Lion - The Book of Revelations

Day 13
RoM, Paragon

Day 14, 15

  1. RoM is destroying all my guilt regarding the life I dream of having. I don’t need to bend to what society tells me to do. I don’t need to listen to the shaming tactics of others who think they know what my life should be. Am created with the desires of the universe itself within me. A piece of its will in human form. A spiritual being having a joyful human experience and expression. Every day can be filled with humor and grace regardless of the good and bad that happens in my life. I will chase my goals knowing that I can find satisfaction in my purpose and success in the future.

  2. Stack ideas for my next cycle is being clearer and more sure in my mind. It will either be Khan Complete, RM, WANTED and Paragon or customs of them.


Day 16
RoM, Paragon

Day 17

The world is mine
Mine for the taking
Stretch out my hand
Claim it
There is no hand
Just as there is no spoon
For the world is MIND
You too shall know soon

  1. The past few days were spent in the mind lab putting together 3 customs for my next stack.

  2. Will be journaling privately for them. If they succeed, will put in a review on the forum. Not much into journaling over here. Don’t feel the need.

  3. Limits are only in the mind. And the revelation of my mind is that RoM too is its own kind of Limit Destroyer.

  4. Recon is the path to change. In fact change is itself the path and hence why recon is proof of change.

  5. Don’t seek recon but when it visits, welcome it home. For it is the wizard that pushes you out the door to adventures abroad. Out your home, out your mind. Out your mind into the super-mind. Mind blown? You should. Break your mind to be part of something bigger. To expand and be the over-mind yourself.


The universe desires you be
Who you are
Be not someone else
To get what you want
Whether it be happiness
Or wealth
Be true
By being you

The universe wills it
That it experience life
Through your being
And by being another
You aren’t giving
What you were made for
Don’t smother
Your inner
But be free
To rise daily
To smile with every breath
And express until death
Does life and us part

And another journey starts


Day 18
RoM, Paragon

  1. Similar to the dream I had several months ago of shaking Jordan Peterson’s hand, I had one last night of meeting Rollo Tomassi and getting his autograph. When meeting JP, I didn’t have much time to talk to him since he had to go elsewhere, but with RT, I could sit down and talk for 5 mins. Very lucid dreams with my dream mentors. Literally.

  2. RoM had me making notes for one custom after another today. At first there were 4 of them. Then 3. Then 2. Finally got it down to 1 custom. A bit dense but I think it will work. A secret custom though. Like I said in a previous post, it will be revealed only if I can run it for a while and get results from it. No use opening journals for new customs and then abandoning those threads midway because the custom didn’t work out for me.

  3. Mind is very free of too many erratic thoughts these days. When am not thinking, my mind feels light as if I can choose what goes in and when I want to give my head a rest. Sometimes I wonder whether RoM will increase flow factor. I think it is possible.


Day 19

Day 20
RoM, Paragon

  1. So a cycle of this stack is over and what I have gained from it and especially RoM is freedom from unnecessary thoughts in my head.

  2. We don’t realize how much clutter our minds suffer from until we have run RoM to clear out the cobwebs that litter our mind with its dead flies of the past and the living spiders of the present.

  3. If you want a positive mindset with a dash of stoicism, run RoM.

  4. RoM is also perfect for meditators to be able to focus on their meditations. It quiets a lot of restlessness of the body by quieting the subconcious mind.

  5. Recon does happen once in a rare while with this but overcoming it leads to peace that surpasses understanding.

  6. Revelation of Mind is a tool to free your mind. To be free of the programming of the world around you by helping us be detached from our thoughts. Especially thoughts fed to us by society.

  7. Be more of an independent thinker with RoM without being arrogant about it. A certain level of humility is natural with accepting RoM scripting because there is the revelation that if mind is the common denominator among all of us and we are not our thoughts and feelings, we then are simply Awareness. And how different are we as individual pieces of Awareness? Not much different when we strip all of us to the bare minimum of our glorious existence.

  8. Will be taking a washout for 3 to 5 days. What’s next? Will see.


Will be continuing this journal with the following stack:

  • RoS
  • RoM
  • Paragon

Had already started the cycle with this:

Day 1
Paragon x2

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5
RoS + Paragon

Relaxing into my Being. A bit strained by the various issues I have. Don’t know how I will solve them but lets take this ride.


oohh Presults- like the results you get from the intention to run a sub?

