Jonathan - Circuit Breaker ZP Stack - Chosen + Limitless + Mogul (Past subs: Regeneration)

  • 30/12/2021: Swapped Regeneration for Mogul, Closing thoughts on Regeneration in post #26

Excited (and nervous) to start this journal here. The title of this journal (Circuit Breaker) refers to me wanting to break the recurring thought patterns that haven’t served me to my liking so far. Mindfulness and meditation have helped me detach from these patterns over the past few years, however I feel that I need to root out some weeds and I’m cautiously optimistic that this stack will be very helpful in doing that.
For the foreseeable future I will be running Limitless QZP, Regeneration QZP and Chosen QZP. I will stick to the following listening pattern:

  • Day 1: Limitless + Regeneration
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: Chosen
  • Day 4: Rest and repeat

My short term goals are to improve my self-concept, regain confidence in myself and my abilities and find clarity about what I want to do with my life moving forward, as I feel like I’m at a crossroads at the moment. I am definitely not expecting to get that ‘AHA!’ moment from running these subs, I am hoping that these subs will help me get out of my own way, so I can be receptive to any insights about my life that I might have missed before. Gaining a positive, optimistic outlook on life will hopefully also let me use my overactive imagination to my advantage, instead of fuelling my fears and insecurities.

I coasted through my teens, struggled through my twenties and now I am ready to dominate my thirties :raised_hands:

I will post my first impressions after my first loops of Regeneration and Limitless, and then I will probably update this journal once every few days, while keeping an offline journal for day to day.

oh and as a baseline, this is my MBTI right now:

I am wondering if over the course of the next few weeks/months anything will change.


Finished my first loops of Limitless and Regeneration about an hour, hour and half ago. Definitely an interesting experience, within the first few minutes my heart started racing like crazy and I could feel it beating in my chest like a madman. I was listening laying down with my eyes open, and it took quite a while for my heartbeat to settle down.
Felt a distinct pressure around the third eye (which is still there as I’m typing this), coupled with a lot of those squiggly lines in my vision you sometimes see when you just woke up, I’m not sure what they are called. I thought it was worth mentioning, because they suddenly appeared in bunches and went away almost immediately after I ended my loops.

I was a bit drowsy after the 2 loops, so I just played some videogames for an hour because I knew I couldn’t get myself to be productive straightaway anyway. The pressure in my head is still there, but it’s now coupled with a nice glow all over my body. The sensation in my head is sometimes paired with a pressing feeling around my heart, hopefully it will dissipate in the next few hours.

Mentally I can’t really observe much at the moment, it mostly feels numb. I chose to do the loops in the afternoon for today, but seeing how I respond to this combo of Limitless and Regeneration, it might be better to move them to nighttime for my next listening day.


The heavy feeling in my head and chest went away after a good night’s sleep. So far I have a lot of feelings coming up about myself, and I’m just letting them be so I can process them.

A thought came up about my stack; I decided on running Limitless and Regeneration together, and do Chosen by itself on the alternate day. I was thinking how it might make more sense to run Regeneration by itself on alternate days.
So my question is, can I switch the order of my stack now or should I wait for the washout period after 21 days? Tomorrow is the day I’m running Chosen, is it okay to listen to Chosen again with Limitless on the next listening day? or will it cause overexposure?

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Before you switch it up, decide if you want to have the same schedule for 21 days.

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Yes I want to keep the same stack for the remainder of the 21 days, just in a different order. So what I’m thinking of doing is:

Day 1: Limitless + Regeneration (this was yesterday)
Day 2: Rest (today)
Day 3: Chosen
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Chosen + Limitless
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Regeneration
And so on

Because I have a feeling that it’s better for me to run Regeneration by itself on its own listening day. Or would it make more sense to do Regeneration by itself on Day 5 and then put Chosen + Limitless on Day 7?
I’m probably way overthinking this :sweat_smile:

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I would say if you’re just switching it up among these 3, it should be fine. Just figure out what works best for you relative to what you want to achieve. It could be in 1 week, you might want to change the order again.

My main concern would be if you were swapping 5 or 6 different programs in or out of your playlist.

So test out the playlist above and notice what happens. Any other inquiries, just post them here.

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Thanks @RVconsultant, appreciate it :+1:

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Ran my first loop of Chosen this morning. I woke up a bit late (because I went to bed late, really gotta fix my sleeping schedule), washed my face and then listened to Chosen in bed while catching up on some of the new posts on the forum.

