Lion and the Crucible Dragon [Khan Black, Dragon Reborn, Paragon]

The guy who wrote Improve Your Eyesight Naturally. Yeah I have the book. And am doing eye exercises based on his and others like him like William Bates who advocate for such exercises.

Well I used to do the exercises. Time to restart them.

That’s awesome to hear!



Day 3
Paragon Complete

  1. I don’t need to wait for the healing to be complete to be the man I want to be. I can be the man I want to be while I am spiritualy, mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually healing. Healing never ends anyway but somehow we have the feeling it does.

  2. Khan Black has an interesting effect of reducing the need for porn or masturbation. We can do so if we want but the interest isn’t there at all. Nor is there a need to comfort the self using PMO during an emotional crisis. No need to emotionally eat either. I think it is a good combo with Dragon Reborn.

  3. Today I woke up with a very relaxed state of mind. Usually am a grouch when waking up on Monday lol.

  4. Already saw presults before listening to Paragon Complete yesterday night. Was looking for physical healing guides and listening to Marisa Peer on youtube. Using some of her affirmations in order to not handwave away results from Paragon Complete.



Day 4
Rest Day

  1. Finally got myself to do some palming eye exercise today after a long time. I realized that i was having some sort of resentment towards doing eye exercises before. Cause it wasn’t helping me as fast as I wanted it to. But speed isn’t something I can control. I can control my mindset and effort though. And that brings a certain level of satisfaction from the accomplishment of it no matter how small.

  2. Felt some energy pulsing in my hands while I was palming. Khan Black.

  3. Will add more eye exercises as time goes on.

I use a guided mp3 to do the eye exercises. For those curious where I got it from can check the Envision Eye Exercise Express program that helps with eye exercises for various eye issues. It’s a paid program but worth it. Has videos too to help demonstrate the different exercises.

  1. It has been only one loop of Khan Black ST1 and Dragon Reborn ST1 but my mind is already making way to think about how I can improve my life. Saint and everyone else praising Khan Black aren’t kidding when they talk about how much it is changing their life. For me, it’s bringing me back to a feeling of life being worth living and the gratitude is complemented with the surety of physical healing coming to me.

  2. Meanwhile, Dragon Reborn too doing its thing and making it easier for Khan Black to work. Destroy everything in the way!

  3. Imagine how powerful the New Subliminal Experience Updates of these two will be. It will be awesome to find out. But at the same time, am also more than content with how powerful they are right now.



Day 5
Khan Black ST1, Dragon Reborn ST1

  1. In addition to Palming, added a form of face and head massage to my eye Exercise routine to encourage blood circulation to the eyes. Am slowly and surely getting into the groove of doing these and it doesn’t feel as boring as I used to feel.

  2. Had some reconciliation in the afternoon in the form of some sadness and feeling of missing out on a lot of things but it passed not too long after that.

  3. This is a heavy stack but my previous experience with both these titles and my determination to push through it is growing stronger by the day.

  4. Even if I don’t do anything in my run of the Stage 1 of both these titles, I will gain a lot of healing. But am looking to find actions that resonate with me and which will help me level up into a fearless lion. The animal chosen to embody a sense of courage, leadership and pride that is earned.

  5. The Crucible Dragon. A fiery beast that is merciless in its endeavor to strip every weakness and folly within you and through the cleansing, baptise you in sexual and spiritual fire. Energise you with your own energy and the energy of the universe. Be the Lion Reborn.



Day 6
Rest Day

  1. It’s funny that am finding the eye exercises more easier to do now since each exercise is 10 minutes and there are 6 of them. Did 2 of them today. Ths easiness comes from having to do Joe Dispenza meditations for an hour or more. After that, 10 minutes is very short lol.

  2. Talking about Joe Dispenza meditations, I need to get back into that too. Stopped it after I did the breathing wrong and I ended up raising my blood pressure. Need to master the breathing but the youtube videos I look up regarding the Joe Dispenza breathing isn’t helping much. Need to do more research on this.

  3. One advantage of Khan Black is how it soothes the reconciliation from Dragon Reborn. In that regard, they are the multistage equivalents of Sanguine: The Elixir and Regeneration respectively (since The Elixir also soothed my Regeneration reconciliation when I ran them both in a stack).

  4. Dragon Reborn must have removed a limiting belief I had about routines since now I find a certain satisfaction in following one. Am making it up as I go along but soon my day can be filled with things to do and I can be more self-disciplined. Have struggled with this all my life which led to a lot of failures from school to college to career. Am glad to say that am becoming who I want to be now thanks to building daily habits with a naturalness that I have never felt before. It’s a beginning but a very good one. Like the song goes, “I feel good!”.


Society is filled with people who want something and complain about why they don’t get what they want.

I will find a way to get what I want without blaming others.

I am not going to be a victim anymore.


@Lion stay strong and persistent my friend and good luck on your journey. This is a very transformative stack and for sure not easy to run, but also this is something that could change your life completely in 6-12 months. Keep that in mind through recon periods.

Love to read about progress already.

Peace and love.


