Limitless Executive + Commander for focus, Monk Mode, possible pairings

Well, it’s time for a new journal.

My journey with Ecstasy of Gold started and ended with stage 1, the most brilliant subliminal I’ve ever ran in my whole life.

I’m still blooming from stage 1, even though I run the program once every two weeks or so these days.

I’m mainly just running Limitless Executive and the Commander.

LE/COMM has become my new favourite stack. It paired perfectly with EOG 1 to help me take action, and has evolved into the main combo of my stack, my preferred choice of subliminal effects.

The combination of LE/COMM provide me the decisiveness, certainty, and brainpower to complete any task I wish to accomplish at my very best. Productivity is at an all time high and even sales skills explode while listening to it regularly. Something that no other sub/stack has been able to do for me so consistently.

I have the journaled documentation to prove, plus the experimental validation to prove, that this stack is my highest ROI producing stack ever. It’s what I was listening to for both massive sales streaks responsible for thousands of dollars surging into our reserves.

Recently, I looked back on my journal to ask myself “what was I running right before my sales streak?”

Thinking this stack might be the key, I tried it and almost instantly hit another sales streak, validating the theory.

Even recently switching to 30 seconds of these subliminal once per day has had immensely positive benefits, including even more consistency, more action taking, no recon, and feeling that every day is a good day.

@Alphamale & others, my thoughts of 30 second loops might be useful to you.

Explaining the what, how, and why of 30 second loops.

The way I perceive 30 second loops compared to 15 minute loops might be similar to the intended use of RICH vs HOM.

HOM, being a metaphor for the 15 minute loop, is designed to expand your ceiling. If you thought you could earn $100,000 per year, HOM will obliterate your beliefs and help you have a maximum potential of $10M per year. But it does so more slowly, with less immediate results, and with more recon than RICH.

RICH’s goals are quite simple. Have a wealth ceiling of $100,000 per year? Awesome. Let’s manifest situations that will instantly get you to $100,000 per year.

So how does that relate to listening to Limitless Executive 30 seconds per day?

Listening 30 seconds per day is more like listening to RICH, the fast acting subliminal. It won’t change your productivity potential from “lazy bum” to “monk mode,” so you should probably listen to the program that will expand your potential first. but it will enhance you to live at the absolute peak of your ceiling every single day, so once you’ve expanded your baseline, listen to the program that allows you to live at the top peak of your potential.

Capable of monk mode? Listen to 30s per day of limitless executive to sustain those results for the long term.

Of course, this assumes you’re already very experienced with the subliminal you’re listening to, THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, because if you haven’t had significant exposure to a subliminal, 30s will do nothing to help you.

30s only reminds your subconscious mind about the goals of the program, and how it once made you feel, similar to how hearing one line of a song makes you remember the whole song, but if you haven’t heard the song many times before, not all the lyrics of the song would jump into your mind after hearing just one line.

I believe that fairly soon, I’ll be making a custom of these 2 subliminals. And I’ll be experimenting with how to stack on top of this… EOG stage 1 is always good, but I’m being called to balance out my life a bit, and listen to it with either Emperor or GLM as a secondary sub. It’ll take a bit of testing.


@Alphamale @Houdini @Palpatine I absolutely welcome the discussion we were having on Saint’s thread onto this journal. Happy to host, so to speak.

@Alphamale, as I was asking earlier, could you please start this off by explaining, to the best of your abilities, what you understand the official listening patterns to be?


As for my own custom, here’s the modules I’m considering. Trying to keep the module list VERY tight 11-13 modules.

  1. Limitless Executive Core
  2. Commander Core
  3. Achilles Heel
  4. Vortexdive Crucible
  5. Machine Rest
  6. Deep Sleep
  7. Purity Without
  8. Victory’s Call
  9. Eye Of The Storm
  10. Inner Voice
  11. Joie De Vivre
    (Maybe one or two more I’m forgetting… I don’t have my phone on me to check)

Also considering the possibility of…

  1. Mastermind
  2. Khronos Key
  3. Tyrant
  4. Divine Will
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The goals of this stack and custom are especially related to taking massive action, which I like MUCH more than simply manifesting :slight_smile:

I find this fascinating for customs.