It was a very smooth experience, felt some light pressure in my head, but nothing that came close to when I ran Regeneration and Limitless for the first time. I didn’t experience any noticeable increase of energy, or drowsiness after running it, it was just smooth and light. I have to admit that I do have a little bit of envy when reading others’ experiences, especially those WOW-factor moments that have been mentioned here. I don’t have those, but in the end it’s all good with me, it just means I might have to be a bit more introspective and observant to properly keep track of the changes within and without.


Yesterday’s rest day was uneventful, a typical lazy Sunday with mostly hanging on the couch watching Netflix after I did my workout in the early afternoon.

This morning I ran Chosen + Limitless right after waking up and going the bathroom. ZP is running very smoothly for me now, when compared to my very first loops last week. I still feel a bit of pressure around my third eye area when listening, but it’s more of a gentle pressure now, and it doesn’t linger after I’m done with my loops.

I have a tendency to attribute certain things to outside influences, luck/coincidence or an inevitability that would have occurred anyway, even if I didn’t take a certain step or took a certain action. With regards to subliminals, I still have this voice in my head that keeps saying; “it can’t possible be that easy” or not fully accepting the notion of the Mental Universe. However, as an experiment, I wanted to see if I can play the reverse lawyer game and assume that anything I notice in myself can be attributed to the ZP files I’m running. I wanted to try this as a way to be more observant and introspective and cast a wider net:

  • I noticed that I catch myself quicker when imagining an unfavorable outcome, having a negative line of thinking, in general being down on myself. I then ask myself if this is something that empowers me or limits me. Very fitting with the title of my journal, I have a circuit breaker that stops me from going down a negative spiral.
  • People treat me well, and feel very comfortable in my presence. This is something that also happened before running ZP, but I am curious to see how this will develop.
  • I’m dealing with quite a challenging situation in my relationship at the moment, and I catch myself thinking that I’m dealing with it far better than I normally would have. More grounded, more emotionally stable and despite also suffering from the situation, managing to give support and approaching the situation from a perspective of optimism.
  • I have this internal dialogue that pops up once in a while, where I am scared I might be a hard-gainer, but at the same time don’t want to label myself as a hard-gainer, on the off-chance that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I also noticed that I sometimes have the urge to up my loops, add a 4th ZP title or have back-to-back listening days, because I want to break through something. Fortunately I haven’t succumbed to those urges and I’m sticking to the schedule.
  • I feel this need to go back and read about everything that’s relevant to the notion of the Mental Universe and how reality is pushed through us, aligning our internal state with the screen of variations to create our own subjective reality. Possibly Limitless at work here.

I can’t believe it’s only been a few days since I started my ZP stack, it feels like a lot longer. And I’m excited to see what will happen in the coming weeks. The relationship situation I am in now might color my perception of what is going on with me internally, or it could be the perfect situation to aid my internal development with ZP.


Really interesting observations today:

  • I was on a call in the afternoon and I recorded it to archive and listen to it later. I wanted to check the quality of the recording and I noticed that my voice definitely changed. Not so much deeper, but more projecting and clearer. I like it!

  • I tried to take a quick nap on the couch after the call, but I couldn’t really fall asleep. Decided on just closing my eyes while lying on the couch and relax and decompress. My ability to visualize has leveled up very noticeably, to the point where the imagery is clear and vivid and where I get a visceral reaction while doing so. I’m not sure if it’s perhaps something in Limitless that allowed me to do so, or if it’s Mind’s Eye that has been blooming because of ZP.

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Great stuff, Jonathan! Glad you’re getting results. I also feel like it’s been much longer since we started ZP which was only 7 days ago.

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Thanks @Seeker! I agree, and since I tend to mumble at times, the difference was immediately noticeable.

Appreciate it @SpikeDaMai! Keeping a journal is a good reminder for me that changes are happening much faster than we might perceive when just going about our day.

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I agree! Keeping the journal has been invaluable for me (and others). These help us walk along our self-improvement journey together.

Also great to hear about your voice. My articulation is excellent except when it comes to the “S” sound haha. Looking forward to hearing about your continued improvement in this area!

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I played Regeneration this morning after waking up at around 9 am. Working from home and staying up late to watch football has really messed with my sleep schedule, something that I really need to address asap.

