Khan - So evil I make therapists rich

🌱 // people & character

I wanted to say so many mean things to so many people today. I didn’t : ) not once. Just to prove to myself that I am in control of myself. The script is processing. I welcome this growth. Today was fruitful! Wow!!!

Do you every listen to someone you
like to spend time with and go :

“I wish I could never see this person
again. They are XYZ and that makes
me so annoyed. Id rather be alone
than have friend like this.”

We sometimes assume too much good about others. We believe they are fun and interesting somewhere deep inside with their own backstories and things they had learnt. That if we give them love and attention, we will find their inner gem. But… many people are just boring or dumb as fuck. AND It’s not because they were born differently. They just never unleash the potential within. No depth, no character. Some are just sheep. THATS FINE. It’s not our problem. It’s on me for believing them to be greater than they were. For giving them too much time. Too much of my affection and attention. I have a standard now. I won’t be a listening side to someone who has no value to offer to me. For what? Pity? Blind hope that one day they will be smarter or more fun to be around? Just drop it. We have better things to do.

Have no expectations
and you’ll never be disappointed.

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I had the same thing in my first month of Khan.

Like the enthusiasm to entertain certain people, in hopes that they’re redeemable, just dropped away. Stopped using friendly language around them, I don’t reach out etc. Because what’s the point being a pleaser to them only to absorb more and more shit in return? Noooope.


  • quit energy drinks ( done )
  • oatmeal for breakfast
  • walk 6km per day minimum
  • no food after 7pm
  • workout every second day
🌱 // script

The whole modern world is fighting,
clawing, craving and biting itself
for one thing.

You can see it everywhere you look.
TV, Internet, news, people around you.

Do you know what it is?

Your energy, your power, attention.

Every time you follow one of these
venomous whispers or
rage-filled screams,
you poison yourself.

Listen to the music around you.
To the conversations other have.
The outrage, self-pity,
victim-hood, fake virtuousness
pride, irritation and misery
everywhere you turn.

Look at the modern shell
that the man has become.
Twitching, anxious, overthinking,
parody of human locked with
and scared of their
own inner demons.

Yet here you are.
A man of inner peace who never
buys into the chaos of this world.

Sinking deeper into
your inner power by each day.
Self control, clarity, faith
and positive reassurance.

The embodiment of victory.

You are your own master.
Always keeping your mind
and emotions straight.

Balanced and unshakeable.
Able to handle anything easily.
Making always the best and
most profitable
actions and decisions.

So witty. So confident.
Guided by god as if you were
sent by him to this world
to act in his will.

What is his will?
That which you daydream
about with such passion.
Your wildest and
most desired dreams.
That is what god
wants for you.
He is rooting for you
to have it all.

Everyone you meet, you heal.
People bloom in your presence.
Every relationship prospers.
Fans, lovers, allies for life.

Keep your mind and emotions
straight and see how
effortlessly life unfolds for you. (1)


🌱 // anger on Khan

I have times in my day where I want to be sooo mean. So mean. I’m not even angry at anyone I just want to tell someone to shut up. Yesterday I was like “God please send me someone who deserves this wrath so I can take it out on them”

but I was calm and it went away.

I remember the quote from khan

“Any action made in anger
is doomed to failure”

and I asked myself

“Do I want to blow up
because of emotion right now?”

If it was yes (which it was)
I went : “okay you can blow up but only if you can continue being calm in this situation for the next 10 minutes just to show yourself that you are in control of your emotions and that later when you do get cranky, you know it was your own conscious decision to allow yourself to ease up."

and then I’d just prolong that time of “stay calm just to see if you can keep it up”

I understand that I already have the power to control my emotions but I don’t think I should sit back the whole time. Especially not if someone actually deserves to be put on their ass and makes everyone else feel low or annoys them.

I’ll remember to actually use my emotion when it’s the right time to do so without hesitation. I now know I am in control.

🌱 // video - Khal

Ive also been collecting small edits ever since genesis that would express the essence I love to feel. Listening to it helps me manifest hard. It’s over 40 minutes long by now but a small bit of it is showed below.

I made up a whole ass character whom it is supposed to represent. Khal is probably the closest embodiment of all I ever loved deeply - merged together into one AND a female version at that. It was quite a challenge to do her justice when designing her.


