Legacy Wealth - HoM, EoG

It feels good to be back. I haven’t posted in a while, and it has been quite a ride. I’ll start off by giving a recap of what lead to this custom.

The custom is a result of completing Alchemist ST1 to ST3 over the last five months. During that time, I found ritual magick. Which I love, I find some of it ridiculous, but it brings me joy. I listened to Alchemist at the perfect time. I was working for an extremely narcissistic boss, who stripped away all of my personal power and self-esteem. Finding ritual magick after ST1 was the perfect thing for me to rebuild my personal power and self-esteem. In September, I demoted myself to get away from my narcissistic boss and couldn’t be happier. I got a 15% pay raise out of it and have more days off.

I developed a daily practice that includes doing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, The Middle Pillar, a tarot reading (3 card spread of body, mind, and spirit), and a ritual from Wealth Magick by Damon Brand.

Wealth Magick by Damon Brand is what lead to this custom. I am currently on working 5 of 7 and realize that I enjoy stocks, specifically options. I also did a lot of self-reflection and realized that I was my own worst enemy when it comes to trading. I do well for a time, then I get overconfident and go outside of whatever trading plan I set. That is why I went with EoG to help with the self-sabotage aspect of my wealth. I plan to do Success Magick by Damon Brand when I finish Wealth Magick.

I also sought treatment for mental health. I got treated for ADHD and am currently on medication. For those who have read my previous journals on here you can see the jump from interest to interest constantly. To give you guys a picture of the difference taking ADHD medication makes I’ll give an example. Here is what my mind is like without medication: imagine waking up in a bright room, the room is filled with people, they all start talking to you the second you become aware, you notice the TV is on, along with the radio. With medication all the noise is gone, the room is empty, the TV is off, and no radio is playing. It is as if my mind is in a clean state, and I focus on what needs to get done instead of all the things that I thought needed to get done.

Now let’s get to the custom:

  1. Emperor: House of Medici Q Core
  2. EOG ST1 - ST4 (Changed Quarterly)
  3. New Marketweaver
  4. Intuition Enhancer
  5. Virtue Series: Temperance
  6. Secret Source
  7. Wealth Limit Destroyer
  8. I.Q. and Cognitive Booster
  9. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  10. RAIKOV
  11. Fortune’s Favorite
  12. Virtuoso di Matematica
  13. Debt Annihilator
  14. Secrets of Akasha – Wealth
  15. Mystery
  16. Current Invoker
  17. Natural Winner
  18. Furious Ascent
  19. Carpe Diem Ascended
  20. DEUS

I have no plans of quitting my job as a fireman so the goal of this custom is to generate enough wealth that I know I could comfortably retire when I turn 50 (currently 36) and grow enough wealth that I can take care of generations to come.

I plan to trade options primarily using defined risk spreads such as vertical credit spreads and iron condors. I prefer defined risk over strategies such as selling naked calls and puts because they use a lot of buying power and the losses can be astronomical.

That is what has happened in a nutshell. At the bottom of this I’ll leave a list of my favorite magick books because I have seen a handful of people mention the topic on the forum.

Favorite Magick Books:

  1. Wealth Magick by Damon Brand - Doing the workings has led to me building this custom and finding a better path, it’s also what lead to me getting help for my ADHD. The other part of it has been doing the daily practice which involves centering yourself in the present moment, finding something beautiful and then asking yourself the following questions: “How did I come to be so wealthy? Why am I so wealthy?” This simple ritual has made me feel abundant and wealthy all the time. I don’t stress about money anymore even if we overspent one month, I know we will be fine and figure everything out.
  2. Magick Riches by Damon Brand - After finishing the Master Money Ritual our power bill dropped by 50%, we got hundreds of dollars in gifts from family, and I got back pay for overtime I had been waiting for six weeks.
  3. Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove - The demons here helped tremendously with rebuilding my self-esteem and personal power. In regard to demons, I also used Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield, which worked fine, but I had better results from Goetia Pathworking and found the ritual structure much easier.
  4. Angels of Wrath by Gordon Winterfield - This was the first time I saw magick work on someone else directly. I cast the binding spell on the fire chief at my work who was retaliating against me for demoting myself. I did the spell during my lunch break at the fire station. After that he has not targeted me at all, in fact him and his best friend have been fighting. As if his rage was redirected to his friend. This is what made me a true believer in this stuff.
  5. High Magick by Damien Echols - I enjoyed this book because it is a simplified version of Modern Magick. I had been going through Modern Magick but found it to be kind of preachy and long winded. Damien writes in a similar style to the Gallery of Magick, where he cuts out a lot of the fluff.

