Khan ST4 Custom + Primal Custom Stack Journal

(Original thread posted in wrong forum)

Hi all, I’ve purchased two custom subs from SC.

Sub 1 contains: Only Khan ST4 (Terminus)

Sub 2 contains: Primal Seduction (Terminus), Seducer’s Gaze, Iron Frame

Previously, I’d tried a custom sub with 22 different modules. While I saw results, it felt like too much to be effective. So I’m going with a more pointed approach with fewer modules I ordered Sub 1 (Khan 4 Terminus) and have been running it for about two weeks now. Today, Custom Sub 2 arrived and I’ve run only one loop so far, but can still comment on the effects of Custom 1.

I will begin with a new entry on that:


Custom Sub 1 (Khan ST4 Terminus Squared)

I have run Khan ST4 before, and always found it to be surprisingly subtle compared to other subs. That’s an illusion though, it’s very powerful. Billed as a “Social Dominance Subliminal”, the effects disappointed me at first because I expected it to make me bubbly, or extroverted, or something like that. Instead it gave me a very strong frame internally, so that my social anxiety completely dissipated. In every interaction I was effortlessly centered and felt zero need for validation. All this happened without my awareness at first, and I was frustrated at first because I thought nothing was happening until I became acclimated with the effects.

One very interesting thing I noticed on Khan and no other subliminal: The first time running it, I was speaking with a man who was very nervous. He didn’t look it so much on the surface, but I could sense he was anxious beneath the surface. I could feel nervous energy off people, and it repulsed me. This is how I knew Custom Sub 4 was working, because as I walked towards a man and could sense the exact phenomena I’d felt many months ago on Khan Q.

Since starting my Custom Khan Sub, I’d say the effects came on stronger and more rapidly than Khan Q. My anxiety is reduced in the way I described above. In addition, I’ve experienced a positive mood, internal equanimity, and better posture and body language. I’ve also started taking better care of my hygiene and personal appearance, and I’m thinking about my life goals and priorities. Started writing a journal, bought some new clothes, started learning Russian again (I love Russian women), and lost about 5 lbs after starting to eat better. It all seems related to my sex appeal and these changes I’ve mentioned are since starting my custom sub.

I did go through a very painful bout of resistance about 1 week end. It lasted for several days, but I really cleared some things up I think. To my surprise, the resistance passed and I felt lighter. I was able to admit some things to myself, some mistakes, that I’d never been able to take responsibility for. Still hard to believe that happened!

As for my schedule, I’ve been running 1 loop of Custom 1 per day, and I think I will add 1 loop of Custom 2 to that.


1 x Custom Sub 1 / day
1 x Custom Sub 2/ day

cheers everyone, will report more soon!


You’re able to edit the thread and move it to a different category…

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Only KST4 and no additional modules for Custom 1? I thought I read there were minimum 10 submodules required in addition to 1 major core, but can’t see it on the FAQ page.


Unfortunately, I can’t be sure whether my custom Subliminals are working correctly, or even if they’re effective at all. See 10 module minimum for custom subs?

I asked several times in that thread about my specific situation, and pinged the creators, but to no avail.
HOWEVER, as I stated in that thread I’ve felt strong effects from my custom Subliminals and would be shocked if it were all just placebo.

So take everything in this journal with that in mind…