Very nice!

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🌱 // 𝗞𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗦𝗧𝟭 - thoughts

Im quite mean. I told so many people to fuck off. I dont let people play around with me. Certain people I used to spend time with had to leave. Feels good. I feel free and like I take no shit. Id rather be alone and fierce than me having to constantly sugarcoat things or not address stuff that bothers me with those I spent time with.

Limiting beliefs are being erased gently. I realized that:

  • most people probably like and respect me
  • Its better to stand up and speak when someone deserves to be humbled than worry about looking bad. People need someone bold and badass to put the disrespectful ones into place.
  • I am capable of so much even physically
  • I can definitely have my dream physique
  • working out is fun and I can be consistent
  • I can definitely be super intimidating even as a girl to any other man
  • Is better if I relax and have confident body language than worry about how I look in public
  • Im actually so badass tf

Life is good!



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If you have a desire to share a secret that you shouldn’t share, leave the conversation, go to your room, scream it into the pillow, shut up and reflect on your dumb ass.


Appear weak when you are strong,
and appear strong when you are weak

🌱 // quotes

:seedling: ― Sun tzu

When we can attack,
we must seem unable

when using our forces,
we must appear inactive

when we are near,
we must make the enemy
believe we are far away

when far away,
we must make him
believe we are near.

:seedling: ― Musashi

Do not let your enemy see your spirit.

Even when your spirit is calm,
do not let your body relax.
When body is relaxed,
do not let your spirit slack.

They shall not influence one another.
Do not let either be insufficiently spirited
or overspirited.

:seedling: ― Steven Seagal

Never let your
opponent fight his style
always break his rhythm / timing.

When you are the agressor
it is hard for him to break
your rhythm.

Passive aggressive.
Do not wait, watch, hesitate.

If you want to end it immediately,
You have to attack first.

:seedling: ― Tyson

Came back after 3 years of prison
and got asked about how he dealt
with the though guys there

No matter how much someone
tries to bully you, bellittle you, shit on you,
everyone cries when you put them
to their knees. Master your skill.

And when you do,
crush your enemy totally.

🌱 // people

Every time I feel disappointed in another, I remember that I should have had no expectations in the first place no matter how low or basic they seemed to me. In contrast, Im grateful people act the way they do. It makes me look better without me even trying. Thank god for these people that make my life so much easier. People love me thanks to them by 10000000 times more. I get to be unique, rare and valuable thanks to them. What a gift. I love being me. I love being unique. I love that I light up every room and that my happiness and calm spirit come from within. My character, essence and mind are always here to soothe me. To remind me of my dreams which I get to live out. All the adventure ahead. What a gift to get to live my life. Let others be them. I am me and that is all that matters. As long as I breathe and keep my head on my shoulders, I have a reason to smile.


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🌱 // Money / wealth

Someone out there makes
$ 200 per hour
for standing somewhere
as security guard

Someone out there makes
$ 3000 per day
of photo shooting as a model

Someone out there makes
$ 100,000 per week
of film shooting as an actor

Intense work yet
they can do it less regularly.

They are not some miners
working every day till they die.
Thats much harder work.

So much money flows
everywhere all the time.
You don’t need to be a god
to have money flow to you.

Some people will just pay you tons
because to them it’s not as much
as to someone else. Some people,
some places, some opportunities
give you more, for less work.
To them, it is a fair price.

Self perception. Value.
Give and embody
unique value to the world.

Think simple.
If you ever start overcomplicating,
just stop there. Simple.

song of the golden dragon


Thought of you when I saw this


S y m m e t r y

  • mew
  • sleep on your back - facing up
  • facial exercises :


shifting shifting

🌱 // Script

Thank you god for giving me this level of confidence and coolness to a level that everywhere I go, I stand out in the best ways and really make heads turn in the “Who the hell is that???” in such an amazed tone.

