross your mind if you can have those gourmet meals forever? Probably not. As a matter of fact, the idea of losing out on these godly gourmet meals and going back to McDonalds, sucks lol. Most people settle for McDonalds because they can’t find godly gourmet meals. It’s the 1%.

Due to the experience you’ve facilitated and because it’s abnormal, she separates you from every other guy - giving you a powerful halo effect.

If you want to date IG models, you’re going to have to be really different than typical guys. These women can get all the jacked college footballers they want in their DM’s. I’ve scrolled through the DM’s myself and the level of cringe is nasty. It’s really rough out here for men, let’s just say that LOL. Luckily everyone here has the tools for growth and won’t have to stoop to those levels.

But yeah, I don’t just tell guys to do sexual healing for being healthy and having fulfillment in life (although that’s a very good reason). It actually makes you more attractive to the women.

Think about it like this:
So you’re a Congruent Man + Primal/Basic Indicators (Physicality) which is massively unfair. And now you’re unlike 99% of other guys in the bedroom, in a way that fulfills/uplifts her on all levels + in a way that is different than what she’s previously experienced.

Is this not a 10/10 to women? You’re essentially Mr. Perfect, 1 in a billion as far as her experiences are concerned.

WANTED kind of does this. You have all the tools to become essentially a 10/10, right here and right now. You also get to grow into a badass while going through that journey, how awesome is that?


In the context of this forum, where people are actively using tools to try and heal the trauma that they’ve suffered from, would you not say that this point becomes moot? In my opinion, it’s better to fake congruence while you work on your issues than to first go through the inner work (whether that be with therapy or using subs) and wait for their mind to be healed before they try to change their external behaviors. I’d like to hear your thoughts on how someone actively working to fix their minds should proceed in their day to day life.

While my initial reaction at your post was annoyance and frustration, I’ve been thinking about what you’ve said all day and I realize that the reaction came more from the fact that I know that I still have things to fix before my subconscious is fully inline with the imagine that I’m trying to project.

Let’s take body language for example.

Confident, open, dominant, alpha male body language.

The body language being created, is subconscious, they’re not consciously aware of it. Most people don’t think about their own body language.

The body language is being driven by the deep internal framework and subconscious belief systems. That is the root cause. One could argue that real time changes in emotion based on various forms of external stimuli create different feelings and therefore different types of body language… and they would be correct. However, all of that too, is being filtered by the deep internal framework and subconscious belief systems.

If I put a gun to someone’s head and they’re a weapons expert who has thousands of hours practice in firearm disarmament, they’re going to be more confident compared to the average citizen who would fear for their life. So you see how real time reactions and interpretations to different situations are subjective. Everything that is experienced is first processed by the deep internal framework and subconscious belief systems which then create context and meaning. You can even take some of the most basic feelings like pain, and well… we won’t even go there. LOL. Let’s just say, the mind is powerful.

Anyways, if someone’s subconscious mind has beliefs about high self worth, internal power, invincibility (eradicate all types of fearful, weak, victim, insecure based belief systems), then they have a subconscious feeling that naturally expresses. Body language acts as one of many vehicles (another would be voice for example) for the natural expression.

This is why watching videos like “How to give a presentation to a large audience” is all incongruent and unnatural. This is another example, but what do they teach in those videos?

  • make eye contact with the audience
  • don’t move around too much
  • have good posture and open body language
  • speak at a slow and clear pace

You can’t just consciously integrate that and mimic it. You can habitualize it, but the most natural and organic way is through congruence.

Making eye contact with the audience is being present, authentic and connected/intimate with the audience in what you’re conveying versus how they’re receiving. If one is subconsciously aligned to that, then it’s automatic.

I did a college presentation some months ago and I didn’t do the overthinking autisticky type of stuff to myself like “I’m 10 minutes in, now is the time to make eye contact for 5 seconds to an individual on the right.” Like what? LOL

No, just be yourself, be present, find your flow, be authentic and connect to everyone. It’s all natural, automatic and organic. I really don’t like the overthinking self-conscious stuff where everyone becomes an expert because then nobody is present.

The funny part is… what is an Alpha Male trait? Being present. Something to think about, lol… If you keep exploring that last part, it will lead to a massive paradox redpill but that’s a whole other topic.

Back to the rest of the points:

Moving around too much is nervousness. Standing still with good posture is all automatic if your internal framework is aligned with that.

Speaking fast is nervousness and anxiety, it essentially stems from a weak frame, meaning that the person lacks power and a level of dignified stature in their being/self-perception.

Having open body language is just accepting yourself and not fearing rejection which is an extension of not requiring approval of the tribe in order to feel safe. Hence the person is open, whereas someone who is afraid of criticism or what people think, will have closed off and defensive body language. It’s the deep internal framework and subconscious belief systems that are root causal in driving all of this expression.

These videos teach you how to be overly self-conscious of everything. Constantly modeling and mimicking of an ideal. It’s unnatural and a form of cheating in my opinion, lol. It’s incongruence and I dislike the smell. I don’t believe in those types of shortcuts. I lean towards developing internally and manifesting everything automatically. However, most don’t lean towards that way as I’ve already mentioned because that involves growth and most people are addicted to stagnation so they need quick tricks.