P.S. @RVconsultant would you please change my username to JayFlex? It’s time for a fresh start.


Welcome back, bro! Good to see you back and embracing your magickal abilities.

Was curious about Magick and Damon Brand myself around 8 years ago but realized it isn’t my style but that’s okay since everyone has their Path.

Sweet custom! And all the best to the new journey, journal and name!


you should get secret angel magick by Adam Blackthorne, the latest gallery of magick book. some overlapping angels from wealth magick in there and more targeted for your trading needs


Thank you! It is good to be back. You are right about magick not being for everyone. Even the mention of tarot cards at work sends people running for the hills. :joy:

I was skimming through your new journal. You have some hefty customs. How is that new journey going for you?

I have it. I’ve used one genius ritual to help someone with an injury and they healed quickly after. I’m currently going through Magickal Destiny. It is different from all the other books I’ve read but I am starting to feel a presence after doing the protocols. Have you read Mystical Words of Power? I’ve read good stuff about it.


It’s quite a journey and its going great, bro. Am braving myself for loads of change, self-acceptance and possibly heavy reconciliation but these customs reflect my ideal lifestyle and am very happy to run them to make my dreams come true.


i love mystical words of power. probably my favorite GOM book. i actually have it in print too. thanks for reminding me that I was going to do a run of pt 1 this week. i try and go through the pt 1 rituals every blue moon


I’ve had it sitting in my kindle library unread. Your comment inspired me to start. I did the first two rituals. I enjoy the simplicity of the rituals.


I made a trade yesterday. I sold a vertical put spread on SPY for a credit of $51. I set a take profit order at 75% of the premium received, and a stop loss at break even. So, if the trade goes against me, I am only out the credit I received.

I noticed some of the psychological effects happening today. I kept thinking I did something wrong when in fact I followed the trading plan exactly like I was supposed to. I’ve been reading Best Loser Wins by Tom Hougaard, and it is helping me understand the psychology of trading. The trade I made will either work or it won’t, I have my exits planned if I goes good or bad, there is nothing else I can do. In the book he talked about how our minds seem to deny something simple especially when it comes to trading, but often times it’s the simplest strategies that make the most money.


I received Legacy Wealth ST1 this evening and listened to the whole track. I didn’t have any recon. I felt an unwavering focus on wealth accumulation. I also have the belief that I can do this, I am capable of this, and that I will make my goals happen.

Today I made two more credit spread trades:

  1. Home Depot - Received a gross credit of $390, target $292, stop loss set at credit received.

  2. SPX - Received a gross credit of $80, target $60, stop loss set at credit received.

I created an Excel spreadsheet that helps me log all the important details, like ticker symbols, expiration dates, short and long options, and the premium target and stop loss. It also gives me a snapshot of my financial status, showing my starting account value, current status, and overall percentage change. I had to learn how to make this spreadsheet by watching YouTube tutorials, but it was worth it. It helped me improve my Excel skills.

Also, I just finished reading Best Loser Wins, and it was phenomenal. There’s one quote from the book that I love: “Focus on the process. Focus on what you can control.” I added the quote to my spreadsheet because it reminds me to stay focused on the process and not the results.


Good to know there’s other GOM users here, look forward to this journal.

Have you tried magical servitors?


I’ve read it but have not used it. Have you had success with the book?

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I had a successful day. I watched a video on 0-DTE iron condors. I tried it on SPX. It was also my first iron condor trade. Initially, I was scared to do it. I was making the strategy more complex than it was in action. Furious Ascent helped me pass that fear and give it a shot. I made trade at 1045 pacific and watched it every 30 minutes until the market close at 1pm here. It was a cool thing to watch. I collected $90 in premium. As the market drew closer to the close, I watched as the iron condor’s value decreased all the way to zero, expiring worthless leaving me with the full $90 in premium.

I also had a put I sold on GME close for 75% of the premium collected. It wasn’t much. The put I sold was so far out of the money that the initial premium was only $20.

