Luck Ultima we need customer support

I would love to get something like this. The importance of luck in life is often underestimated. Short of being born into the right family, the right amount of luck can change one’s fortunes.

It would be a good if this Ultima can make use of Sub Club’s manifestation and “reality-bending” technology.


Pacman i suggest you support our cause and I hope Saint will consider this request.

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@King Exactly… some people say to me “ohh BA luck does not exist one has to create their own luck” I reply exactly !!! so how about a product that helps propel good luck.

Reality benders good suggestion !!.

@Fire @SaintSovereign see how your loyal customers are supporting you ?

Lets hope we are in luck to get this :slight_smile:


There’s already Fortune’s Favourite in the Q-Store… on which something bigger can be built upon.

It’s really hard to deny the existence of luck…

And I have already requested for a subliminal that addresses the biggest determinant of one’s fate.


We need to continually manifest positive things into our lives which coincide with what their conscious desires. This will be the essence of the product !!!.

I have found some sample affirmations we add into the product

I always think positively which amplifies my luck
Fortunate things happen to me everyday
As each day passes i become more lucky
I am always in the right place at the right time

@King i can tell you have done your homework and know exactly what luck entails.

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I do support it all the way

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Thanks pacman we are lucky to be part of something great.

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I’d like this as well. Would be great to use with RICH and DR.


I’d buy it in a heartbeat


I would waste no time on buying this and go straight to the Casino to test it out.


I am in for this


A probability increaser, bad luck remover, reality shifter pure luck base, aura, manifestation and something to keep you safe so if there more risk yiu are still good


Scientifically speaking, there are 4 parts to it.
Expecting positive outcomes is one of them.

From Nov 2019 :point_down:t2:


In the case that it is –

A luck booster should be constructed in a way that it actually increases one’s chances in life and ‘luck’ or ‘coincidence’, ‘right time, right place’ are all a matter of manifestation – everything has Cause & Effect, nothing is untouched by this law.

So, essentially, I’d be the jackpot of manifestation modules – one that increases your ability to manifest, specifically geared around chance, coincidence, luck – I’d prefer it to be a module actually so that we can add it to R.I.C.H in the Q-store and see our wallets pile up with 500 dollar bills.

What do you guys say?


It’s already there. Fortuna’s Favorite.
I’m in with a luck manifestation ultima. I’ve used a similar program from another company to good effect, I’ll bet you guys can do better.


Luck is a funny thing. I always hear from successful people about right place right time moments. But then I also wonder if that was predetermined in their life. If they were lucky or if that was their destiny. I don’t deny the prevalence of luck in this world, but I often wonder about the other aspects and how lives play out and develop among individuals.

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@RVconsultant can you please speak to Saint or Fire ?

Luck is nothing more than taking action. We have a luck Ultima. Its called The Executive