Is there a threshold for recon?

hi, i wanted to ask the experinced members of subclub that have been running subs for quite sometime

is there a point where you pass recon? is it like a threshold and once you pass it, you wont see it or notice it too much ?

im not going through a tough one, but my recon is really bothering me, or maybe its not just recon, other factors as well have a say in this

but i can see myself doubting subs and thinking i did better when i was off subs and some thoughts as well. im running a healing stage, and emperor thats quite some work,

back to question,

do you feel as an experinced sub-club member, that you barely face any recon ?

let me know what you think


Three Main Factors:

  1. The difference between a) your mind/life-situation and b) the goals of the programs you’re running
  2. The actions you’re taking
  3. Your Play Schedule/Frequency

Factor 1 determines how much work needs to be done. The bigger the difference the more work, and the more work, the more recon.

Factor 2 BALANCED action is a lubricant that makes it easy for the subliminal and your mind to do the work. If you wear yourself out trying to take action or stress yourself out, that’s going to diminish the benefit

Factor 3 How much subliminal load are your placing on your mind. If you overplay or play very powerful build strengths, that takes more work for your mind to process. So, fatigue reconciliation will happen.

Recon is just growth-related stress. The only way to completely eliminate that is to stop growing.


i understand, growth is always uncomfy .but even when i was growing when i was off subs it wasnt like that,

but with subs it feels more bothering than uncomfortable

i understand this that growth will cause fears and uncomfortable feeling rising, but with recon it feels like more of a stress or something bothering, when ur normal and not using subs you will get this feeling when you try to do something out of your comfort

but recon just follows ur ass all around :rofl: its like you dont have to do anything to face this shitty feeling its already there

recon to me lately has been feeling like stress or disturbance sometimes i feel like crying without a reason its very weird, its like something is bugging me and i dont know why,maybe its due to QL1 and LDU they pretty much can handle some dirt in the subconcious that has been dealt with

LDU was never heavy so i guess its EQ and QL1,

i have to improve on this more, its a very strange period in my life that im not kinda used to, i keep thinking that if i just wait a litile bit for a couple of weeks of exposure to emperor then ill be ready, but thats a trap i fell for,

you have to sail in the worst storms.

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You could lay your recon on favorable days so that it doesnt bother you that much or using an mood enhance audio/frequeny if its not against the rules of playing this kind with subs.

I use the 4 days subs and 3 days off ratio
And had only recon on the third day of rest
Not when i run subs

My rest days are on weekends, so no prob if i dont do something important

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im slowly grasping how to deal with recon, but im defentily growing and learning

I don’t suffer from recon anymore because i am busy allday day in day out doing things so i forgot that recon exists.


I don’t even know what recon is for most members here. The recent official one-liner was:

So, is there a time when this doesn’t happen? YES!

Get to work on all your goals.

Don’t read other people’s journals. In fact, stop visiting the forum almost entirely.

I guess this was the secret of @Yardbird too.

:joy: :+1:t2:


this is actually enlighting, when im busy on a craft or researching you dont see recon often , i noticed that

so we can say that recon is a curse for the sub club users that dont take action ? :rofl: :rofl:

so its like a curse that follows you around to grow? so whenever youre not working get ready to face some stuff

hmmm thats intreseting my friend, thank you for your input

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this is a key i think, i dont read journals hahah i keep comparing myself to others and their progress on the same subs that im running

i think the key here is
is to work like you never knew subliminals just play them at night or on your schedule and go on in your life like you never visted subclub and badaboom ur solved

im working on it :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


You will keep going through ups and downs. Each down will make you stronger. The more downs or challenges you overcome consciously the stronger you will become.

The sub will keep manifesting situations like that so that you can keep growing without being stagnant.

See it like a mathematical riddle to keep solving. The more riddles you solve the better you think and you start to think in multiple ways as compared to a regular person who is comfortable without challenges and discomfort.

Many stop when the going seem rough.The few who carry on are rewarded


The key is to pick a entry level title. Thereafter build new disciplines. Keep repeating the disciplines. Keep adding more as you go on.

Simple habits such as read before bed. Or read when you wake up. Include some green tea in your diet. Or add some healthy fat. Learn more about your language. Workout.

Thereafter keep pushing yourself to do more than the previous day and never deviat from your newly built habits now matter what challenges come up.

There after add another title of your choice and do the same.

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I have a trick that I use to alleviate recon but it’s hard to explain. I’ll try my best:

I think that we have subconscious programs/patterns that are pretty much set and our reality is feedbacking it to us, such as how we believe things work, how we believe things are, etc. We are basically running a program.

The subliminals challenge it and it can cause the mental/emotional distress because part of you is afraid of changing the programs/patterns. We want to stick to the same way because subconsciously our reality feels safe and we want everything to be stable. There is even a fear of letting go of traumas.

When you listen to subliminals, that part of you that is set with the current pattern/reality is like "woah there buddy, what in the f*** is going on? Oh nononono. AHHHHHH. Someone help, it’s too much. Oh god no. - crying- "

Because of the safety we find in a stable reality, identity, personality and experience. Having everything challenged and torn apart can be emotionally traumatic on a subconscious level because your everything is falling apart. Especially when there is more contrast between the current reality/programs and the one that you’re introducing.

