Life of an Alchemist (successes, trials, and errors)

As far as updates go, I’ve dialed back on Emperor, and I’ll tell you why: It truly does make you want to create your own life. Let me explain. At first, my stack was simple. I played emperor over and over again, but my dreams got incredibly vivid. Replaying past mistakes in dreams so real and lucid. Arguments, fights, failures, etc. But also grand successes. There were times I had dreams of what felt like a future me. The exact way I picture my visions! I’d wake up totally energized and ready to attack the day.

However, my attack wasn’t the same. I didn’t care about school anymore. Grades? Why do I need someone to grade me? Attendance? Am I getting paid? How does this help me create my own infrastructure? And I was completely right. I didn’t actually need to be doing this. This is what I wanted though. The thoughts were so conflicting. I even started to question relationships. What do these people have to offer my long term destiny? It felt dangerous, but ultimately, I realize these are questions that must be asked. I almost called it off with my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years! I had to opt out of Emperor for now.

I then moved Limitless + Ascended Mogul. This worked perfectly. I excelled beyond my goals with this one. Honors, SGA, 2 jobs, $2,000 in profit each month on average. I cannot make this up! I was a production GURU.

Afterward, I added primal because I wanted a physical presence as well. For me, 2019 is going to be all about Physical and Mental manifestation! I believed Primal to be that, and it is. Sort of. Primal seems to distract me from my focus. It makes me feel free to do whatever lol. I am no longer cautious(which I like), but there are moments that I wish I’d think about what I was saying. Also, it makes me very sexual. I can have sex literally almost every hour(11 times in a day was my max last week). As fortunate as it sounds, it’s not what I want. I need this energy channeled into my purpose. Sex will definitely come. I am now reverting back to my original stack:

Limitless x2
Ascended Mogul x2
Limitless x2
Ascended Mogul x2

SN: I am super excited about Spartan because I believe it’s exactly what I thought Primal was! I cannot wait to add this to my stack.