Love Bomb and Chosen of Venus

Can anyone explain the differences besides the build type?

I’m asking because I currently have Chosen of Venus in my basket waiting to be put into my custom but then I also have the Love Bomb prototype that I’ve currently been using.

Both give off an aura of Love, right?

Description wise, unless I’m missing something, I can’t see what differences they hold and whether I should keep Chosen of Venus and/or Love Bomb.


Can you give us some explanation on the above and also while your at it

I was wondering as to how many aura based module can one have in 1 subliminal?

how would two aure in two different subs someone is running at thr same time would affect each other?


@SaintSovereign and @Fire

Please see inquiries above in both post.

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I think I’d rather keep Chosen of Venus in my custom anyway as I don’t want to run too many Ultimas/Subs in general.

But I’d love to know if there’s anything that seperated these two besides the build type because I can use Love Bomb when I need that bit more love (when I’m posting on insta :joy::sob:)


I have the same question.

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@Brandon and @Jayam

I think are asking an important question…

@SaintSovereign @Fire

Chosen of Venus seems like it’s a lot more than an aura


Waiting for an answer on this as well.

Nowadays, the best resort is to submit a ticket on the new, soft launched support site.

The link to it is pinned under “News and Updates”.