Khan + Primal Journal

I started Khan st1 yesterday and plan on listening 10 hours a day for the next 45 days, alongside 3 hours of Primal. So far it’s been the same experience as others, weirdly intense and vivid dreams, except Khan also got my heart pounding really hard yesterday, I wasn’t stressed but my body acted like I was. That’s gone today, but on some level I welcome it because I know this could be from the start of the process of releasing trauma, l’ve got too much for it to be an easy process.

Btw I’d love it if some of you who have tried this stack share your experience, I’m not sure if Khan and Primal are supposed to go together, if I should first finish Khan and then do Primal, I also bought stark so if you guys think Khan and Stark would be a better stack let me know.


Primal is in khan if I’m not mistaken. Primal gives you intense sexual Urges I had started running it last week along with a stack of total breakdown but I stopped using primal because my sexual urges were to intense. With lockdown here primal for me didn’t make sense to use because no girls are Around and if I kept on using it I would have relapsed by using porn.
If you want you can use khan st1 and primal. Primal will bring out the inner man in you while total breakdown breaks down your limitations and negative beliefs. Just pay attention to your sex drive because primal will spike it up. I can’t speak for stark because I don’t know much about it


You’re right it’s definitely a problem when it comes to nofap, I’m trying dopamine detox and a relapse is the last thing I need right now, I’m thinking about not using primal for a few weeks. Thanks for the help.


I was using primal and fidgeting while in my bed for days because my body was craving pleasure so bad then I realized it doesn’t make sense to use primal with no girls around and everything on lockdown. Once lockdown is over and girls are out and about again then we can unleash primal :sunglasses:


I don’t have experience with the two. However sanguine is in primal and i started that last night. It’s freaking amazing bro!

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Wow I did not know Sanguine is in primal, that’s great, thanks for letting me know, I was planning on buying Sanguine lol I wish they would put info like that on the sales page so I don’t buy a program that already exists in the one I have.


How do you like running primal?

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I started PrimalQ yesterday, too soon to tell, plus very hard to see the benefits when you’re not interacting with anyone (bc of the quarantine). But I’ve noticed something interesting, today I looked in the mirror and somehow I find myself more attractive than I ever did before, weird I know lol.


I had to take Primal out of my stack today, this level of horniness is ridiculous. I knew this would happen, I just wanted to know how much worse Q makes that aspect of Primal. So instead I’m running Stark and Khan. I think those two help a lot with will power, before if I was like this I would have jumped to watching porn in a millisecond but I was able to say no to those thoughts.

I feel like they’re also helping me with my cut, I stupidly did a dirty bulk last year and gained 30 pounds with too much of it being fat, so 5 months ago I started this cut and I’ve lost 20 pounds since. My goal is to get shredded, tho it’s so hard to lose the last 10-15 pounds, I hit a plateau recently but Stark and/or Khan is giving me the mindset to stick to it, not stopping til I get single digit fat percentage :smiley:


You could also try SpartanQ too

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Do update us on how this played out for you. :slight_smile:

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This stack had an unusual effect on me, made me realize the importance of mastering something, I feel more competitive in that now I want to be the best in my field and I know it will take 10+ hours of deep focused work everyday because I’ve gotten to the level of mastery in one thing and I know how simple what it takes is, it’s obsession, putting in the hours, programming yourself to enjoy every second of it and being energized by that work. so lately it has been no half assing anything, either I’m working with all I have in me or it’s a chill day where I rest, no in between. I realized I’m competing against people who cut hours from their sleep so they can study and practice more, so it’s going to take much more than I was doing before.

I now have so much motivation to be one of the elite and absolute world class at it. I’ve started reading books everyday too which is weird since I’ve always hated reading, now it’s exciting. Also found a solution for a problem I’ve always dreamed of solving, basically I found out that a certain drug is being used to improve a condition that it’s unable to be effective with, but it’s a cure for another problem if used with the method I found. I’m testing it and will be for the next few months, it has the potential to change a whole industry, some stark shit for sure lol.


What drug? If you don’t feel comfortable posting in forum here and potentially distracting the flow of the journal, you can PM me if you want. I’m always interested in off-label uses for some drugs.