Khan (TB) + SSX

Has anyone run this stack before? If not, does it sound like a good idea? Or would it be better to stick to TB solo?

I guess it could help to heal your sexuality deeper.
But for that I’d choose KB1 over TB.

For the Seduction I think, Stage 2 onward would be better.

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Haha oh KB wasn’t even on my mind. I’ll be starting Stage 2 next week (already almost done with TB but was thinking of adding a 30 sec loop of SSX).

Reading KB ST1 now and yeah f*ck, that looks like it would’ve been good to stack with TB :l I could run it next cycle with Khan ST2, not sure if they would stack as well though but idk :man_shrugging:

you could totally run it. They’re such wildly different subliminals. Trust your gut and go with it - SSX is designed to be incredibly stackable.

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SSX and KB are such different comparisons. SSX is light, stackable, very very very specific, and skills based. KB is as deep as Khan but specifically towards sexual shame/trauma.

TBH I like KB alot and have run it, but I think that in my situation at least, I plan on doing KB after Khan and I’ll get a lot more out of it.

I’ll probably go through the KB stages WHILE listening to Khan ST4, but I know that even with Khan ST1/2 there’s so much sexual healing/reprogramming - KB is the sexual energy scripting from Khan, multiplied 100x.


What is TB

Total Breakdown