Catching up on this journal now.
Love your thoughts on ROM.


Haha yes.

Thanks bro.

Am currently running RoM + RoS + Paragon. It’s pretty good. Lots of unfolding but very subtle. Got some health manifestations too which I’ll talk about later.

Currently keeping tabs on it on my phone. Don’t feel like writing much.

Might make a post after I finish this cycle in 3 days. After that I hope RoB will be released by then and I can give more details on the total stack (unless I change it lol).


Yes, love to hear positive health manifestations.
My guess is ROB will be out in a month.

I’ll add to the roadmap on Gigachad with thoughts.

1 Like

Do open a separate thread on the roadmap for RoB. My guess is that it will be different from the Gigachad request.

Okay time to share my schedule after day 5 of the second cycle of this stack. Also a summary review of this cycle at the end of the schedule:

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8
Sunday Night
RoS, Paragon (3 mins each)

Day 9

Day 10
Tuesday Night
RoS, Paragon (3 mins each)

Day 11

Day 12
Thursday Night
RoS, RoM
First day with RoS + RoM combo. Decided to run them together after Saint updated RoM with the hotfix that helped make RoM work even better with RoS.

Day 13

Day 14
Saturday Night

Day 15

Day 16
Monday Night

Day 17

Day 18
Wednesday Night
RoS, RoM (Full 15 mins each)

Day 19

Day 20
Friday Night

Day 21


  1. RoS + RoM + Paragon has manifested a treatment for my eyes closer to home. Previously I had to fly to another city, book a hotel and stay there for 8 days to get this treatment. But after starting this stack, I came across the same type of treatment (slightly better too in some regards with better doctors) wherein I need to go to this place by catching an uber and getting my eye treated. After which I go back home in 2 hours. How convenient!

  2. I won’t go into detail about this treatment. All I will say is that it is pretty experimental since my eye condition is a bit rare (1 in 4000 people have it according to the stats).

  3. Other than that, I have had some profound shifts in spiritual and mental states. The most important being a sort of spiritual death of the old self. Immense sorrow as I say goodbye to my past. Weeping away the grief of regrets. Of what I should have done to make my life better during my youth and early years. How can I appreciate wisdom other than by making mistakes and gaining experience by it? No use crying over spilt milk but the crying was needed.

  4. Had some manifestations dealing with my parents health. I find myself being able to manifest healing for them using my heart chakra in order to send love and health to them when they are having issues with their bodies. All I do is sit in a quiet place and spend a few minutes sending them beams of radiance from my chest (like a care bear lol) and they are okay in a day or two. I think Paragon of Humanity (a title request on the roadmap that combines Paragon + LBH to be a Healer) can use the scripting from RoS + RoM to facilitate and speed up the physical and spiritual health of those you set healing intentions for. Did the same for a couple of relatives and friends. Didn’t ask how they are doing but I believe they will be well soon too.

  5. More compassion and concern for others’ wellbeing.

  6. More authentic and digging in to find out what’s wrong with oneself. Introspection is the word you can give to this stack.

  7. More peace from the release of inner toxicity.

  8. Vivid dreams helping to release fears and anxieties.

  9. There is 2 or 3 more likely material manifestations that I will confirm later since they are showing signs of completion but too early to confirm until they are done. But yes, the RoM + RoS stack is very helpful if you want something as long as you are willing to change what needs changing in you and you ask for what you want.

Will be doing a washout for a couple of days before I start my next stack. Not sure what my stack will be but will let my spirit guide me.


Washout period of 5 days is the perfect time to make a custom. Even more perfect to make one on Sunday night so that it is ready by the coming weekend aka Friday.


Revelation of Heart

  1. Love Bomb for Humanity Core
  2. Love Bomb Core
  3. Chosen of Venus
  4. Depths of Love
  5. Love Without Attachment
  6. Path of Forgiveness
  7. Strength of Gentleness
  8. Empath
  9. Way of Understanding
  10. Mercy Protocol
  11. Virtue Series: Hope
  12. Faith Unyielding
  13. Song of Joy
  14. Enchanting Smile
  15. Joie de Vivre
  16. Lineage
  17. Dynasty
  18. Auric Overdriver
  19. Divine Will
  20. Mosaic

Technically, LBH = RoH but might as well steal the RoH name since it isn’t being used haha.