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I listened to a loop this afternoon. I feel asleep while listening to it. It must have been like a lullaby for my subconscious because I woke up two hours later. :joy:

I started reading One Good Trade by Mike Bellafiore. The first chapter was awesome. The way he described his trading firm it sounded more like a frat house than a workplace. Everyone has nicknames, they talk trash all day, and they do all this while making a lot of money trading.

I started school again. I am still working towards my Software Engineering degree. I have 12 classes left. My goal is to finish it all this semester. I did 13 classes last semester, but I also burnt myself out and took a four month break from school before coming back. It’s a mix of not wanting to burn out but to also be done.

Magick wise, I have 3 more days of working five in Wealth Magick. I had a really interesting tarot reading the other day. I used my Ars Goetia tarot deck for my daily reading. Options trading and the outcome of my goal were more on my mind than mind, body, and spirit. My subconscious must have picked up on this because I drew cards for Andromalius and Bune. Andromalius can be helpful when needing insight into ambitious goals. Bune can be helpful in providing an increase in cashflow. I will keep those in mind.


Today I read some more of One Good Trade, did my magick rituals, and did some research. I found a couple stocks that seem good. Amazon looks the most promising for a credit spread, but I am also thinking about using my buying power for another 0-DTE Iron Condor. I’ll see how the market is doing tomorrow and go from there. I don’t want to rush into things and want to keep my options open, pun intended. :wink:

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I listened to another loop today. I can tell EOG ST1 is working on my internal beliefs. I’ll still get moments where I daydream of having massive wealth, but it’s different now. As if it is an inner knowing that what I’m seeing is the reality that is to come, and not just something I’m hoping for.

Today I made two trades. I set up an Iron Condor on SPX at 45 days to expiration. The gross credit I received for the condor was $140. I set a profit target to 50% of the premium received.

The second trade I made was a credit spread on IWM. Gross premium was $75. My target profit was set to 75% of premium received, stop loss was set at 100% of premium.

The condor trade was very conservative, I modeled a strategy that investment firms use. The delta I selected was low enough that huge price swings will barely affect the value of the condor.

I also stumbled upon a book called Mean Reversion Trading. Which involves using debit spreads. Which cap your losses and your gains but in general you can make 100% of the cost of the debit if you are in a stock that has large price swings. I was playing around with different strikes after reading the book. Out of the money ones on SPX offer plays where the profit is more than double the risk. I’ll keep looking at this because it seems high profitable, but on the downside, it will require more active management compared to the credit strategies I’ve been using.


Yes, very much so, results creep on you


I wanted to try out the debit spread strategy I mentioned on my last post. I purchased a put debit spread on AAPL. I went about $5 out of the money for the put I bought and $10 out of the money for the put I sold. The max loss on the trade is $110. Max profit was like $400 because of the way the trade is structured. I set a take profit order at $200.

I thought it was funny how things played out yesterday. The market went down two days in a row, but I wasn’t worried. I checked all my positions and nothing was even near getting stopped out. Today everything is pretty much back to what it was last week. I checked WSBs yesterday after market close and it was a disaster zone with everyone saying how the market is in an imminent collapse. Guess they were all wrong today. :joy:

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Everything is going well with my positions this week. Theta decay keeps eating away at the value of my credit spreads and iron condor.

The debit spread I put on AAPL is up $24. I’ll continue to keep an eye on it.

I finished the book Mean Reversion Trading by Nishant Pant. The book was great and covered all the different aspects of mean reversion trading.

I had an interesting synchronicity happen after I started working 6 from Wealth Magick. Part of the ritual was to draw attention to yourself and make people see you as a leader. The next day after doing the ritual I was asked if I could give a short talk on firefighting during a career day at a local church. I gladly accepted the invitation.

In regards to occult stuff, I’m incredibly excited. I ordered some books from Black Letter Press which is a German company that specializes in artisan books. They remake classics by doing a new translation and creating a beautiful hardcover book. I’ll post some pictures later today when the package comes in. I ordered the Third Book of Occult Philosophy, The Esoterism of Dante, and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.


if you get into agrippa (3 books of occult philosophy) you should look at www.renaissanceastrology.com at their talismans and their astro magick course. i took it and its probably some of the strongest magick that exists


I’ll check it out, thanks. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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