KhanQv2 and StarkQv2 (Experiments of 14 y.o dude)

I understand you would want a girlfriend or someone like that.

If I was 14 again, I would too.

In terms of subliminals here, I don’t think I can recommend one.

What I do know is that women and girls tend to like “status” in men. Status could be in the form of self-confidence, a position of respect (such as President of the Art Club or some other school group), achievement (being really smart in school), or popularity.

Now there is Limitless which is supposed to improve intelligence, which is available for people 13+ year old.

However with other titles, including Khan, I just don’t know.

Man, I’m a kid, but I’m not that much haha

Okay so art club isn’t for everyone.

But I think you know what I’m saying. Director of your school news? President of the photography club? Program coordinator of your school radio station? Captain of the football team? I think you understand.

Everyone has different values. I don’t want to become a sex bomb, and I’m not interested (about Iron Throne). I’m getting rid of my addiction to porn and fapping. From what I can notice. Girls like sociable and confident (as you said) guys. Beauty is also affected, but since I didn’t distinguish myself with the beauty of the model, I need to compensate for this with other areas, you know?

Mother Russia distinguished herself. It’s different here. It’s getting harder

Ah, I remember that. Had my share of girlfriends, but not that one that I wanted. Blond, gorgeous, legs that went on forever, nice to everybody and yet she didn’t even notice me. I believe I actually joined Drama class for her. I wonder who she is today…

I have to get something off my chest. There is a reason why laws exist that punish adults for gettin’ it on with teens. Just like how young people shouldn’t become powerlifters because it could stunt their physical growth and even lead to deformities, there is a lot of emotional development going on as part of the aging process. Teenagers are still developing that area of their brain. And that is a process that, as much as teenage boys may hate it, has to happen naturally and at its own pace.

In my personal opinion. it is not only unethical but also dangerous to try tools that were specifically designed and written to be executed by a fully developed brain on a teenage brain. There is simply no way to predict how it would affect the development of that person. Maybe what would make an adult man confident would make a younger person domineering and aggressive. Maybe the go-getting instructions in Iron Throne would make them obsessive and dangerous. All because they contain instructions that the brain does not yet know how to handle the correct way. Lots of maybes. We don’t know. And we don’t want to find out.

Hence, the instructions and recommendations for subliminal use remain to be 18+ years of age. These are highly complex scripts (getting more so with every generation) and should be used in the correct way only. Competitors have been known to write the age requirements into the scripts. Do we really need to do that to protect you from yourself?

In short (too late), I trust Saint and Fire have done the research and did not make these recommendations lightly. They know a lot more about this stuff than you or I do.

If you really want to become that kid that gets all the girls, study - and more importantly apply - PUA materials. That causes the change to come from you and will allow your brain to develop with you as a team, at the right speed for you.

And whatever you do, stay away from Iron Throne. It contains zero foundational work, which is exactly what you need the most of.

Then it’s easy. In Russia, give a man a 2 pood girya and he will forget women altogether.

Although, depending on your physical frame, it could be like that old saying:
“In Mother Russia, you do not use a girya, the girya uses you!”



that’s a very clear answer. thank you very much for your advice!

you’ve described me completely. I found a huge amount of motivation in it. everything went beyond the drama class

I am stopping this journal because I have temporarily changed my goals and should be implemented in a slightly different direction. Creating a new one :smile:

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