King's Quantum Limitless Journal

Day 83
2 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 84
3 Sept 2022
2 loops of QL/ME Custom

Day 85
4 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

While I was in my state of half-wakefulness in the morning, I unconsciously visualized myself at a certain location which I visit regularly in my real life. I have visited that location since I was a young kid, and so in my dreamy state I somehow “shrank” myself to the size of my seven-year old self to try to recreate the environment of that location when I was seven.

I felt myself shrinking physically but everything around me was in some white-light and while I “knew” that I had gone back to that time I wanted, I couldn’t see or hear anything from the surroundings of that era. In any case, the effect lasted for a second or two.

Or had I been influenced by reading about the Doddleston messages?


Day 86
5 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

I have been refining my digital commonplace ebook by just focusing on people and businesses I want to learn about.

My digital commonplace ebook is becoming some sort of text-based Secrets of Akasha - perhaps I will just give it such a title - as I keep on adding more and more interview transcripts, excerpts from biographies/memoirs/ autobiographies as well as case studies of companies that I come across.

It’s becoming an immersive experience reading through even small portions of this ebook of mine. At times, I have this “awareness” that what I am reading is the expression of somebody else’s consciousness put into words. Yet, at the same time, I realise that I am beginning to read the material with the idea that there is only one consciousness.

Therefore, is all the literature I am reading actually an expression of my own consciousness and thoughts?

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Day 87
6 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

It looks like I’ve reached the end of the first cycle for my QL/ME custom. After a washout of five days, I will run this for another cycle before I decide if I want to roll back to QLST2 ZP for two cycles.

I’m thinking that I could also do a strategy of running two cycles of one stage of QL ZP before running two cycles of my QL/ME custom.


An excellent idea.

A good way to punctuate and diversify your Quantum Limitless run.

I’m considering various configurations too (between my core Customs stack and other programs). For now, though, I’m just going to keep things straight-ahead. I’ll acclimate to my 3 customs and everything else can wait.

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Day 88-89
8 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

I’ve finally found a simple cure to better sleep - by turning on the air-conditioner. I am starting to sleep longer and dream more vividly.


Any update on Photoreading?

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No, no updates on that front yet.

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Day 90
10 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 91
11 Sept 2022
7 minutes of ME/QL custom

This is the start of the second cycle of my ME/QL custom.

Richard Feynman’s Chess Analogy

The late great genius explains the process of rational inquiry via chess analogy.

"One way that’s kind of a fun analogy to try to get some idea of what we’re doing here to try to understand nature is to imagine that the gods are playing some great game like chess. Let’s say a chess game. And you don’t know the rules of the game, but you’re allowed to look at the board from time to time, in a little corner, perhaps. And from these observations, you try to figure out what the rules are of the game, what [are] the rules of the pieces moving.

You might discover after a bit, for example, that when there’s only one bishop around on the board, that the bishop maintains its color. Later on you might discover the law for the bishop is that it moves on a diagonal, which would explain the law that you understood before, that it maintains its color. And that would be analogous we discover one law and later find a deeper understanding of it.

Ah, then things can happen–everything’s going good, you’ve got all the laws, it looks very good–and then all of a sudden some strange phenomenon occurs in some corner, so you begin to investigate that, to look for it. It’s castling–something you didn’t expect.

We’re always, by the way, in a fundamental physics, always trying to investigate those things in which we don’t understand the conclusions. We’re not trying to all the time check our conclusions; after we’ve checked them enough, they’re okay. The thing that doesn’t fit is the thing that’s most interesting–the part that doesn’t go according to what you’d expect.

Also we can have revolutions in physics. After you’ve noticed that the bishops maintain their color and that they go along on the diagonals and so on, for such a long time, and everybody knows that that’s true; then you suddenly discover one day in some chess game that the bishop doesn’t maintain its color, it changes its color. Only later do you discover the new possibility that the bishop is captured and that a pawn went all the way down to the queen’s end to produce a new bishop. That could happen, but you didn’t know it.

And so it’s very analogous to the way our laws are. They sometimes look positive, they keep on working, and all of a sudden, some little gimmick shows that they’re wrong–and then we have to investigate the conditions under which this bishop changed color… happened… and so on… And gradually we learn the new rule that explains it more deeply.

Unlike the chess game, though… In the case of the chess game, the rules become more complicated as you go along, but in the physics when you discover new things, it becomes more simple. It appears on the whole to be more complicated, because we learn about a greater experience; that is, we learn about more particles and new things, and so the laws look complicated again. But if you realize that all of the time, what’s kind of wonderful is that as we expand our experience into wilder and wilder regions of experience, every once in a while we have these integration in which everything is pulled together in a unification, which it turns out to be simpler than it looked before."