What you’re proposing is that, instead of targeting the root cause (inner work) in order to manifest the expression naturally, it’s better to create the expression unnaturally and purely through conscious means thereby “faking congruence.”

What you’ve proposed is actually contradictory in a sense. Because healing and going through the inner work brings out eternal authenticity out as a person. The healing itself teaches you that there isn’t a need for faking congruence in the first place.

So doing healing while faking congruence, isn’t sustainable lol. One of them will be dropped eventually.

In my opinion and experience, faking congruence mostly has to do with protecting the ego. The more damaged the internal framework, the more inclined one is to fake the congruence. This same dynamic is prevalent in the superiority complex. It’s this thing where being yourself when compared to others makes one feel inadequate and the only way for the ego to feel safe is by falsely exaggerating
one’s self to a state that removes those feelings (often times even going towards feelings of superiority). It’s a form of self-delusion and pretending, in order to feel better about one’s self.

This is far different than the Law of Assumption. Law of Assumption is not a substitute for facing one’s internal trauma. That’s why I’m slightly thrown off when I get a whiff of people who are potentially doing it in that manner because it’s metaphorically like the antichrist of growth. LOL.

LOA type of stuff in general, doesn’t work if there is a block in the subconscious mind. For example if you have a deep-seated subconscious fear of making money, then you won’t attract it into your life regardless of how much visualizing and feeling you do. This is why mainstream LOA is a hit and a miss for most people, it’s because the subconscious mind and belief system aspects have been conveniently left out to the mass public.

Now, if you try to pretend and assume that you’re a confident, playboy, badass millionaire with 20 harems, but yet the first 20-30 years of your life have been programmed with a fear of rejection, lack of self love, low self worth, fear of masculinity, a compulsion to blend in with the herd for safety and massive amounts of disempowering trauma picked up from society, women, parents, media, porn, music etc… All of that pretending and assuming won’t do jack shit, lol. There won’t be a congruent level of change in the individual because again, the subconscious internal framework is still the same. The subconscious mind by the way, is far more powerful than the conscious mind.

Yet another example is:

Person A gets cheated on by their girlfriend and ends up having immense anger and hatred to their girlfriend. They break up and the anger and hatred remains unresolved in the form of relationship trauma. Person A wants to manifest a heavenly relationship with a beautiful, ideal partner. However, that relationship trauma literally acts as a block which prevents them from attracting what they want. It’s moreso a repulsion than a block. You ever tried to bring 2 magnets with like charges together? Yeah, it’s like that… they repel.

So what ends up happening, is 90% of the individuals mind (including the subconscious which is more powerful than the conscious mind) is repelling due to fear based on unresolved trauma and they’re using their less powerful conscious mind to try and attract. It’s basic physics at that point because the more powerful part of them obviously overrides.

This is why actual growth, healing, internal work and etc is important. This is why congruence and overall alignment is important. It’s not skippable, you can’t delude yourself out of it and you can’t run away or look away. It’s not even about manifesting your goals, this is fundamental to the life experience. Humans have been growing like this since their creation. Most mainstream idols and figureheads have faced recon, taken action and learned to fail through natural challenges of life, because that is what led to their eventual maturation, development of character and ultimately congruence.

The point of that segment is to explain that: soley doing conscious adjustments (trying to change external behavior) without inner work won’t result in much change.

It was part of a discussion. Nobody here is Person A, because they’re all doing subconscious work.

There’s no reason to be annoyed or frustrated because Person A isn’t referring to you or anyone here.

Enter Person X.

Person X is the Subliminal Club customer. A GOAT in the making. While everyone in society is quarrelling, dividing and sedating with each other, it’s Person X who has the tenacity to revolt against the false cards that he’s been dealt. It’s Person X who has the balls to say “You know what? Fuck this, I deserve better.” Person X is someone who has had enough of the nonsense and is ready to grow. They’re ready to use the most powerful tools on the surface of the planet. They’re ready to do inner work, transform and become a badass of the highest order. They’re ready to put the power of their mind where their mouth is. He is the beseecher of internal growth and all that is aligned with the best version of himself. He will stop at nothing to manifest his desired reality because in his heart, he knows that he deserves it. It is his birthright as a sovereign manifestor in the eyes of the universe.

All Person X has to do is follow intuition and take action that aligns with the subliminal.

For example, if someone wants to become better with women. Then they will need to change their deep internal framework and subconscious belief systems. So they listen to something like Primal Seduction which starts moving the goalpost towards what they want.

These subliminals help guide you towards developing congruence but that doesn’t mean that the conscious mind is somehow exempt. The way one uses the conscious mind to develop congruence, is not by faking it or mimicking it. It’s by stimulating the inner work through taking action. You use the conscious mind not to cheat the subconscious inner work, but to maximize the inner work. So when you take action, then the inner work is filtering the actions taken in a way that is not only optimal, but aligned with the destination that the inner work is set to, in order to create the new internal framework = congruence. You’re in essence, not really aligning your conscious mind with the subliminal… but aligning your conscious mind with your own subconscious mind which is reacting to the subliminal. Doesn’t really matter though.

