King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

Been feeling pretty zen and chilled out. Interested to see what happens back on my stack today.

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Tossed in a loop of Ascended Mogul, and hours later was reached out to by a potential business partner. We had been talking about going into business together a few months back but things never materialized (kind of just fizzled out). Now he reaches back out to me today right after running a single loop of AM


I’ve been quite productive today despite being tired. Deciding to let my intuition guide me into what actions to take, rather than my classic overthinking and overanalyzing. It’s been a much more carefree and enjoyable way of living, yet I am able to accomplish a lot more because I’m flowing rather than forcing action.

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Also forgot to mention that I’ve been on semen retention for about a month now with seemingly minimal challenge. Yes, I still get urges and of course feel that sexual energy flowing (special thanks to Inner Gasoline), however, I have been harnessing this energy purposefully to upgrade myself.

When considering Inner Gasoline for the custom, I was admittedly concerned it would make me feel so horny I’d be out of control of my sexual urges, turning me into a fap machine LOL. Yet, the opposite has been true, I’ve never been more in command of my sexual energy and have really been able to harness this control for positive benefit.


Been feeling Zenned out yet focused today. Really staying focused on my work and doing what’s right in front of me. Yet without that pressure that I used to put on myself to “always be productive”, which ended up being counterproductive and detrimental. Feeling like I’m making big strides this week.

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Still feeling very exhausted since my trip home. Skipped my first planned workout in a while this morning. I had set an alarm to wake up early for the gym but snoozed it and could not get myself to get up until it was time for work. It’s ok not beating myself up too much for it. I’ll try to go later after work.

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Stayed late at work when not required. I was told I could leave if I wanted and it was optional for me to stay but I decided to stay anyway as demonstration of my commitment to excellence. It was AM I’m sure giving that extra boost to my motivation.

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Ended up getting a workout in after work. It wasn’t great as I’m still coming off an illness and been feeling exhausted, but definitely better than nothing. Gaining some momentum back after missing the previous 5 days.

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Still feeling exhausted today. Probably from fighting off this illness. I want to get back to the gym but physically I feel like resting.

As much as I want to force myself to go to the gym, my body is telling me to take it easy and let myself rest. I’m learning to follow my intuition and not fight it - easier said than done at times but definitely a focus right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still being productive with work and other tasks. Right before this I just meal prepped for the rest of the week. I’m just not feeling that physical vigor to exercise right now.

I should probably throw Spartan back into the mix as I’ve been somewhat neglecting my exercise needs.


One of the most noticeable advancements from my seduction custom is the massive heightening of my standards. I thought this custom would make me pursue lots of women, but instead I’ve been retaining my semen for over a month now and have no intention of stopping unless it’s with someone I find unbelievably attractive and have a solid connection with.

Been noticing lots of attraction from the types of girls I’d used to normally be thrilled about flirting with. However most of them aren’t up to my standards anymore. I’m being quite choosy and feeling the full embodiment of my value more and more each day.


Ran Rebirth as a booster earlier and just had the most profound breakthrough when meditating just now. I was made aware of this pattern of people yelling/getting mad at me for no apparent reason that has stuck with me for most of my life.

It’s been a reoccurring pattern that’s held me back in SO many ways. Like uncertainty to make a decision because of fear of getting yelled at. Or inability to express myself authentically because of a fear of someone getting upset. Avoiding conflict out of this fear stemming from early childhood.

Holy shit I feel so light and free from this burden. Such a profound eureka type moment and a major breakthrough for my personal growth!


Wow, I’ve been feeling honestly so light and blissed out after that major breakthrough and release. I love Rebirth Ultima it’s such a powerful booster and great companion to any stack.

In other news, the new module pack looks INCREDIBLE. It’s honestly opening up so many ideas in my mind for future customs (especially for my career in sales). It’s been such a wonderful day.


And to make things even better, I’m heading out on a quick vacation tomorrow to Colorado - one of my favorite places to visit :slight_smile:

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Really excited by this new module pack, so much that I’m plotting out my next custom focused on career $ucce$$


I’m so excited by these new modules that I legitimately had a hard time sleeping last night lol. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning, just going through different scenarios in my head.

As I’ve always done, going to take some time to consider my next custom before making the final decision.

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Was at a concert tonight and had the best time. Mind you, I went alone whereas normally I’d go to an event like this with a group. Tonight was different. I was feeling ready to explore outside of my comfort zone and am so glad that I did.

First, the uber ride there. This female Uber driver and I connected on so many levels and had one of those really deep meaningful conversations that you leave feeling a lot better from having it. It was not surface level banter, we were talking deep spiritual topics. I’m not going to get into the details but the best way I could say it was that we were “vibing”.

Second, at the show. The show is packed and I easily made my way down to front and center just a few rows back. It was effortless. In the past I would’ve settled for a decent spot, but tonight I really was looking forward to the act so I made it a point to get the best view I possibly could. Even one time when I had a really solid view, I got the intuitive nudge to give up that spot and explore even more. Ended up with one of the best seats in the house. In the past I would have worried about whether I was right to move up or concerned about possible conflict even though I was not blocking anyone. I feel like Furious Ascent and Rogue helped here, along with the overall Khan demeanor.

I ended up next to a couple cute girls. We were chatting having a good time all dancing to the music. Later on in the show, I look back and there’s another girl standing right behind me and I realize I was blocking her view. I mention that and traded places with her so she could see better. She was very grateful and we began talking and I could tell she was into me. Very flirty banter and very touchy. I ended up grabbing a cab out early, so when saying goodbye I ask if she’s in town for the weekend and what her plans were. She damn near grabs my phone before she could answer to put her number in. She’s been texting me since and we’re planning to hang out tomorrow.

Last, the Uber ride back. Same kind of thing. This driver and I connected very well. This time it was a dude and we were on the same page about so many things (even had the same car in the same color haha).

So overall just one of those excellent nights and the best part was that I was essentially sober and by myself. This was a real confidence builder for me socially.


Playya :wink: Seems like you are just expecting those things now, just a silent knowing, and that’s just how it is. Life becomes so effortless when you are in charge of it.

Excited to hear that you love that combo, I’m doing my next custom with these two as well.


That’s exactly right man. It was effortless, almost natural in a way. The whole situation just kind of came to me while I was enjoying myself. I’m sure that WANTED contributed in a way.

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Dude great choice. It’s really powerful to be able to take risks without being burdened by the opinions of others. In fact, a lot of times we back down from risk is because of our fear of what other people think!

Another suggestion for the ultimate triple threat would be to include ARES to wipe out any residual shame fear guilt that may be holding you in old patterns.

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