Khan - So evil I make therapists rich


ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤBiggus Dickus



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What are you actually running, mate?

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EoG ST2 - Custom - HeartSong
Custom is linked in my bio


It’s funny that I used to feel guilty each time I’d buy food for 3$ daily.

Today I saw a job ad for artists that pays 35$ per hour for making layouts for products and making websites more pleasing to look at.

I do this stuff already in my free time for my own website and Im really good at it. I could get hired there now and get so much money.

I see now that I truly underestimated how much money is flowing in the world every single day and how much value I truly hold in eyes of certain people out there.

I could get 35$ per hour for this? Astonishing.


ㅤㅤㅤㅤE o G

Ideas for data to collect :
  • Time to first value
    how long does it take to deliver the product after purchase?
  • Customer satisfaction
    Send surveys to customers
    See what makes customer decide to leave or stay
  • Ascension :
    what percentage of customers come back for second purchase?
    how much money do you make from second purchase they made?


Gain long term customers :

It’s better to invest money into customer to come back
rather than pay to get constantly new ones.

  • First impression of company to the customer
    comes within first 24 hours
  • Make as many promises to customer
    and fulfill them within that timeframe
  • “Before you go, I’ll connect you with Sandra so she will be in contact with you” - Sandra reaches out.
  • Be informed of what the customer knows
    hold their hand and make sure they don’t feel lost. Ever.
    Know the details of the customers order and the reason
    ( usually an issue they want to resolve ) that made them buy it
    “hey I saw you have a prolem X so let’s fix it”
  • Resell what they just bought
    show examples of other peoples products before they get theirs
    Set the timeline of kept promises within first 24 hours and keep them informed and entertained until the final delivery of the product

Today’s goal:

  • reach out to minimum 10 people with high following
    and offer them a free service

  • Learn how track click on a specific
    page button through Tags Manager


It depends.

There are generally three ways to scale up your business revenue (over simplified).

Raise the Number of customers (New customers in)
Raise the AOV (Average Order Value)
Raise the Frequency (Number of orders a customer does)

AOV x Frequency= LTV (Lifetime value, again simplified)

It’s generally cheaper to get an old customer to buy again, because he already trusts you.

But you still need new customers.

Even the most fanatic old customer will stop buying from you. Maybe he doesn’t need your products anymore. Or he just passes away, if you have managed somehow to keep him buying over years and decades.


Things oddly move fast and slow at the same time today. You do one thing then more come, you focus on one of them and it takes you much longer than it should, then you remember you were about to do something else and in the meantime you know there is that long term thing you should start paying attention to.

Either way even if today wasn’t just as I expected, it was wonderful. I smiled and laughed and did things I find fun, I took action,

  • learnt more about automatic emails
  • drew some art for upcoming blog
  • drew some personal art for myself
  • listened to some audiobooks
  • reflected upon myself
  • listened to first Nouveau Rich loop
  • worked out

I know god is on my side and he gives me love every day as if I am his favorite. I thank him for the beautiful moments of today and for them lasting throughout my journey to greatness. Thank you for making my dream life come true.


I know that the ugly we see in others
are the demons they have to live with every day.

No person is unaware of their ugly side.
it eats them up even if they don’t tell you.

Knowing someone is suffering internally
for the things they do is oddly satisfying.

Can’t be mad at the starving man.


Another food for thought is that
every interaction with someone else
is an exchage of value.

Even conversation is exchange of attention and information for both sides.
Same for giving a gift. One side gains the gift itself and a sense of affection and the other gains more of their affection back and stronger future bond. Smile, laugh or positive influence by our sheer presence and swagger is value.

If there were no value, there would be
no reason to interact with each other.

We are aleady giving out value every day
by simply existing amongst others.
Our existence is value to the world.


I remembered the times making money was fun and I wasn’t attached to any expectations.

Or maybe I should obsess over money and have huge expectations and push and take massive action. Question is how to make those emotions work for me rather than become a burden. These past months, it’s been challenging making money. I set this imaginary wall in front of myself that says “Making money is though. This is hard” but is it? I believe it’s super easy and simple and I just need a little bit of tilt in the right direction.

Thank god for my subs.

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I find myself thinking like this a lot.

That—objectively, if you remove my beliefs, habits, etc., (in other words, my contributions to the situation)—the difference between attaining and not attaining a sought-after condition is (or can be) often a slight, non-dramatic shift or tilt.

Not always, but often.

I’ve noticed it in the past.

The external, objective details of my past successes often seem pretty uncomplicated, in retrospect. It was my mindstates, expectations, fears and frustrations that were, at the time, usually the hardest parts to navigate.



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He is effing 57 years old by that point

Singing like that.


Here they are 28 years earlier in Germany, performing the same song:

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hehehe I saw both versions and I respect that man for still singing this song even after sucha long time. You can hear in his voice how he improved and tweaked his performance. What a legend.

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also I find it hilarious his older version looks like the villain from the second Avatar movie hahah

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 10.59.18

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 11.00.58

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 11.06.54

I heard The Police on the radio as a kid, but I really ‘discovered’ them when I was 17, in my first year of college. By that time, the band was no longer even together. haha. I fell in love with another first-year student. And she gave me a cassette tape(a cassette tape!!) that she’d recorded of the CD Every Breath You Take, The Singles. That was my soundtrack for that entire year. It’s inseparable in my mind from that period of time.

Even the places where the album was interrupted because the tape ran out. To me that’s how the song’s supposed to sound. (When I hear the song somewhere else and it doesn’t stop there, I’m like, ‘Why are they still playing?’).

Anyway, I became a Sting fan after that.


The tank-tops probably don’t hurt.


black tank tops absolutely rock! :sunglasses:


“Greed is but a word jealous men inflict upon the ambitious.”

“Each believes himself the hero, the other, villain.
ㅤIt is for history to decide who is mistaken.”

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤMarcus Crassus
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthe richest man in Rome


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Sometimes they tie/ A thief to the tree/
Sometimes I stare/
Sometimes it’s me/

  • Sting
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Ever since EoG2

I had been learning new things and implementing them
such as digging into google analytics
and marketing strategies to get bigger reach.

Nouveau Rich

brought me into quite powerful state of using my time mindfully.
I rarely do anything else beyond working on my project or being in school.

There are also outside manifestations
such as others wanting to work with me on the website and produce blogs.
It seems to hit hard those around as well.

I had also been challenged to face my fear of expectation to deliver money and failing to do so on time. It feels quite uncomfortable and that is very good.

Where your fears lie is where your work needs to be done.

  • Carl Jung

Current Mind

Let’s keep on going I am doing better and better each day.
Im taking action in all directions and god knows I breathe for what I ask for.
Every minute and hour spent on this goes my spirit bank.

Matter of time and energy before the storm drops.
Patience, growth and fierce determination.


I had been healing intensely just few weeks ago. It was perhaps the most challenging thing so far for me and it changed me deeply. I feel more gratitude for what I have in the present day as if tomorrow it could be gone.

I was also told Heartsong makes those around me feel nostalgia and a calm feeling of the times when I last ran it which was more than a year ago.

Overall I feel a sense of healthy stability and healing here and there
when it comes to resolving subtle things in conversations such as past miscommunications or unhealed fears. The healing is less intense these days but I make sure to address anything I feel like should be adressed in that moment with mindful and careful approach.

I get heartwarming words of kindness and Im grateful for each and one of them.

There had even begun to form new daily rituals which allow me to connect with others more such as shared meditations.