Day 92
12 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 93
13 Sept 2022
2 Full loops (15 minutes) of ME/QL Custom

Day 94 - 96
14 Sept to 16 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

– Productivity not very high in the past few days. I think it’s more related that what I think I should do to achieve my goals, or perhaps what are my goals in the first place.

– Some tingling in my forehead and above the nose-bridge.

– I have a feeling that the experience of reading certain material has become more “immersive”

– Auditory imagination remains strong and my mind always seems to have a song playing in my head when I am not thinking about anything.


Day 97-98
17-18 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Darn. Accidentally deleted my previous post. Will rewrite it again when I have time.

Day 99
19 Sept 2022
3 minutes of QL/ME Custom

After last week’s 2 loops of 15 minutes, I’m going to try running only 3 minutes of my custom subliminal for a week.

Interesting that I’ve already been on this treatment for almost 100 days now. I’ve decided I will run by QL/ME Custom for one more cycle before moving on. That would mean 3 cycles of QL/ME Custom and I’m sure something significant will kick in in the third cycle, which will be in October 2022.

In any case, I’m clearer about my key goals for this custom subliminal.
– I’m interested in developing that ability to easily capture, integrate and synthesize the information from whatever I read and learn.
– My secondary goals are to improve my sense of awareness, my motor-coordination, and some visual handicaps as well as my executive function.
– In addition, given that I’ve spent quite a lot of time in recent months building my own ebooks, I think that an ebook production business is something that I’m looking to explore.


Day 100-103
20-23 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Had a strange dream. As I didn’t bother to actually record in detail the happenings of the dream after waking up, I have forgotten a lot of details. I am therefore trying to piece together what I dreamt about with whatever I can remember, though some details may be wrong.

I had to wake up earlier for a conference call with some people in another time zone. Before that, I think I was in and out of dreams as I slept and woke up intermittently only to go back to sleep again.

In one of my dreams, I was running late for a physical meeting which I had to attend. I was still waiting for a taxi to take me to the location when I realized that that the meeting was actually to be held online. Feeling relieved that I could just log on to the meeting from my home, I was also surprised that my counterparts were not online for the meeting. The next thing that happened was that I suddenly became aware that I was in Barcelona in a meeting with an ex-colleague for a different topic.

The strange thing is that when I had my actual Microsoft Webex meeting when I woke up from my dream, a client who was supposed to join us did not appear.

Day 104
24 Sept 2022
1 full loop of QL/ME Custom

I feel that my thinking about world events, as well as local events around me, has become a bit more structured, and I am beginning to be aware that there are many many layers to world events. My understanding at the moment is that at different layers, there are different stakeholders.

I have also become more skeptical of learning about something from just one source, and will always attempt to learn about the situation from another perspective, and sometimes another layer.


Day 105
25 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

“I know people who have a lot of money, and they get testimonial dinners and hospital wings named after them. But the truth is that nobody in the world loves them.If you get to my age in life and nobody thinks well of you, I don’t care how big your bank account is — your life is a disaster. That’s the ultimate test of how you have lived your life.” - Warren Buffet


Day 106
26 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Had been thinking of a certain word and it appeared on the Internet while I was doing a search for something else.


Day 107
27 Sept 2022
1 loop of QL/ME Custom

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Day 108-109
28-29 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

I managed to convince an entrepreneur friend of mine to set up a mastermind group with me and his forex trader friend to share insights and bump off ideas.

I started my second cycle of my QL/ME custom on 11 September 2022, so I will most likely end this cycle on 2 October 2022, after which I will do another cycle of my QL/ME custom.

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Day 110
30 Sept 2022
Subliminal Break Day

I will not be running anymore of the QL/ME custom until 7 October 2022, when I start my 3rd cycle of the custom. I should let the effects of the subliminal seep into my subconscious over the next 7 days.

Anyway, here’s another strange dream I had.

I dreamt that I was on my bed listening to some subliminal audio from Subliminal Club with my headphones. Somehow for the whole length of the audio, I heard people narrating something and at one point I thought I was listening to a friend of mine narrating in the audio. I had some thoughts that I should contact her and tell her that her voice was being used in the subliminal; Actually it didn’t sound like a subliminal audio anymore. Anyway, I managed to finish one full loop of the audio in the dream and had this urge to run something like Ascension Chamber.

In a separate dream on the same night, I also dreamt about a famous world leader (quite famous in real life) being assassinated. I think the dream was real enough for me to wake up and check the news.