I love how strong and healthy and sexy looking I am. Just the way I wanted and even better. My eyes look naturally so dark and fierce like that of a hunter and my body is really nicely toned yet soft. I walk anywhere knowing I could crush anyone with my well trained and capable body. I love that my shoulders and overall frame is so wide and wonderful yet my waist is thin and it makes the contrast soooo nicee…

My legs are strong and just the perfect size. Face fierce and absolutely out of this world. I love being so unique and looking like I come from a bloodline of absolute beasts of the men. OOOOOH YEAHHH!!! I feel such deep and life changing sense of gratitude every single time someone compares me to the types of physiques I once visualized. They see THAT in me now. Not jus body but also certain face features and overall essence - energy - the way I make them feel. Girls melt seeing me. I know I inspire everyone. Feels so good being so respected and being of such value and inspiration and gift for all the people who ever even see me from far away or close. I love being so unique that people give me the most extreme reactions of shock. They are stunned. I love being something more than what anyone thought possible. Im the whole package. Im the out AND the in. The axe AND the shield. The meat and wine. People wish they could be my friends. I make people feel so at ease and euphoric simply existing around them. I make them feel loved and so special by having fun an being content and in a good mood.

Best thing of all, I feel good in my body I feel good and natural and relaxed in my spirit and I get to vibe like I own the place. I can dance and jump and make faces. Nobody cares and if anything, people admire me and think it makes me even more badass. WOW!!! I love being such a beast! Life is bliss. Thank you so much for making me this way. Thank you. I am that. HELLLL YEAHHHHHHHHHH BABYYYYY!!!

Every exercise I do, I do it soooooo well!!! I get to eat so healthy in just the right amounts and even what I eat, I keep on burning. When I walk, when I script, when I daydream, when I sleep!!! I burn and burn and burn and man… every day I look in the mirror and Im amazed. “Wow I didnt know I look this good already!!!” and I get to go about my day and feel this sense of health and strength and just being this so well developed primal being at its finest prime that lasts for my entire lifetime! I look like Im not even human. At this point, I reached a whole different level.

I have the best genes! I literally could do nothing but think of muscle, and Id get muscle. My face is so nice. Jesus. I am actually happy with how I look. I am proud of myself. Feels euphoric being this great and powerful.

🌱 // Life / Changes

Work Work

I am enjoying my time working consistently on all of my school and art assignments. Busy yet I enjoy every bit of the process. I am riding the momentum of consistency. I had always been efficient and creating. Ever since I was a child always creating worlds. Presenting them to this world. Giving out my heart to it. Spreading the beauty that I once saw and now carry within my soul. The unique trademark.


Everyone treats me with high respect. People value me and I can tell that some admire me secretly. Others look forward to being around me. I remember to stay humble yet I am glad to make others feel good by simply being me. I seem to affect them positively on many subconscious levels. Few months ago, every time I said “life is so good” my friend used to cringe and agree sarcastically. Nowadays, they say it more often than me. They mean it. Every time I say “you are right! It truly is a blessing to breathe.”. They admitted to me that they feel how much they changed by simply being around me. Im happy for them. Im kind of like a walking subliminal now.


My frame strengthened too. When people in higher power are stressed or try to make things look shit as if something is my fault, I remain calm and just reassure them. Bring them back into objective “reality” with no negative emotion attached. They calm down immediately and go back into being reasonable. It feels good. It reminded me of the Cesar Millan video where Cesar entered the closed area where the dog was and just stood straight and calmly. The dog felt the strong and unwavering essence. Stability. It calmed down in response to him.

If Khan x HS were a song


Dat thumb vein though :100::fire:
(Perhaps palm)

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🌱 // Khan ST1 - Weak Links

I had been exploring what causes me to be unpleasant towards women whom are fickle and promiscuous. I myself had realized I worry to come off that way knowing that such thing could shake that which I dearly love in my life. While I do realize that certain actions result in certain results and the fact that I am in full control of what I do, I also recognize that the world has tried to condition me into feeling disgust towards women, who live that kind of life. I make peace with it today. I hold nothing against them. They live that life with certain pros and cons that it brings. They chose it and that is okay. In another life, I could have lived that life also and it would not make me any less of a human being. It would not strip me of my soul. I would still be me. I would still be worth of love and full of love to give.

Same thing for people who follow ideologies that support self pity, victimhood and other ways of thinking. Just because they are different and sometimes like to hurt others, doesnt mean that I am meant to feel disgust for them. I realized many people I am around feel either complete love for lgbtq community or the other side : disgust.