It’s like if I tell someone who has never met a celebrity that I met and hung out with a celebrity, they’ll go “Jesus Christ!!” and lose their shit for a week.
If I tell someone that frequents around rich celebrities, it’s nothing to them because it’s not far out of their reality and how it works, they’ll go “Ah nice mate”.

It’s not really the Subconscious Mind, it’s moreso an evolutionary human instinct that finds safety in a stable reality. Some people say it’s the Subconscious Mind, I personally think it’s just another pattern and that the Subconscious Mind is a divine thing. But I guess it doesn’t really matter.

When I listen to Emperor or something and I experience emotional/mental distresses. I always notice that it’s “in the back”. It’s not really originating in the conscious and it’s coming from somewhere in the subconscious, that’s why it can be difficult to pinpoint the specific reason for it. It’s like “well I’m pissed off and angry… but I don’t know why”. It’s just a fear thing like I mentioned above and I find that what works for me is showering the distressed part of me with positivity, love, optimism, etc.

What I’m doing is basically consciously focusing my intent on creating a powerful positive energy, while simultaneously subconsciously experiencing negativity and then I override/shower the subconscious negative energy. Remember, the emotional/mental distress is from fear and part of you is afraid to change. All I’m doing is creating the intention that there is nothing to be afraid of and furthermore taking it to the next level by communicating to my Subconscious Mind - via intention, that the reality/programming/changes being introduced are safe. I guess I’m easing the process of change with my intention. I used to listen to music as a way to create those positive energies but I now I can just bring it out of myself without any aid

This is how I work with myself.
The way I see it is that I’m creating the reconciliation, the same way I’m creating my reality and experience. We are seriously powerful hahaha


I don’t think that growth is always uncomfortable, and I don’t think that stress is always uncomfortable.

The going wisdom is that stress becomes uncomfortable outside of an ideal range. When we have less stress than that ideal range, we experience that as boredom, restiveness, and dissatisfaction. When we have more stress than that ideal range, we experience it as pain.

Within the ideal range, stress is experienced as stimulation, challenge, adventure.

So considering the subliminals, this all comes back to the intensity. Rapid, high-powered change (including growth) tends to involve discomfort.

It’s possible to add more processing space into your play schedule. Doing so tends to make the stress become gentler.

But people, especially beginners, tend not to want to do that, because they want more and faster. And that’s okay. But just remember that it comes complete with a whole package.

I know that I use the word ‘reconciliation’ a little bit differently and I need to be careful with that. I think when you say ‘recon’, you’re referring to ‘uncomfortable, disruptive symptoms associated with subliminal use’. These symptoms can be affective, behavioral, somatic, or cognitive.

If that’s your definition, then clearly people are not always in recon; because you yourself have not always been in recon, right?


very helpful my friend! thanks for you insight and your time

music and doing something that you enjoy def raises your to a higer being, life will become easier so do recon!

thanks for your time!

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ive not been in recon everyday, but i noticed from my use the past month when i first started my QL1 and Emperor journey

is that its a bit tougher than i did on StarkQ and RM and LDU

so i wasnt facing any discomfort at all when i was running this StarkQ RM LDU stack for 2 months i was wondering in the forums about the meaning of recon, cause i never had any discomfort it was all smooth

however when i looked at my weakpoints and things i needed to improve in life, things that i NEED, rather than just “want”

i decided to buy Emperor and QL, and i think these titless cover my weakpoints that i have lots of them, emperor mainly

so a month passed and i felt a harded experince or lets say tougher than the last stack that i used before,

for a month, things were more like waves very unstable its hard to explain but i can be sure that it not a usual thing, cuz on my last stack these didnt happen at all things were so smooth

however on EQ+QL+LDU seems like anotheer experince which i think comes with the package, if i have lots of blockages and belifes that dont serve and emperor foucues on them mainly, so its normal that ill face a harder time than i did on my last stack

to be clear, i dont face recon like everyday, i face some faituge or the needing for more sleep in the morning very very often which is a form of recon (even if i slept for about 9 hours, my body tells me go to sleep but smh i cant even ifi try to sleep more its very annoying :joy: )

but from time and time some weird recon jumps on me its like ur sad but ur not its very a weird feeling to express,

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For some reason I get at picture in my head compareing subs to dogs and recon to some rubber band leash thing. If the dog/sub is too strong and we are just standing still (no action), the tension will get uncomfortable until we take action and move ourselves relatively closer to the moving dog, or stop listening to the dog… eh, the sub and do a washout.

and a nice walk in the park.


That was pretty insightful. From reading what you’ve written, you have a clear understanding of what happened.

You made the (good) choice to engage with programs that directly address your challenge areas.

I’m in a similar boat.

Let’s keep at it! :muscle:

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What an excellent metaphor. I love it.

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hahahha this is good i like the idea of it

yeah man! im happy bout my choice!

looking at what you want is something good, like lets say i reallt like the bmw x6 car, but i mainly offroad in my spare time, its not helpful at all to go for a bmw x6 if my priority is doing some rock crawling and go offroad

i would get a bronco or a jeep :sunglasses: for that

bad analogy but i think you get the idea :rofl:

i also think emperor is more superior than stark in terms of building a foundation for growth, ive done my share of healing more to come on the way cuz you never stop fixing what you have

but you reach place when yourve done lots of effort healing yourself , now you just need good solid ground to build on it some bones for your structure, so Emperor is solid im happy about it!!

yeah man! lets get it! :sunglasses:

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