Simply put, I might make my goal to complete 75 hard, or do some other sort of productivity challenge, like maintaining a very specific morning routine for 75 days in a row.

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What’s your listening schedule and programs @Billions?

Ever since I ran Wanted, I leave this mark on women. Especially so during washouts it just resurfaces, while listening to other programs it seems to be much lessened, as those other programs take the spotlight.

But I believe Wanted had quite the permanent effect on me.

Women tell me I’m an alluring figure and that they have this aching desire to get to know me because I’m interesting and not so “open” that I’m hiding things about myself, lol, and that they want to uncover what I’m hiding.

Might revisit Wanted in the future. I feel like taking a prolonged time off from a title helps to integrate it more deeply and then when you revisit it, it brings new, more intense, and profound results.

Once women give into you, just once, consciously with Wanted it starts to overtake them, it’s this strange effect where they cannot get enough. Like they are under an enchantment or spell.

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@Billions can you tell me about True Sell?

I can not tell you about true sell. I am… not mature enough to handle the power that sub provides. My one loop of it was enough to show me that it is extremely powerful and can provide ANY influence that the user desires… in ANY domain. Either written, or verbal. Maybe even video, but I never tried that.

True sell is a beast, but unfortunately, my maturity level isn’t enough to handle it.

Granted unlimited power, I choose not to seek wealth and greatness, but mere social validation and compliments to my ego - at the cost of my work.

Productivity issues are a rampant issue with me, not an issue with the subliminal itself.

Maybe one day true sell will enter my stack again, no doubt, but I’ve already discovered that my “sales god” stack is simply Limitless Executive plus Commander, with past exposure to EOG ST 1.

Since listening to 30s microloops of LE/comm, I’ve been on a 12 closed deals sales streak. That’s 12 clients in 14 days.

Last month, I only closed 5 clients total. I’m on pace to 6x that at the moment. Truly mind boggling.


My LE/COMM custom came in today! 13 Modules, nice and tight

Will start on 30s loops tomorrow.

Limitless executive
Victory’s call
Purity Without
Deep sleep
Eye of the storm
Carpe diem ascended
Joie de vivre
Inner voice
Vortex dive crucible
Divine Will

The interplay between these modules will be fascinating.

The goal of the custom is to completely naturalize a 5am morning routine, because that’s the bottleneck on my day right now.

It’s my time to focus on personal development. Meditation, journaling wins and goals, exercise, and preparing for my day so I feel in control of my life and destiny for my first call… not like I’m rushing into a 6am meeting unprepared.

That’ll bring me more energy and aura to use on my sales calls to compel others to make the change in their life they need to be successful


Limitless executive and commander as a 2 module duo are already a powerhouse.

They provide drive, discipline, structure, masculinity, and focus, not to mention keep me high energy so I’m in flow on sales calls. They’re the cores, literally and figuratively.

Then, the most interesting mix will be Achilles, vortexdive crucible, and victory’s call. NO healing. All just leveraging negative emotion to create change.

To balance that out, there’s inner voice. Inner voice speaks to the heart of this custom - changing how I feel on the inside in relation to my work and self. I am an auditory person and my inner voice can start causing me anxiety sometimes if I think about work and can’t stop the voice from rambling about things it’s not supposed to be thinking about during rest time.

Joie de vivre and Carpe Diem to balance negativity out with love of my goals… so that if I’m pursuing them, I’m happy, and if I’m not pursuing them, an inner voice shows me how negative I’m feeling and helps me do something about it.

Divine will to increase my will, my physical manifestation of action. It’s so frequent thatI set an intention but feel my will slipping, too weak to make it happen.


Custom day 1

LE/Comm Custom - 1.5 minutes
Sanguine - 3 minutes

The custom has 2 cores, Limitless Executive and Commander.

