Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2021)


I would have two questions if you don’t mind, please. How does Terminus affect you? Have you got some good experiences with it?

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I’ve been planning out the “perfect” Healing custom today.

Got it down to 30 modules lol.

  1. DR4Q
  2. RegenerationQ
  3. Rebirth
  4. Sanguine
  5. Mosaic
  6. Ares
  7. Attachment Destroyer
  8. Blue Skies
  9. Discordia Deliverance
  10. Eye of the Storm
  12. Foundation
  13. Gratitude Embodiment
  14. Growth Through Pain
  15. I AM
  16. Information Releaser
  17. Inner Voice
  18. Iron Frame
  19. Limit Destroyer
  20. Limiting People Remover
  21. Negative Energy Transmutation
  22. Negativity Displacer
  23. Negativity Shifter
  24. New Beginnings
  25. Solitude
  26. Steadfast
  27. Stronger
  28. Unlimiter
  29. Virtue Series: Hope
  30. Virtue Series: Temperance


  1. I could PROBABLY remove Eye of the Storm (if my thinking is correct that Sanguine module should achieve the same thing).

  2. I could also probably remove Regen core…but I really like the idea of having that in there along with the Limit Destroyer module.

  3. I’m including Mosaic just so it will help this healing sub integrate better with whatever I listen to prior to this. So it’d be able to direct the healing of this sub toward whatever I listen to prior.

  4. I like the idea of the “Solitude” module, but I feel the last attached to it. It CAN go.

  5. I think since I just put this list together, I’m too close to be objective about it still. I’ll come back to it later. Just wanted to post it here in case anyone had some useful suggestions of how to tighten it up.

  6. Is “Unlimiter” similar enough to Limit Destroyer as to where it could be removed?

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I was playing around with listening to music in bed last night. Fell asleep before queuing up any subs.
got an accidental sub break
The resulting dream was so complex, I can’t write about it in good faith.
but key point. I was in a sort of structure with lots of levels/floors.
felt like an extension fo the one I’ve been in before.
At one point, there was a stage which was apparently used by the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
But it was named the “Hottie McButterpants Dallas Cowboys Stage”
Hottie McButterpants is a username I use on one of the websites I frequent lol.
At one point, me and the other guy (best friend in the dream I think), we found a casket which was locked…just sitting there on the ground next to the Hottie McButterpants stage.
He’s all “Let’s see what’s inside!” And I said “There’s probably a reason it’s locked. Let’s leave it alone”
He said “Bitch, naw. Imma open it.”
I started walking away to go wherever we were going originally. And he ran up to me a few minutes later “I think I fucked up. There was a couple monkeys in there. They’re made of plastic. And they got out”
I peek around a corner and sure enough, there are these 2 weird stick figure monkeys standing on top of something near where the casket is. The “male” is humping the “female”…and I realized (?) that they were reproducing.
Sure enough again, they suddenly had 2 or 3 “baby” plastic stick figure monkeys…and THEY started fucking…having more.
And after a bit, the entire place was overrun with them and they weren’t being assholes to us, they just kept reproducing more and more.
It somehow became our “job” to capture them as quickly as possible, and put them back in the casket to confine them again (like whoever had done before).
I wondered aloud how we’d fit them all in, and someone said “Naw, don’t worry. As you put them back in, their line of offspring will disappear.”
And yep, each time we put some back in, any that were descended from them disappeared.
I even noticed that as we put one in the casket, any of the ones in the casket that were descended from it would disappear, even when in the casket already.
So by the time we were finished, there were just the original male and female left in the casket.

There are a lot of other parts to the dream…this was just the most memorable part.


Your subconscious has answered. :point_down:t2:

As you cut the roots, the branches & leaves will disappear.

Trim away the modules that are not working on the roots. :wink:

And …

Stop monkeying around. :smile:

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You sneaky guy…

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Just a suggestion here, but I wouldn’t do DR 4 until I’d done DR 1-3 first. Especially not mixed with all that other stuff.
Stage one is difficult enough on its own.

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Oh, and in relation to your dream, I don’t remember what dream produced this, but my wife told me that I recently said “don’t open that! It’s full of micro monkeys” in my sleep.


Whoa. Weird about the Monkeys

The monkeys have taken over. Even the journal title has been edited!

What have you done to our Happy Mr. Perry, you dark force Palpatine?



Pillberry $dough$ boy evolved into a Sith OverLord!
Subs must be working!


Okay let us in on the what, how, and why… @Palpatine

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It just seemed “right” to make the change. He is my fav character from SW. The sheer amount of cunning, planning, and patience. Who else in the SW Universe exhibited those traits more beautifully?

Even Master Yoda was blindsided by his own arrogance in the last days of the Republic.

In any case, Palpatine is awesome.


And so is the Palpatine on this forum! In a good type of MAHAHAHA kind of way.

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Love the name change! Your current forum status (High Alchemist) is very fitting as well. :wink:

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For sure. We’ll need a new category soon enough. Emperor. Just. Emperor.


Well. My new E*Trade debit card came through today. I’m sitting in the car while the wife is in the gym doing her workout stuff (mine is done).

I may or may not have let out a slight [delete]squee[/delete] cackle as only The Emperor can’t

I relished in my delight that I can use Quad Pay to get R.I.C.H. and another Ultima.