Day 111-13
1-3 Oct 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Currently on my subliminal washout period until 7 October 2022.

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Day 114-116
4-6 Oct 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 117
7 Oct 2022
First day of third cycle of QL/ME Custom. I ran the custom for 7 minutes.

Day 118-9
8-9 Oct 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Sleep has become better and dreams more vivid.

Had a very realistic dream when my business partner was presenting with me with some new opportunity in his email after briefing me on some tasks. I had seen that email with the tasks on my mobile when I woke up in the middle of the night before going back to sleep again but I had to wake up again to check if it was true.

Day 120
10 Oct 2022
Ran 7.5 minutes of the QL/ME custom.

I’ve gone down a lot of rabbit holes recently - my mind is currently trying to process a lot of information to better formulate my world view.

Also have had the increasing realization that the learning disabilities I have had since young benefited me in some ways.


Day 121
11 Oct 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 122
12 Oct 2022
Ran 15 minutes of the QL/ME Custom

– I’ve had some thoughts recently that all the rubbish and negative thoughts in my mind have become clearer and since most of these thoughts have been running in my mind for eons, it is possible for me to take conscious action to address these thoughts.

– Realised that I’ve been spending a large portion of my life researching and researching…on various topics including how my mind (my mind not yours) works and what solutions there are to optimize them. At the very least, I have the understanding now that what works for other people may not work for me.

Some excerpts from a short biography on Bill Gates by Isaac Walterson

Part of what makes him so enigmatic is the nature of his intellect. Wander the Microsoft grounds, press the Bill button in conversation, and hear it described in computer terms: He has “incredible processing power” and “unlimited bandwidth,” an agility at “parallel processing” and “multitasking.” Watch him at his desk, and you see what they mean. He works on two computers, one with four frames that sequence data streaming in from the Internet, the other handling the hundreds of e-mail messages and memos that extend his mind into a network. He can be so rigorous as he processes data that one can imagine his mind may indeed be digital: no sloppy emotions or analog fuzziness, just trillions of binary impulses coolly converting input into correct answers.

Gates’s intellect is marked by an ability, as he puts it, to “drill down.” On a visit to Time Inc.’s new-media facility, he answered questions from a collection of magazine editors as if by rote, but on his way out he asked to see the Internet servers and spent forty-five minutes grilling the claque of awed techies there. Broad discussions bore him, he shows little curiosity about other people, and he becomes disengaged when people use small talk to try to establish a personal rapport. Even after spending a lot of time with him, you get the feeling that he knows much about your thinking but nothing about such things as where you live or if you have a family. Or that he cares.

Longtime competitors raise a more philosophical issue about Gates: His intensely competitive approach has poisoned the collaborative hacker ethos of the early days of personal computing. In his book Startup, Jerry Kaplan describes creating a handwriting-based system. Gates was initially friendly, he writes, and Kaplan trusted him with his plans, but he eventually felt betrayed when Gates announced a similar, competing product. Rob Glaser, a former Microsoft executive who now runs the company that makes RealAudio, an Internet sound system, is an admirer who compliments Gates on his vision. But, he adds, Gates is “pretty relentless. He’s Darwinian. He doesn’t look for win-win situations with others, but for ways to make others lose. Success is defined as flattening the competition, not creating excellence.” When he was at Microsoft, for example, Glaser says the “atmosphere was like a Machiavellian poker game where you’d hide things even if it would blindside people you were supposed to be working with.”

It comes down to the same traits that his psychologist noted when Gates was in sixth grade. “In Bill’s eyes,” says Glaser, “he’s still a kid with a start-up who’s afraid he’ll go out of business if he lets anyone compete.” Esther Dyson, whose newsletter and conferences make her one of the industry’s fabled gurus, is another longtime friend and admirer who shares such qualms. “He never really grew up in terms of social responsibility and relationships with other people,” she says. “He’s brilliant but still childlike. He can be a fun companion, but he can lack human empathy.”


Day 123
13 Oct 2022
Subliminal Break Day

Day 124
14 Oct 2022
Ran 15 minutes of the QL/ME Custom.

– I tried the ultrasonic version of my custom subliminal today, after thinking that it could help somebody like me with low suggestibility.

– I find myself more careful these days when I do my work for fear of upsetting my clients, but the anxiety and ocd hasn’t really gone off.

– I decided to give my ebook a title “Worlds and Minds”, since that it is what it is about. Given my short lifespan on earth and inability to get out of my physical body, the best I could do is to be able to experience the lives and thoughts of other people by reading.