From Limitless Executive

The amount of energy and productivity that I felt today was amazing. It wasn’t a “grind hard all day” energy, but whenever it mattered, I was able to pull myself together and show up with 100% energy for my next call.

I was taking sales calls from 8am - 530pm, and my last call was 1.5 hours long.

And it was that 8am and that 4pm call that closed. If I had just given up on the last call because I was “too tired” I wouldn’t have made that sale.

From Commander

My authority on the calls today was unreal. The last call of the day that closed, was with a girl who I would say is a fundamentally different person after the call I had with her, because of how many of her beliefs I shifted, and because I got her to stop blaming the market, the economy, her clients for her own mediocre performance this year, and to look within herself for the real reason why she has been struggling.

She was so grateful that she signed up on the spot and was more excited and certain than ever about growing her business, when 1.5 hours ago, she was completely certain that it was the economy’s fault that she was failing and that there was NOTHING that could be done about it.

First Impressions

Wow. Just wow.

Module: Inner Voice

There was one key thing that I said to one of my prospects today that helped them believe in themselves and sign up. It came from my “inner voice” on the call, rather than a day or two later like it usually does. I’m only just thinking of this now, but maybe the Inner Voice module helped with that.


  • Deep Sleep, Eye Of The Storm

After an extremely productive day, it’s now 8pm, and I’m going to read, meditate, sleep early, and wake up refreshed for tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Limitless Executive

Got into a flow writing out of nowhere and wrote some incredible video-script sales letters. The amount of metaphors and visuals that were flowing into the page were incredible. And when I read it out loud, it was amazing from the very first take. Strong forces were at play to allow me to write that well, visualize what it would SOUND like when writing it, and to do it all at the speed of light.


Spoke today at my men’s group about some personal challenges… but didn’t beat around the bush. I said what I had to say with the seriousness it deserved, weight, gravity. I was proud of my ability to express myself.

Also, I was complimented today for having “strong, direct, masculine warrior energy”

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Achilles & Victory’s Call

I had three payments I needed to make to people that involved me looking for some links. Normally I procrastinate but I did it right away.


Recon with a lesson, I should say. I felt the urge, at 10pm as I was coming home, to go out to eat. I knew it was a bad thought to have and a stupid one that would throw off my night, but I did it anyways. The lesson came from being able to introspect on exactly what I was feeling. Sure I had the same negative thought pattern I’ve had in the past, but this time I was able to look at it and say “Oh I want to eat out even though I have food at home because it’s not about hunger, it’s about wanting something new/novel/fun. Where else in my life am I living in a way where I prioritize what’s new and exciting over what’s important?”

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  1. Multiple people reaching out to me asking if I need a sales person. I only just recently decided that’s exactly what I wanted most, and now 2 people have reached out offering.

  2. Yesterday, someone that I sent a contract to 3 weeks ago just randomly signed it. I was like… “what’s this email?” Oh my god… she signed? Wow! And then closed the deal.

  3. Another client from a sales call a week or two ago reached out yesterday and said he was ready to sign up.


More of a lesson from last night’s recon, but I ended up staying up till almost 1am, then waking up at 6am and jumping right into work. Lesson learned… .

  1. Don’t do that.

  2. The custom is strong, that was a massive recon-moment, I haven’t done something like that in a long time. Maybe I’ll take it easy on the custom for a few days, just listen to a couple of 30s loops of major program LE/Comm while the custom blooms a bit more.


Last 2 mornings, I’ve had this urgency to wake up right away, the moment my alarm goes off. It is a strong urgency, intense, like a need. I think that’s Achilles/Victory’s Call/Vortexdive Crucible working together to motivate me with my own negativity. Divine Will, LE, and Carpe Diem also have a role, I’m sure.

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Recon is high. Will washout and/or listen to sanguine


May I know how long have you been doing this business?

2 years and a few months

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Recon is very strong. Completely reverted to productivity deficits, worse than I’ve had any time in the last 2 months.

I’m excited for the healing waiting for me on the other side!

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Great post more to say on it coming and for now question-
Did you ever move on to EOG different stages and if not why?