So let’s give a practical example here:

Person X is running Ascended Mogul. Become a badass Alpha Male, large social networks, command respect, get women, make money, be masculine, be confident, etc. The cookie cutter stuff, right lol.

Completely ignoring starting point here. So when they listen to the subliminal, there is then inner work being done and the subconscious mind is stirring. That’s when you start taking action in a way that aligns with what is stirring, but you be yourself throughout.

Like I said in the last post, most people when they be themselves, it’s a mess and that is okay. The tool allows you to develop and change your internal framework to not be a mess, through a combination of subconscious work + action taking. That is how the new internal framework is born and next thing you know, you’re congruent.

When you throw around the word “ACTION”, people gasp. Their hearts start racing and they begin clutching their Jesus pieces. LOL. It’s a scary word for some people. They always interpret it to the extreme for some reason.

Like if you say “take action with Primal Seduction”, they immediately think “oh no!! I have to approach random women and make a fool out of myself!!”

Like woah, woah, woah… hold your horses. When you say Action, it’s almost like they instantly think of the most horrific, panic inducing and humiliating scenario or something.

Google definition of Action:
a thing done; an act.

So scary, lol.

This is how I would recommend people to take action.

Everyone has an internal gauge of feeling, called discomfort. All you have to do, is things that are in alignment with the subliminal, that create manageable discomfort.

So if you’re running Primal Seduction or Emperor and scared to leave the house. Gauge your own feelings and take a small step, even if it’s extremely small, towards the direction. The subliminal will be guiding you and your subconscious mind will be by your side. Excalibur is in the back pocket. This is really where journaling can come in handy. It helps if you treat life like a video game - that is what I do. Before you know it, you’re in a different norm, or a different level. I call that moving the goal post of reality.

Also, your capacity or threshold to take bigger steps, increases. So the growth can sometimes be exponential… how awesome is that.

If someone is using Primal Seduction, then taking action doesn’t necessarily mean cold-approaching women. If they’re afraid of women for example, then taking action would mean putting themselves in places where there are women around (not even interacting with them). If even that is too scary and panicky (discomfort level, remember the gauge) then go even smaller. Although, I don’t know what would be smaller than that LOOL, but I’m sure their subconscious mind will intuitively find some way.

I don’t know if that helps to be honest… but yeah. Lol


I appreciate the lengthy response, reading it was definitely helpful. So, if the goal is to align the subconscious with the conscious mind, then I have to admit that I haven’t been taking as much action as I should be to try and speed up the process. Your point on manageable discomfort makes a lot of sense and as always, you’ve given me many things to think about.

It’s okay brother. This is why I must be polygamous and have multiple women to help them heal. God has put me here to be with as many women as possible so I can save them from the porn, brother.

Khan + Chosen

sexual messiah complex LOL

(I’m not serious :laughing:)


I would also like to be polygamous, I hate this monogamous society structure but I gotta make bank first!!

This is the most intelligent thing I’ve ever read.

Well put.

You should make this a post of it’s own on the forum and @SaintSovereign @RVconsultant should make it a support article AND/OR should start up a posts “Hall Of Fame” and nominate this.

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Yeah you don’t have to do anything crazy, just start very small.

For example: If people listen to Spartan and they aren’t motivated enough to go to the gym, that’s fine, I totally get it. If one is new to working out, things can be scary.

When I first started lifting weights, (I was like 16 years old) I was intimidated by bigger guys than me and all the heavy clanking weights. I’ve been through all of the stuff, it’s all okay.

There is action one can do though. Are the trauma and limiting beliefs preventing someone from doing 1 push-up in their bedroom? I doubt it lol.

Is there really something stopping someone from making a regimen, like 10 pushups a day? Is that extremely uncomfortable and liable to induce panic attacks? It might be a little uncomfortable but it’s still manageable, right.

For any subliminal really, whether that’s Daredevil, Mogul or WANTED or whatever. There is always an action there that is a little uncomfortable but still manageable. When you start doing those while doing the subconscious work, then growth happens fast. It’s like a form of commitment.

Since the subconscious mind is stirring and you’re taking action aligned with it… then it’s like a powerful synchronization happening which creates momentum.

Another important thing, is separating your journey from other people. It helps to think of it like you’re in your own video game.

People ask me why I’m against video games.

I go “what are you talking about?.. I’m playing the best video game ever made, it’s called real life.”

I’m getting powerups daily and leveling up like crazy while getting profound dopamine. The same way game developers set up their video games to hijack your dopamine… the game developer of life and this universe has done the same. I have different quests (goals), that I’m taking enjoyment in completing. I become more powerful, stronger and better as I keep leveling up. I’m exploring and unlocking new avenues of life and self, in the same way they unlock new areas in the games and discover new abilities. I unlock achievements when I complete my goals. So on… and so on…

Stuff like motivation shouldn’t really be lacking. I mean, you have Excalibur in the back pocket. Excalibur is no joke, lol… only Person X can wield such a weapon.

We have all of the tools to get to where we want (our desired reality). I have confidence in myself to get to where I want by using them and I have confidence in you as well as others to get to where you want by using them.