Okay so this custom is to heal my heart and express love freely. Module choices for the following reasons:

  • LBH and LB Cores for maximum love bombing.

  • Chosen of Venus, Depths of Love and Love Without Attachment are the ultimate triune modules of love.

  • Path of Forgiveness cause forgiveness is the ultimate form of love. It is also what makes loving possible for no one (including ourselves) is perfect.

  • Strength of Gentleness for the power of a truly strong and gentle heart.

  • Empath, Way of Understanding and Mercy Protocol. The other trinity of love that is empathy.

  • Virtue Series: Hope and Faith Unyielding. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says "Three things will last forever–faith, hope, and love–and the greatest of these is love.”. Love is the greatest but why not add Faith and Hope to make Love greater? Also, it is important to inspire ourselves and others with Faith and Hope.

  • Song of Joy, Enchanting Smile and Joie de Vivre for some much needed joy and laughter. Love needs to be fun too.

  • Lineage and Dynasty to heal ancestral and familial trauma. Remove every block that stands in the way of love.

  • Auric Overdriver to boost all auras. Spread the love!

  • Divine Will so that “my will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. And since the kingdom of God (aka heaven) is within, may the will of the heart be done.

  • Mosaic so that I can stack RoH with RoS + Paragon.

RoH, RoH, RoH my boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is ice cream


@Joa23, @Chase, @Tobyone, @Malkuth, @RVconsultant, @FireDragon and anyone else. What do you guys think of the custom in the post above?

Am a bit excited for it and would love your free flowing first impression.

Maybe it is presults but am feeling giddy! Also possibly the washout bloom from RoS + RoM.


I think the custom is very well thought out and will serve its purpose. I have nothing more to add.
Maybe the others will notice something else.
Otherwise, I wish a lot of fun with the new custom.
Anticipation is the best joy. :smiley:


Thanks a lot @FireDragon! I made this custom on an impulse. But it turned out very well. Need some heart-based healing and development (along with some fun).


It is extremely coherent and unified. For ZP customs that is the gold standard.

It feels inspired.

Starting from the twin program cores: Love Bomb and Love Bomb for Humanity. You couldn’t get any more harmonious than that. Feels potent and powerful; like an interdimensional wormhole. Establishing a powerful, radiant nexus.

And then every single additional module plugs directly into that core with extreme compatibility.

You’re going to get and give a lot of joy out of it.

It feels fantastic.

The name is very well chosen too. It does indeed feel like Revelation of Heart.

Those are my free-flowing first impressions.

I have not yet tried either of the Love Bomb titles, so I’m fascinated by it.

I get the feeling of a spiritual paragon, avatar, or knight. Awesome.

I do have the empathic triad (Empath, Mercy Protocol, Way of Understanding) in my Sapiens custom. So on that part I’ll share some resonance with you.

I think this looks great.


Just loved every line of your impression @Malkuth so won’t quote it back to you.

It’s been a while since I wanted to add the 3 empathic modules (Empath, WoU and MP) to a custom.

After seeing your custom and after Saint had answered a question about whether there will be a RoH by replying that LBH is basically RoH, I thought it would be awesome to make a custom like this.

Was chilling out and feeling the emotions of the washout when I grabbed my phone to put in this custom. There were loads of spiritual modules but then I slashed them all to just focus on the heart. Since am adding RoS to this stack, I don’t have to worry about the spirit.

Also I wanted to focus the hell out of the heart and the module choices became very clear.

A very good opportunity to also heal my relations with everyone around me including my parents, sisters, relatives, friends, enemies, forum members, everyone!!!

Thank you once again for that post. I don’t normally ask for feedback but this custom was just asking for it hahaha!


Presult is a real thing lol I feel like you made this custom out of being in the flow and when you are in the flow everything goes smoothly and open ways for you and every decsion is the best decision. A great sign that the custom is bringing fabulous manifestations into your life and those’s around you :clap: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Love the nursery! I see that Song of Joy already is leading up the modules race :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Perfectly said about the flow. Like a leaf in the wind that relaxes to go where it wants. One with the universe and itself.

You know what??? I was thinking the exact same thing. But am glad I didn’t say it since it gave me a chance to hear it from you. Oh the synchronicity already! YES!!!


See! A confirmation of the custom is right for you! Keep the good things coming into your life and those around you :star_struck: