IndrasNet's Journal (A Stark Black Reality, Ecstasy of Gold, Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroy, Ascension Chamber)

With the launch of A Stark Black Reality, I changed my stack and I feel it needs a new journal. To follow my journey: The start to the Beginning - Journals - Major Programs

A Stark Black Reality
Ecstasy of Gold
Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer
Ascension Chamber


7 minutes of ASBR
7 minutes of Ascension Chamber

I ran these titles right before I went to bed on Monday. It absolutely effected my sleep. I have attached my sleep data, though the data shows I got good sleep I felt it was restless. The dream was so vivid it almost felt like I wasn’t sleeping at all. I had two dreams that felt to go the entire night but they were quite mondain. I bet the recorded moment I woke up was probably when I transitioned from one dream to the next.

I decided to run ASBR for 7 minutes because this is my first artisan title. Today I am definitely feeling recon. I feel a little overwhelmed when trying to get through my daily tasks, though maybe that’s cause my mind is running so fast and optimally that I can’t keep up, catch myself thinking about my next task before finishing my current one. Part of the day I had slight pressure in my head but not a headache, this is something I never experience. Just feels like my brain is exhaust from last night or is currently using all its CPU power to process behind the scenes right now. Feeling a little just disconnected from the present. About to finish my workday and go workout, so will see how the rest of the day feels, as well as tomorrow.


Had my first day yesterday experiencing the effects of 7 minutes of ASBR.

I am running at a whole different level of productivity/efficiency. I would say I literally doubled my productive yesterday. When I reflected on my day during dinner talking with my GF I just then realize how much I accomplished. She stopped me and told me how normally people don’t operate like I did that day. Seriously its almost at a superhuman level, and it just felt so effortless. I know they say multitasking can be a bad thing, I was multitasking like a beast.

Normally I take a nap sometimes during my day, something I am trying to stop, when that time of the day came around, I was not tired, and I thought to nap but then my mind bounced to accomplishing another task.

I also took a self-assessment for a company interviewing me. The cognitive enhancement in this title is no joke. I would intuitively just know the answer, in the beginning I would double check my work and I would always be right. Eventually I just started trusting this ability. Normally I test at around 80th-85th percentile, but yesterday I tested at 92th percentile. Thats data to back up the cognitive improvement based of running this title.

Lastly, I had some of that magic manifestation happen yesterday. I received an email regarding a job I applied for at this company. It stated that they are pausing the hiring process due to deciding to push the need for this role to Q4. In this email they decided to list their two sole investment funds that had thousands of job postings, suggesting looking into their postings to see if there is something that may be a good fit. I reviewed 60 job postings that could be a good fit and ending up applying to 10 that interested me. Right when I was finishing applying, I received an email from the original company saying that email was a mistaken, was meant for another role. They went on to say I am a good fit and will be following up to schedule the first interview. Now If I get a job regarding any of this situation, I will be speechless.


Almost half way through my first cycle of ASBR. I played it this morning for 7 minutes and it’s the first time I’m not feeling any form of recon. It must be assimilating with my subconscious, I must be shifting and growing. Questioning if I should finish the cycle continuing to do 7 minute loops or try a little longer.

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I also forgot to mention on 02/07 I was going through security in an airport. While getting pulled aside to have my bag search, a random other guy just started talking to me like he knew me, like I was famous. It wasn’t the normal friendly engagement, it seemed like he was excited to speak with me. It was also interesting the way his listened to what I had to say, as if he really wanted to remember it.

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Undercover cop fishing for information.

Hahaha :joy: