Into the dark dark yonder - Baphomet's custom journal

Day 24

A short update today. Checked my trades this morning, closed one position that wasn’t doing great. I’m happy about the fact that I closed it though because rather than act emotionally and wait to see how it the play turned out, I cut my losses at 50% which is my exit point for a bad trade. I opened another position that has a time limit of 8 days. I’m excited about this one because it uses an advanced strategy known as an Iron Butterfly.

I did go out and run errands today but I didn’t really see anyone attractive. Mind you it’s winter and everyone is wearing masks everywhere so it’s not that easy to tell. I do have to go out again tomorrow but I’m going to be in a less public area so potentially less opportunity to approach.

Because of being out today I didn’t have much time to work on creative projects. I opted for coding/programming learning rather than working on my book. Tomorrow I will write another 500 words of my novel, I am committing to that.

Finally, with the return of Fire & Saint I finally got my elite coupon code updated. With that, I bought DR. Couldn’t resist running it for a single loop tonight. Not sure if I “feel” anything yet. I noticed some eagerness to clean my bathroom and also while watching some Masterclass videos on writing I picked up a few interesting tidbits that felt in line with a perspective shift. I did briefly feel a sense of arousal in the first 20 minutes of running DR st1, but it subsided fairly quickly.


Welcome to Dragonhood, hatchling lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you brother! Looking forward to becoming a true Dragon Warrior.

I don’t know why my phone capitalized those words since neither should be but I like it :joy:

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What words did your phone capitalize?

“Dragon Warrior”

It keeps capitalizing those words even though they are typically common words that don’t require capitalizing haha my phone knows the true power of what’s coming :grin:

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PS: the kungfu panda series is still my favorite animated movies

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Are… are you Master Shifu :scream:

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Then I am in capable hands, I think :relaxed:

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Day 25

Today was an amazing day.

Do you ever have one of those days where everything just seems to be going your way? Today was that day. There was an abundant feeling of joy radiating from me all day. At some points I felt a sense of certainty about the future like I knew things would be okay.

I looked into my options trades. They’re holding steady. Confident that they will pay out the more they move. The iron butterfly trade I tried to put in yesterday didn’t execute sadly. I put it in again today but apparently it didn’t execute again. Could be that it’s not meant to be, I’ll try again with a different stock maybe. But that’ll have to wait until next week. Also next week I’ll pay attention to how that stock moves and whether or not it would have been a good trade it had gotten picked up.

I went out to do some work today. I was mostly sitting in an office for the afternoon so there wasn’t really much opportunity for any pick up. However, the few conversations I did have were super good. I was silky smooth. Every conversation flowed nicely and I got a lot of positive non-verbal feedback.

Worked on my novel today, wrote another 500 words. Proud of myself for sticking to it. It wasn’t easy but I got a few nice flows and pushed through to get it done. Feels really nice. Writing is like any craft and must be honed deliberately. None of the masters got there over night. When you read War & Peace, you’re not reading the first draft and certainly not the first thing Tolstoy ever wrote.

Avoiding most distractions. The only exception today being watching the new episode of The Mandalorian and bit of Facebook scrolling. The rest was working, learning, or applying that learning.

Fucking. Awesome. Day.


Day 26

WHEW! What a day. When they say in the product description for DR that you’ll feel the energy, they are not kidding around! I was BUZZING this morning. Absolutely bursting with energy. Even in spite of feeling winded/fatigued throughout the evening I was able to keep my energy level up enough to avoid a nap (which normally I probably would have done). That said, I am WIPED from all the subs I listened to today. Very glad tomorrow is my break day, will be interesting to see how things feel without the subs.

I had a zoom call with my public speaking group (same idea as Toastmasters but not affiliated with Toastmasters at all). Before the call I listened to True Social U and I was on fire! More compliments on my speaking. I was making jokes, keeping things positive, encouraging other speakers, and got LOADS of positive feedback.

Spent the afternoon listening to my customs and watching training videos (mostly Ross Jeffries but some others as well). In total today I listened to DR st1, True Social U, my wealth custom, my terminus attraction custom, my T2 esoteric booster custom, BLU & DreamsU. Suffice to say, Saturdays are a heavy reprogramming day. I like the schedule I have set up though, to have all my subs playing in different pairings during the week, then all together before a rest day. I think this pattern will work really well for me.

I wasn’t as productive as I’d liked today but that’s fine. There were some things I was happy about and some room for improvement. Definitely the amount of subs on Saturdays will take some getting used to but that’s perfectly fine.

Yesterday was awesome, tomorrow was awesome. Will tomorrow continue the pattern? Yes, I believe it will :smiley:


Good for you, bruh. That sounds amazing!

I was going to post Ice Cube’s ‘It Was a Good Day’ video, but I preferred to let your posts speak for themselves.


Day 28

Today was an average day. Checked my options positions but didn’t open or close any trades. The market was kind of down today in general so we’ll see how it goes the rest of the week.

Went through more course videos. Going to start practising language patterns with my webcam, that way I can practise tonality & eye contact along with memorizing the patterns in order to get a feel for the embedded commands.

I realized this morning that I was upset with my mom about something. Even though nothing could be done to change what happened, I decided that I wanted to have a conversation with her about how I felt. We had a good talk about it she understood and we moved on. I was happy about how it went.