I wholeheartedly agree and want to use this time to demolish everything that stood in my way or that happened to me including myself during these 42 years. Nothing should hamper my subconcious mind in manifesting my dreams. No trauma, no past, no future events.

Am prepared for reconciliation because life itself is reconciliation when there is no positive growth and no change.

Much thanks, brother. Peace and love. Hope you are doing well :pray:.


I never would have guessed you had these challenges. You sound like a breadwinner. I hope you get fully healed bro. :pray:


Thanks a lot, brother :pray:.

There are some health challenges which are in the way which I want to overcome. Am not at my full potential but one day I will be.


I was introduced to Eye Exercises long ago by stumbling upon Meir Schneider. I have not been faithful though. I still remember palming, sunning and 20/20/20 rules occasionally. It’s hard to implement if you are not fully committed.

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Thankfully two guys took the Meir Schneider and William Bates exercises and made them into guided audio form where you can follow the instructions and don’t need to look at the time. Have written about it in this post if you are interested. Makes doing it a bit more easier.

But yes, it is sometimes still a challenge regardless. Nevertheless, am committed now. And thanks to my stack, my mindset is getting stronger by the day and soon the body has to follow.


How many minutes do you have to spend on this daily? Or is it supposed to be daily?

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It depends on what eye condition you are working on. Most probably it will be between 50 to 60 minutes.

There are 6 exercises of 10 minutes each for my eye issue.

EDIT: it isn’t necessary to do the full 60 minutes daily. Some days you can do the main 30 or 40 minutes. And if you have time, do the rest.



Day 7
Paragon Complete

  1. Added in the Peripheral eye exercise today. So that makes it a total of 30 minutes of doing this eye routine today. Am slowly but surely getting used lo doing all the routines and getting satisfaction from taking action.

  2. Can feel a tinge of energy rising. It is very obvious especially when am doing one meal a day. Generally I don’t feel much sexual energy when am fasting but Khan Black is changing that. I don’t feel as tired as I used to before when I used to fast.

  3. Talking about one meal a day, lost a ton of weight. One and a half month and I have lost around 8 kgs (17 lbs). Still more to go. Am happy with my consistency and not breaking the fast anytime except if I am going out to visit family and friends. But am back to strict fasting the very next day.

  4. Found some fat burn pills I had purchased a couple of months back. After making sure they aren’t expired, I started using them today. Didn’t use them before since I wasn’t doing fasting nor exercising back then and I knew that doing just the pills wouldn’t work. It’s written on the pill bottle that it works best during ketosis and since am doing one meal a day now, this is the ideal time to take this supplement.

  5. A general sense of contentment and peace is there thanks to both Dragon Reborn and Khan Black breaking down all my limits and raising my energy. Usually the end of the year is a time of dissatisfaction for not having utilised the year in the best possible way but this time am much more hopeful. And much more certain of change.

  6. Also had some old black seed oil laying around that am using on my legs to improve blood circulation. Need to restock and purchase more of this oil.

  7. Creating positive habits is very easy now. Normally creative people push back against strict routines that help build such habits. But now I revel in this change that comes from deep within me that is leading me to self-discipline which I can see will eventually help me utilize my creativity in the best possible way. What’s the use of talent without hardwork?



Day 8
Rest Day

  1. Did the usual eye routine. Will be doing 3 of them for a while before I add any new exercises to my routine. Am getting used to it. My mind and body are getting used to it.

  2. Need to add something else to help upgrade myself. Haven’t found it yet. I could try writing. My mood without food isn’t too bad now. I must be getting used to one meal a day for it to be a normal thing.

  3. Okay I will try it out from tomorrow onwards. Sit at my laptop and type stuff out. It might suck and I might be slow but it will still be better than procrastinating it.


A @Lion my friend. You are running Khan Black and Paragon. How do you feel the two synergize and interplay with each other? I will read this journal as well.

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Hello brother!

Am not expecting the synergy betweem Khan Black and Paragon Complete to show up until stage 3 of Khan Black (since the sales page says so) but am hopeful it can happen before that.

For now while am running stage 1, there is much more energy to contribute to taking action towards physical healing. One example being my motivation to restart my eye exercises after a long time.

Another advantage am seeing right now is more energy despite doing one meal a day (OMAD). Normally when I do OMAD, am extremely lethargic and cranky. Not now though thanks to Khan Black.



Day 9
Khan Black ST1, Dragon Reborn ST1

  1. Added 20 minute meditation to the mix today. Why do I stop things that are good for me? Ah life.

  2. The writing resolution didn’t work out but am sure it is just a matter of time. The same thing happened to me when I decided to do eye exercises. Took me a few days to come around to starting it.

  3. Some reconciliation is there. I don’t feel like talking or writing here much. Almost a Emperor Black feeling of being monk mode. But my sense of humor is good when I talk at home.

  4. Was extremely hungry when I did my one meal a day today. Ate a heavy dinner but it’s okay. Gotta let loose the “beast that eats” once in a while haha.

  5. Some resolving of issues related with needing validation is being released from within me. It’s a childhood fear I guess of being forgotten if I don’t make my voice heard. Usually in a sulky way. Man! Well, I am grateful for the freedom from childhood chains. Thank you, mighty Crucible Dragon.