I choose to accept them as another human being in this world. We all have pleasant and unpleasant sides to us. I have no enemies. I see no side as the side deserving of my distaste. Ofcourse that doesnt mean now that I will hug everyone. I will strike if you stand in my way or try to hurt me or those whom I love.

I see people who “hate lgbtq” bring up this very topic in their every day life. Even if no such person is around. They feel bitter and ramble. Why? You arent even confronted with the individuals you dont like yet you think about them so often. Such waste of your energy on things that make you feel shit. At the end of the day, you change nothing with this as you go to sleep alone fighting the demons in your mind.

Back to the promiscuity of women, I know it leaves in most men very bad taste for various reasons but it easily blinds you. It takes away from you the opportunity to get to know and to some extend love the person you are met with. They have beautiful side of them too. Too many people nowadays think women who sleep with many men for the sake of pleasure have nothing but garbage in their head. Thing is, most of guys do the same thing. They sleep with many women for the sake of pleasure for the most part. On the very basic level, you are judging another person as idiotic based on the very thing that you do yourself and you believe they are disgusting. Now we can go into all those nitty gritty details and understand why men feel about this the way they do… I did my homework long time ago. I used to have the very same beliefs as most of these “based guys” / “alpha males” did. Its not about the details today. It is about forgiveness, acceptance and humility. I dont care what your rules are on “who you sleep with” or “who is too deluded”. We are playing a bigger game. Game of the soul. Of your mind. Of your peace.

I am tired of feeling bitterness in my heart for women who simply choose to enjoy physical pleasures the way they do. I am tired of feeling scared of being accused of being one. It is a lie. Delusion of someone else. Why should it scare me?

It is truly awkward being called one of those names by a stranger who doesnt even know me randomly and then me overthinking my whole life and identity because of this fear of “what if I am that” and “what if now my life will crumble and I will lose everything I love?” EVEN THOUGH I DID NOTHING WRONG!!! I DO NOT LIVE THIS LIFE. That is how deep this fear has been fused into me. Into a point where I am questioning reality itself because of some RANDOM DIOT who just wanted to call me some name because I told him no and he got upset.

I am no longer allowing myself to be chained by this fear. This weakness. My weakest link. The fear of someone else looking down at me thinking Im XYZ and the fear of it eventually coming true because of that and making it lose my current blessings.

Irrational fears or the ego games.


Lets say I were that in a different life. And what? Man Id be okay, Id be fine. Let the sheep repeat what they had been force fed over and over again. Worst case? Some people would hate me. Id be fine. I would be alive and Id be partying and sleeping with people. And? Id be basically living a life of an average 22 year old guy. Wow. So so so bad.

If anyone ever tries to accuse me of this, I dont care anymore. I live my life accordingly to what I love and desire and if you choose to delude yourself into thinking that I am some easy, promiscuous, dumb or filled with trauma female, thats on you. That is the world you built in your own head because everywhere you look, you see only that. That which you want to see. That is your reality and with all due honesty, I dont care to defend myself. I wont take time to explain myself to you. Your delusion does not stand in my path of my own journey and adventures and therefore, is not worth of my energy and time.

And to the girls who do live this life, honestly, good for you. I hope you have as much fun as you can. I hope you have all the pleasures and adventures and joy of this world. I hope you will go crazy and I hope you will be at peace every night when you lay to go to sleep. I truly, wish you the best. And if I ever meet you, I will treat you as any other human being. I will give you option to express yourself just like anyone else and if we will be compatible, we can even be best friends.


Such a strong contribution. Thank you.


That is truly beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.

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What in the haberdasheries was that exchange just now? I’ve never seen so much wrong packed into such short questions. Let’s not?

Oh my bad, I honestly didn’t think that my question was inappropriate for the forum.

Me fear no man,
warrior, swing sword like Conan.

Me true warrior. Even face look fierce.
Me love fight and lead people on horseback.
Life good. This destiny. All under blue sky know. It is written.



Anvil of Hephaestus

🌱 // Hell - the Eternal Suffering

Im not sure if there is hell but sometimes I wonder whether I would or ever possibly will end up in there if such thing exists. I by no means obey by all todays morals and never really cared to.