My original plan was to get Commander or Godlike Masculinity.

I got Limit Destroyer instead.

So R.I.C.H. and Limit Destroyer.

I was gonna wait to get home. But then thought “Why wait?”

I activated the card, got on the SubClub website, set up the order, added the card to Quad Pay.

Anyone who knows me personally would tell you I’m old school and prefer actual computers over mobile devices for most of this stuff. But The Emperor doesn’t wait and isn’t tied down by limiting beliefs and habitual patterns of thought.

The hardest part was downloading the Ultima zip files and playing them from the iPhone’s lame “Files” app.

I’m listening to R.I.C.H. right now. I think these two will fix a lot of my shit beliefs about money.

Figured LD would be more useful for me right now than GLM or even Commander.

I’m excited that LD has a Q version I can listen to while working.

But you know I’ll also be stacking it with regen during sleep lol

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First run of R.I.C.H. down. Just feel a little tired. But that’s normal for sitting in the car not doing much
Got a slight headache in my left temple about 10-15 mins after the loop was over.
But it faded just as quickly.
So probably nothing.
I’m probably just being hypervigilant since I just ran my first loop.
I’m at home now, and not feeling much different.

No reconciliation is good news lol.

I feel like running it again but will hold off. As I read several people mention that one loop seemed enough.

May run LD Ultima now.

Did you just make this up?!

That’s bars right there

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I did, :slight_smile: I don’t know if it’s original but it sprang from my mind in that moment


I listened to R.I.C.H. Didn’t really notice anything.
Figured I’d listen once more…but listened to LDU first.

Didn’t feel much other than a bit sleepy while listening to LDU, but I was parked in my recliner, and that makes me sleepier anyway.

I ended up listening to those 2 loops of R.I.C.H. but right before bed, did LDQ, BILLionaire and RegenQ.

Nothing when I went to bed other than Solace by Taylor Davis. That song calms me a lot.

Last 2 weeks were those weeks where I called out of work a lot. Due to (Whatever it is and a big reason I decided to get Limit Destroyer).

Of course, my paycheck which comes in today/tomorrow will be hella short. I knew the wife wouldn’t be happy with me, understandably so.

I KNOW I’m making progress with subs because I’ve had this on my mind the past 4-5 days, and before I’d feel all down on myself “I’m a fucking failure. What am I good for, anyway?” type of thinking.

This week, I’m really chill. I think I gradually realized/remembered over whatever timeframe that I am not my behaviors. Thinking in terms of the NLP Logical Levels, this is on the term of behavior (what I’m doing right now) and not identity This doesn’t make me a failure or a bad person.

I can’t point to any single sub as helping me make this shift, since I play so many whenever the mood strikes. I know I’m probably taking the slow approach, before @SaintSovereign says something :smiley:

I have been doing a lot more loops of BILLionaire which has EoG1/EoG4, Limit Destroyer module, and Rebirth Module. Plus been doing Regen, Elixir, Rebirth Ultima when the mood strikes.

This leads into the dream.

I dreamed I was at work taking calls…in an office setting again rather than at home.

Calls kept going horribly. Calls dropping, not able to dial out properly to get customers back.

Lots of mayhem.

At one point, I think to myself, “Wait a fuckin minute. This is Wednesday! I’m off Wednesdays! This must be a dream! OK, I’m ready to wake up now.”

This is the first time since 2004* that I haven’t had complete control over when I exit a lucid dream. I was literally stuck in a lucid dream.

Started freaking out, kept firing my “Exit pattern” and nothing.

There’s a girl in the office who is a fellow At-home worker IRL (her home, not mine lol)

She finally asks “Why can’t you wake up, Bill?” and I say, “I think that even though I’m chill about this, she’s gonna be upset and if I wake up, I’ll have to see her upset!”

I then say “Well, I can’t avoid this any longer.”

Start racking my brain to figure out a way to wake up.

Tried sheer force to wake up. No change.

Tried saying “I need to wake up” to the awareness behind the dream (a la Robbert Waggoner’s approach). No wakey.

Finally, I come up with an idea.

I go up to this girl in the dream (the one I work with IRL) and decide I’m going to kiss her.

My thinking there is that, even though I wouldn’t mind kissing her IRL, I am married after all, and she knows that, and even if she reciprocated the desire, she’s the kind who would slap me for kissing her.

I figure if I do something so out of character for me (in her eyes), it’ll “shake something loose”.

I go up and plant a big one on her. Deep passionate kiss, and there isn’t even any kind of transition to speak of. I’m suddenly awake and staring at my bedroom wall. As if I were sleeping/dreaming with my eyes open the whole time.

I feel at peace when I wake up.

Of course, she was upset at me. We’re ok though now. I’ve been working all this week without issues so far, and she knows and recognizes that.

I definitely need to use the healing/clearing/breakdown subs more so I can make more of these shifts.


  • In 2004, I used to be one of those lucid dreamers who would be “I’m DREAMING! aaaaaaaand now I’m awake!”

I ended up using a pattern I read by Ross Jeffries for installing confidence in oneself using anchors.
I modified it to instead install a sense of calmness whenever I realized I’m in a dream.
Now, even almost 17 years later, it runs on autopilot.

Any time I’m in a lucid dream and I start getting even a tad excited, I can almost sense this “program” running as a very distant presence just modulating my emotions back to normal.

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