Khan + True Social + Libertine?

I haven’t 100 % decided on it yet, but my initial plan is:

Khan st. 4 and Inner Circle in one custom (no additional modules): 3 loops per day - 5 days on/ 2 days off

Libertine and TS in one custom Ultima: 1 loop per day - 5 days on/ 2 days off

@mvargo ohhh your gonna have some crazy wild stories to share with everyone on those stacks :wink:

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I really hope so - I’m so optimistic about life and my own situation going forward (especially after having spend a lot of the winter on DR), so I think that I’m in a very good place for an awesome Khan run.

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Well from what I have read about DR it builds a rock solid foundation for the use of any of the major subs and customs. I personally kept away from DR as I felt it would ruin my work productivity.

I understand. It only worked out for me because I worked from home due to lockdown.

@mvargo it’s pretty funny to see where I thought I’d go with Khan vs what happened. Due to the pandemic the Khan + TS + L combo never happened. Not to mention, this combo is fairly impractical right now given that it takes three hours of listening time.


You could put them all in a custom Ultima :slight_smile: @TheBoxingScientist has stated Khan Stage 4 works well for him in Ultima format.


Hah, potentially. It’ll be a while before I purchase a new custom, though. I’m hoping for Q+/U+ (aka the FINAL FRONTIER) to be ready by then. In the meantime, healing as much as superhumanly possible.


Yep - this is why I wanted to put TS + L into one custom.

Yes indeed it does the effects are immediate.

What did you decide about TS and L?

Hey man

Thanks for asking.

Haven’t decided on the Ultima yet, since I won’t introduce it until st. 4.

I was planning to start st. 4 on Monday and have ordered a custom with Khan, PCC and Inner Circle (only additional module is Deep Sleep), but since neither Khan nor Inner Circle have been upgraded to V2 yet, I don’t think it will be ready for Monday.

We get conflicting messages from the government regarding a reopening of society, and the latest news haven’t been super uplifting.

Hence, I’ve considered pairing the Khan custom with something else for a while until things open more up and I can go for L + TS (or what I decide at that point). I have been looking a lot on The Commander, and I really think that it could be an excellent pairing with Khan st. 4 for a while, since it seems to be working on some “inner aspects” of your personality as well. Any tought?

Let’s suppose society was reopened, what would you want to have on your playlist?

That would be L + TS :slight_smile:

Here’s what I’d do. I get them and play them at 1 loop each per day at 5 times per week. Then next week go to 1 loop per day of each 3 times per week. That way my mind is getting used to the script and I’ll be ready for re-opening. What do you think?

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Do you mean getting both Libertine and TS separately as as a “normal ultima” instead putting them together in a custom for now? I like that idea for two reasons.

i. I actually already own both of them. (When I first found out about Subclub I came from another producer that charged $ 600 for a sub, so purchasing subs for $ 35/50 seemed super cheap and I didn’t really understand the concept of stacking, so I purchased a lot of stuff that I havn’t used)

ii. I need to be on a stack long term, but I have decided that I will move to the male equivalent of the seductress when that is out. I’m absolutely fine with having spend $ 135 on a Khan st. 4 custom that I might only use for a short while, but I might not want to spend additional money on a custom ultima if I’m going to change my plans soon anyway.

You could notice how that works. If you like it, then maybe consider a custom. Kind of like a test drive.

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Sounds like a good plan.

Can see that Inner Circle Qv2 is being prepared now, so maybe the Khan custom will be ready for Monday :smiley:

Patience my young mvargo… :person_in_lotus_position:

Honestly I’d wait for life chargers before trying Khan + TS + L.