I had an appointment at the hospital tonight for some scans to make sure the cancer hadn’t spread to my lymph nodes or any other areas. While there I struck a conversation with another gentleman who was also getting similar tests done. I joked around with the guy, had a really good talk as we flowed from subject to subject smoothly. It helped me reaffirm my confidence in talking to strangers. Part of me wants to go out approaching for both business and social prospecting but another part of me wants to wait until after my surgeries and stuff are done (possibly another month or so). Might be worth waiting, might be worth starting now - haven’t decided.

All in all I’d give today a 6/10. Not exactly what I would’ve liked to do but noticed genuine improvement.


Oh and I forgot to mention that I keep experiencing more synchronicity. Seeing 114 everywhere (need to look it up because I actually don’t know the meaning of that one but I see it ALL the time), also 111, 222, 333. I stopped on my way home to fill up gas in my car and the pump stopped at 28.88 then when I stopped it off a bit more it stopped at 29.29 before I brought it up to 30 even. Not sure what it means, only that these numbers appear too often to call it coincidence. I have a general idea of what angel numbers are but each have their own importance. Still a neat experience though, will eventually do more research on my specific numbers.


Day 29

Kind of a lazier day. Checked in on my trades which I’m pleased to say is starting to become a habit. No real big moves on my open positions. Opened a new one on Tesla as they just broke resistance and are likely to run up until their inclusion on the S&P500.

I spent a lot of time learning/watching videos today. Most of what I watched was educational. I’m still struggling with taking action on these things. Writing, coding, drawing, and music production have been daunting tasks until now. On one hand I have an urge to do things but on the other there is still a block. I feel like DR is chipping away at the blockage. Two analogies from mentors come to my mind when confronting this challenge. The first is “Everyone is born with the equivalent of a jet engine and an anchor”. Right now my jet engine is pushing harder and I’m figuring out how to ditch the anchor. The other is “The faster (longer) you’ve been moving in one direction (habit), the longer/slower it will be to change course.” Knowing these things I know that if I fill my time and thoughts with the concepts, I can slowly develop the habit of growing the skills. As I grow the skills I can turn them into routine tasks. Once they are routine the skills will build on themselves naturally and with more education (I don’t believe it’s ever time to stop learning at any stage)

As a tease to a possibly very interesting development regarding DR: there’s a problem I’ve been having for awhile that’s been less than ideal. It’s been a major source of my lack of confidence in particular situations. Since starting DR I’ve only experienced it ONCE. This is a problem that is often linked to psychological issues. It’s still too early to make any definitive statements because I made a lot of other changes at the same time but I will say that the one time I had an episode was the day I didn’t run DR (Sunday). If progress continues I’ll reveal exactly what this is all about but I couldn’t be happier to be leaving this problem in the past.

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Want to do some trading myself next year have a custom with house of medici in mind, want to get into almost all type of trading, have formed a solid plan as yet

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It’s definitely an appealing avenue for making money. There’s a lot of different things to consider from stocks, to options, to forex trading. Depending on what your money situation is I recommend looking into ZipTrader U. The information is straight forward and not really anything over and above what you could probably find publicly. However, it is nice to have all the information in one spot (versus having to go through video after video trying to learn the basics). The other benefit is that it comes with lifetime to access to their Discord channel. This is the main reason I bought the program. Not only can you see what other profitable traders are looking at, there’s a daily morning brief that gives you tickers/symbols to watch. That alone is worth the value of the ZipTrader U.


Day 30

So I spoke too soon at the end of my last journal entry. The problem I mentioned occurred again. I will say that it was reduced in severity from the norm - so that’s at least something. Will continue to update about it, possibly reveal exactly what I’m talking about rather than being vague but I’m not ready to do that yet.

Per one of Saints posts somewhere in the forum, I bought a bathmate some time ago. I hadn’t been using much though I did use it for some time after I bought it. Since I am running my RomanceAttraction custom (which contains the PE module) I decided to use my bathmate in conjunction. I haven’t measured yet, as I was going to wait until the end of the month (that might change because of information I’ll get to in a second). But I will say that when I use the device in the shower it appears as though I’m “growing” more with each consistent use. Also my erections while masturbating feel/look bigger in my hand.

I got a tentative date for my surgery. Assuming all goes well in my appointments tomorrow and Friday, it will be on Dec. 21st. I’m not sure how the healing process will be, the doctor said I was looking at 2-3 weeks healing time minimum. I’ve arranged to stay at my mom’s house for a week since I live alone and probably wouldn’t be able to manage for at least the first few days by myself. I have had plenty of surgeries before but the idea of them cutting out a wedge of my tongue, then stitching it back up is honestly terrifying. I’d be okay with surgery almost anywhere else but having a wound that massive in my mouth, healing for multiple weeks, is the least appealing thing I can think of (except for… y’know… continuing to have cancer).

Because my surgery date is a little over a week away (hopefully), I’ve decided to stick with the learning process for now. I can continue to do my trades and watch courses etc., but I won’t be doing any approaches/prospecting until such a time as I’m healed and well enough that I know there won’t be any major disturbances that might affect learning those skills (such as not be able to speak & eat properly for multiple weeks). That said I finished one speed seduction course today and am deciding which one I want to do next. There’s one that’s a “technical manual” and is only 7 1-hour audios. That one I think is the most appealing to me at this time.


I read this and got worried the surgery had to do with penis injury or enhancement :joy:

I’m going to add a bath mate in the new year, should be fun.

Anyway wishing you the absolute best for your surgery and a speedy full recovery.


Yes, @Baphomet. Wishing you an extremely smooth and surprisingly easy surgery and recovery process!