It’s a scary thought. But today I realized something. Ever since I was young, I without knowing manifested the most out of this world things. Over and over again. I was given things that most people will never have yet they dream of having. I don’t believe manifestation is some form of simple automatic - cosmic law like gravity. It’s not just some mindless wheel that keeps on spinning. Whenever one of my manifestations come true, I thank god for it because I know that it is a gift from him directly to me. He cherishes me and spoils me with so many treasures so often. I get to live out my fantasies in real life because he gives them to me. Wow… God loves me truly so much. I don’t know anyone who is as lucky as me. Not a single person.

I also take care of my soul and I am not ignorant. I take time to look within and clean whatever I can in there. I am not hateful. I am not resentful. I do not envy.

I manifested into my life people whom I deeply admire and I was even so lucky as to be guided by them. I grew into the person that I am thanks to them. I do my best. I love deeply every day. I pray and thank god every day for his blessings and gifts.

When I look at all the manifestations and gifts that god keeps on sending me every day. When I realize how unique and willing to pursue greatness he made me… I cannot help but recognize his deep love for me. He bends the world for me. He truly does to such extremes. Whatever I dream of having, I get it instantly.

Now I know that if he loves me so much, he would never cast me to hell when I die.

I may not follow todays morals but I do my best. And you know what? All the cavemen back in the day when they had to kill animals and other men to survive, they didn’t follow “todays morals” and I bet you that not all of them will go to hell automatically because of that. Life is hard. People are vicious. You do what you believe to be the best thing which is usually to survive, feel content and keep your loved ones safe and happy… and I do that.

One thing I feel like I could do better is… to not shit on people who do not deserve it. To uplift them instead. Ofcourse when someone is being rude and disrespectful I will always stand and put them to their place. If someone bites anyone, I bite back. Yet, when someone is just being awkward or nerdy or insecure to a point of making others feel weird, it would be better for me to either leave or uplift them with my presence than to talk to them like that are a disgrace and they should fix themselves. I want to build things. To build people through being an admirable and inspiring person. Not to break those who are weak and hopeless for no other reason than amusement or convenience. Next time I meet someone weaker and awkward, I either let them be or treat them with love. Just like I was once treated. ( this doesn’t count for actual assholes ). There you go.

I don’t think I’ll ever try to live by today’s morals but at least now I can find peace in knowing that I allow this world to grow though being an epic and admirable individual who through their sheer presence allows the world around them to bloom and prosper. I bloomed by living by the side of someone I admired. I grew and loved. Sometimes being a reasonable and fair individual is enough for the world and god to love you and cherish you. To not harness hate and bitterness but instead honor our strength and give love to those who are ready for it so that they can grow with us.

And every time someone mentions the idea of heaven and hell, I must remember that god loves me and all that he has give me in my life. I must not allow my ego to take over and try to scare me. It would be a dishonor to acknowledge that god is always here for me and then a moment later ponder whether he will one day make me suffer eternally. Maybe the people who are hateful and harm this world because of their bitterness and ignorance. But I am not the destruction. I am not them. I know deep in my heart that there is greatness and where is greatness, there is god.

I am at peace for I always polish my character accordingly to the ideal that I know deep inside I am born to embody. It is not a monk, an always loving always sweet girl, it is not the always kind and harmless individual who turned the other cheek. I am a warrior who loves and fights. Sometimes for those I love, sometimes for the sake of thrill. I do what needs to be done and I do it in the name of god. For I know the difference between that which destroys and that which creates. I know that I am the bringer of faith and beauty and strength and encouragement. I welcome trials, I welcome growth and I live for all that which I love. Love. I do my best to bring that to people. In more ways that anyone will probably ever know. Including me. At the end of the day, I want this world to prosper. I want humanity to flourish and I want to be able to help by being the best that I can be while at the same time, being true to myself. Being free and not bound to any fear. Doing everything with confidence because god is beside me. Because god is good and he knows that I did my best when my day will come. I did the best I knew. That is enough.

God loves me deeply. My life, my experiences , I - myself am a proof of that. For how could god make take something which he loves so deeply and that which is aligned with him so much and cast it to hell for eternal suffering. He doesn’t. I already did all that was needed. I am enough for him as of now. in this moment. He loves me. My life on earth is a gift from him to me. And even that, is a lie still. For I know nothing.