Is there a reason to change order in a stack?

Good morning everyone,

I just finished up my first cycle and am in my 5-day rest period. I’m using ZP subs Love Bomb for Humanity and Primal Seduction on days 1,5,9,etc., and Emperor on days 3,7,11,etc., using full 15-minute loops of each. I did not start journaling yet (I will on the upcoming cycle!), but in being mindful and observant, I believe I have seen some results in how I approach situations and interactions in my daily life. I have yet to experience any symptoms of reconciliation–if anything, I notice fewer moments or periods of moodiness or other symptoms as reported by other users.

What I would like to get experienced users’ opinions on is whether it would provide any benefit to change the order in which I consume the loops for the upcoming cycle, for example swapping Emperor with one of the others on day 1.

Thanks for any thoughts you have on the matter.


No. Makes no difference any longer from what I can tell.

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Only thing I noticed is depending on how the subs make me feel.
For example Emperor was energizing, LBfH was more sedating for me. So if I would listen in the evening I would rather put an energizing sub first and a sedating one afterwards.

But on the efficiency of the sub, it shouldn’t make any difference.

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According to my logic when you run 2 titles at the same day, you have more to process in rest days. In your case with emperor in your rest days you’re only processing one title.

If you run two unrelated titles at the same day they will process slower than if they’re related for example romance, wealth.

I think it’s best to run two light titles in one day, then in the other day the heaviest title.

Some titles can accelerate results when run together.

Those are some of my suppositions based on what I’ve read/experienced.

Ask support for more insights.

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Reading this made think of the Masterclass.
There’s a day on Processing queue. That might be helpfull for a deeper understanding.

Here it is


Thanks for that. I’ve only made it through day 4, so I’ll get to that one soon!

Is there any argument to be made for doing only one per day (2 loops?) over 6 days (1-x-2-x-3-x-repeat), vs the current recommendation of 4 days (1,2-x-3-x-repeat)?


Sorry, I don’t quite understand your proposed listening order :thinking:

Just keep in mind, maximum 2 full loops on one day, and one loop the day after tomorrow.

Also you could search for microloops.

Full loops are an old strategy. It seems like shorter loops are much more effective for most, especially at the beginning.

With new subs, I only start with like 3-5 minutes for a cycle before I go for linger times. It’s easier on the mind to process and adept to the new information.

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Yep, I used to do the full 15 minutes as well, but forced myself to start doing 30 seconds, then add or subtract 30 seconds based on recon etc. I seem to get faster effects and less recon with shorter loops for sure. Might go back to my old stacks just to do microloops with them.

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Hmmm, interesting. I’ll look into the micro loop strategy

Sorry for the confusion, my shorthand sometimes only makes sense to me. What I was proposing was something like this:

Day 1: Loop 1 2x
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Loop 2 2x
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Loop 3 2x
Day 6: Rest

I know, it doesn’t line up exactly with the 21 Day curriculum. Just wondered if this was viable. As I said in response to @realitysmith, I will also start looking into microloops.

So you mean sub 1 two times on konday
Sub 2 two times on Wednesday and
Sub 3 twontaimds on Friday?

That would be overexposure.

With two subs only, you could listen to two full loops every other day.

With three subs, it gets reduced tremendously.

Day 1 Sub 1, Sub 2
Day 3 Sub 3
Day 5 Sub1, Sub 2
Day 7 Sub 3

But with microloops two full loops of a sub become quite unattractive. Shorter loops mean faster processing and better results.

It’s like reading a complex book on a new topic in one go. Your Brain is to overwhelmed to process it well. Reading only a tiny part gives you time and capacity to understand.

OK, thatclears it up, thanks!
