Has anyone run this stack before? If not, does it sound like a good idea? Or would it be better to stick to TB solo?
I guess it could help to heal your sexuality deeper.
But for that I’d choose KB1 over TB.
For the Seduction I think, Stage 2 onward would be better.
Haha oh KB wasn’t even on my mind. I’ll be starting Stage 2 next week (already almost done with TB but was thinking of adding a 30 sec loop of SSX).
Reading KB ST1 now and yeah f*ck, that looks like it would’ve been good to stack with TB :l I could run it next cycle with Khan ST2, not sure if they would stack as well though but idk
you could totally run it. They’re such wildly different subliminals. Trust your gut and go with it - SSX is designed to be incredibly stackable.
SSX and KB are such different comparisons. SSX is light, stackable, very very very specific, and skills based. KB is as deep as Khan but specifically towards sexual shame/trauma.
TBH I like KB alot and have run it, but I think that in my situation at least, I plan on doing KB after Khan and I’ll get a lot more out of it.
I’ll probably go through the KB stages WHILE listening to Khan ST4, but I know that even with Khan ST1/2 there’s so much sexual healing/reprogramming - KB is the sexual energy scripting from Khan, multiplied 100x.
What is TB
Total Breakdown