Is taking a break from subliminals advisable?

Except the washouts we do after every cycle, do we need to temporarily take breaks from listening?

I listen to my tracks like I take my vitamins and I don’t even take them vitamins everyday. What was your longest break from subliminals?

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Yep once in a while I totally stop listening to them for 1 to 2 months (max) and then I missed them and start again :rofl:


But I think I can’t do that with CWON, it is my drug :rofl:


How come? Does it really make you feel so good?

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It’s advisable to take a 2-4 week break from time to time. Like every six months or when you really feel you need it. I’ve never done that and I’m totally fine getting great results.


Oh Yes ! :rofl: :pray:

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I have the strongest morning wood :rofl: normal with nature :rofl:

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Oh, well, lucky you. CWoN is kicking the shit out of me since it’s addressing my deepest issues. I can bear it but I’m far from feeling delighted. :slight_smile:


@Sub.Zero 2 to 4 weeks is a very long time lol, still have 2 cycle left on QL then i will take that needed break.

Yeah, it’s a good idea to take that long break after you’re done with a multistage program or an intense stack you’ve been running for a couple of months.


I have taken at least a week to a two week break from month to month.


If you need to.

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It really depends on what your goals are and if you shift your goals.

I’d recommend personally a longer washout period if you’re transitioning from using* inner focus subs to external focus subs, or transitioning from healing titles to alpha titles.

But 4 weeks is probably long enough in MOST cases.