JCast Dragon Reborn Stage 1

They didn’t seem to work at least not for me. I have not tried it with subliminals

I wonder why that is. Don’t work for me either.

But I’ve seen enough of testimonials that I believe it might be worth testing for those people who can make it work.

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@Hoppa It could easily be more an issue with me than anything else. I found it insulting to my intelligence which oddly enough is how I feel about most self help at this point. It’s all feel good shit with no practical or pragmatic purpose

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Might well be. Then again I’ve come to the point where the only thing I know for sure is that I don’t know shit.


At least you’re honest

I doubt you will see or feel anything on healing subs…

I actually have 100% confidence that these work for me. Eog, Emperor and DR.


I have pretty much given up on trying to figure anything out until I am close to completing Dragon Reborn. I think a lot of what I feel right now is a combination of existentialism, boredom, frustration, and regret. More existentialism than anything else

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Are you saying they don’t work?


I’ve seen enough proof of subliminals working on myself.

It’s the other stuff that I can’t get to work. Hypnosis, all kinds of releasing techniques etc.

But I believe those might work. I just have some mental blocks at the moment so they don’t work for me.

OR maybe they don’t. There just isn’t any way for me to know for sure.


Weirdly enough I’ve gotten past regret. I used to feel that a lot. Oh how much I could have achieved already if I just did this or that.

Now I just don’t care anymore. Why live in the past? So I started changing what I can change, the now and the future. Although I still feel lazy most of the time and can’t get enough done.

But I’m working on that too.

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I will get there and I agree there’s no point with living in the past. I think that’s where the frustration comes in. It’s more of a roller coaster. One day I couldn’t give a fuck and the next day I’m reflecting on something I did that I wish I hadn’t. It’s such a ginormous waste of time.

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@Hoppa Are you a metal fan at all? I have mentioned how I’m a metalhead and some of my favorite bands are Finnish. Children of Bodom , Insomnium , Korpiklaani , obviously Lordi , Swallow the Sun , and others

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My favorite Finnish band is probably Beherit. Pure black metal

Kinda mandatory here :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it, as long as it’s not too much screaming and shouting. Although that goes too, if needed.

I don’t listen that much to music. When I do, I tend to listen to rock in Finnish language. Kotiteollisuus, Timo Rautiainen, Mokoma, Stamina.

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I actually like Nightwish too, just not the so called radio hits. The stuff they play on their concerts.

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Just under half way through my first loop. I’m going to take a break and run the other loop later this afternoon or this evening.

@James Have you heard this one before?

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@Hoppa great stuff. I’ve seen a few of their videos

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