Is there still a Alchemist forum

Dear fellow Subliminal users,

Was wondering if the Alchemist forum is still a thing. Had alchemist for a while now, never knew there was a forum dedicated specifically for that. Contacted support regarding this, but they don’t seem to be active.

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Yes it’s still a thing.
It’s not as lively as one might think.

When did you open your ticket?
They usually take 3-5 business days (their timezone). So no weekends, holidays etc.

To get access, open a ticket, ask to be admitted to SC Black, state your email adress, your forum username and the purchase number when you bought Alchemist. Then wait 3-5 business days.


I am still posting there in my Journal of Alchemy

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About 3-4 business days ago, that’s alright, hopefully the admins see this and can check up on that. :relaxed:

That’s wonderful, would definitely check it out when I get invited.

If you dint get an answer in 5 business days, there’s a thread in here called “What happened to my support ticket” or something similar.
You can post your ticket number there and the moderators will look after it.


I will wait a few days until it has passed 5 business days, only fair. Thank you for your generous help, I appreciate it very much @Lichtenauer

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