I feel it was a good choice to separate Regeneration from the rest of my stack and give it its own listening day. Today’s session was smooth, with very noticeable sensations in my frontal lobe. The sensations felt very local, not so much a general sensation, and upon looking at diagrams of different parts of the brain it seems like the areas responsible for emotion processing were activated during listening. Very cool to experience, and it confirms that stuff is happening on an internal level, even though I might not have those ‘in your face’ results yet. At around the 10-12 min mark my body went into this incredible state of relaxation, something I normally only experience after meditating for about 20 to 30 min.

I had a little bit of recon after my session, with some negative thought patterns rising and feeling a bit of irritability coming up as well. I noticed a lot of forum users mentioning how the bloom becomes apparent after 7 to 8 hours, and in my experience I definitely feel this is true as well. I am a daydreamer by nature and during the day I will have all kinds of different scenarios running through my head. The quality and nature of those scenarios shifted during the day, going from ‘what could go wrong?’ to ‘what if it went right?’. It’s subtle, and I probably wouldn’t have given it much thought in the past, but again confirming that stuff is brewing on the inside.

Energy levels have been mostly the same during ZP so far, aside from the very first day where I was completely wiped out after the first 2 listens. They have actually been consistently quite low, so I really need to look at my sleeping schedule, water intake and general nutrition. I know it’s far from optimal in all three areas, so I think there is still much to gain for me.

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Today is another listening day and I ran Chosen + Limitless this morning after waking up. After the loops I felt… fine, which is definitely a good thing. I feel like ZP is settling with me nicely after a bit more than a week. Energy levels have been going up as well, so I was wondering how a listening day would impact those. I still feel a little bit of pressure in my forehead after listening, but it’s very subtle and after a short while I didn’t even really notice it anymore.

I mentioned in the Limitless ZP thread that I had some trouble focusing while reading, those issues have been relieved a lot, and running another loop of Limitless this morning did not have a negative effect. Keeping @StateOfBeing’s initial comment in mind about how a healing sub can overpower the rest of the stack, and also reading other journals and comments here mentioning the same thing, I definitely feel that this is the case. Fortunately that was the main goal for me when putting together this stack, and every insight I have been getting about my stack since starting it has definitely increased the focus on the healing aspect.

Giving Regeneration its own listening day was a good move for me, and I mainly put Limitless in my stack to heal some mental blockages and insecurities regarding my own intelligence and learning capabilities. For that same reason I was looking at putting Wanted in my stack at some point in the future. I am not too focused on going out and meeting women, but for building self-esteem, loving yourself and boosting self-confidence it seems like a great choice. Oh and the physical shifting sounds very appealing as well haha.

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Really enjoying reading your journal, Jonathan. Very positively introspective which is right up my alley.

Can see the mind shifts you are taking along with the help of your stack. The “mind action” + subliminal programing is perfect and will help you in the long run.

Excited to read more! Keep going :+1:

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Thanks @Lion, appreciate it! :pray:

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It’s been a few days since I last updated, had a few listening and rest days in between. Regarding the sessions themselves, not much to report. I have decided to play at a lower volume, at a level where I can softly but clearly hear the trickle. It seems to give an even smoother listening experience, so I will keep playing at low volume going forward.

I noticed a very distinct change in some of my (nasty) habits. I am a smoker, and I noticed that since starting ZP, I really don’t enjoy smoking that much anymore. I haven’t quit (yet), but every time I do light up a cigarette now, there seems to be this disconnect between me and the act. Often during smoking I will catch myself thinking “why are you doing this? you don’t find this enjoyable”.
The second thing that doesn’t seem to be as enjoyable anymore is watching porn. I haven’t kicked this habit yet as well, but in this case the disconnect seems a bit stronger. More often than not, I would just close my browser after a few minutes because I don’t feel like watching anymore.

Very interesting stuff, and not something I expected to happen, because my stack isn’t necessarily directed at those kinds of habits. And the thing is that it really feels like they became habits, and not my body or brain receptors craving that nicotine rush or instant gratification from porn. I feel smoking is still too much of an unconscious habitual thing that will take time to let go of, whereas with porn it really feels like a tug of war (yes, pun intended).

(Edit) I’m an idiot, I am running Regeneration. This is definitely something that I can attribute to Regeneration, considering it could be working on the roots that lie at the foundation of my smoking and porn habits.

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Nice progress. Congratulations.

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Thanks @Seeker, appreciate it :pray: