Index Gate Thirty Seconds at a time

Taking the advice of almost everyone on the forum and jumping on the " microloops " bandwagon. Thirty second loop of Index Gate once a week for this first cycle

I really want to run Genesis Mogul but less than a week ago I hit a plateau with learning aspects of CSS. I’m also only running one title to do this slowly as painful as that often feels. I would go back to running a title all day every day if I could but that isn’t the way anymore. I’m a bit mad at myself for making such a big deal out of " microloops " because I always thought I was more flexible with adjusting to new situations. Apparently not.

I can’t use my trust issues as an excuse anymore. This is also why I am only running one microloop a week. Instead of questioning something I will do it myself and see what happens.

I’m not a patient person obviously and doing things this way in some ways feels like one of the most
difficult things I have ever chosen to do. No sub hopping or running full loops when it isn’t necessary. I’m not entirely sure right now how to measure my results other than to wait and see what happens after the first cycle. Worst case I do the same for another cycle or increase listening to one minute.

Hopefully doing things this way helps me build patience as well. Something I have almost actively fought against for most of my life. My Wife has said more than once that me being impatient is probably a combination of having ADHD as well as a bit of an existential crisis. Makes sense given how often I say I want results fast. I wish I could describe how I feel when I seem to intensely disagree with someone here but especially Saint and Fire.

To me it comes across as saying " take action and work your ass off but be OK if whatever it is doesn’t turn out the way you wanted to or planned". It also makes me realize how immature I’m being about some things if I’m not willing to accept something that is there for me to take advantage of. It doesn’t always feel that I’m benefitting from something. It feels like an unwanted sacrifice. If that makes sense?

I understand I also have to be patient with title upgrades that I’m excited for as I have to be able to stay consistent and patient with the title I’m currently running and not give in to " shiny object syndrome ".


Ran thirty seconds of Index Gate yesterday morning and now fighting the urge to switch titles. I haven’t but the desire is there. Not entirely sure what to do. For this first cycle I am doing thirty seconds once a week. Do I drop it down to ten or twenty seconds once a week?

@SaintSovereign @Fire @AnswerGroup

Is ten or twenty seconds enough? I know you all are probably exhausted by my constant questions about microloops. I apologize in advance. I just don’t entirely understand why my brain fights so hard . Seems that others can get get results. Why do I struggle with this so much? I don’t expect anyone to have answers about my brain. I’m just a bit frustrated and doing what’s instructed. I don’t expect this to be easy or a walk in the park. I just wish my brain wasn’t so stubborn

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One explaination why you’ve been so resistant to microloops could be a bit of self-sabotage. Knowing deep down that they work (and work better than the whole 15 minutes) and all the entries in this forum describing how well they work.

I can totally relate btw. Always listened 15 min to subs, often packed customs, found microloops suspect and once I tried, results multiplied.

And it kinda makes sense. I always imagined the subconscious as very dry ground and rain as the subliminal input. Very light rain sinks into the ground and makes it more absorbing over time, while buckets of hard rain in a short period of time just wash over it, the ground becoming dry again quickly and not much changed.

Not sure if this helps. @AnswerGroup way better at taking this question.

Maybe just keep the 30 seconds for a cycle and see what happens. Just to get an answer. Hopping now would deny it. My 2 cents.


@TheGreenMan has described microloops beautifully with the water on earth analogy.

I will add that I too am part of the club that plays full loops and even if I get results from it, the reconciliation is overwhelming.

Am slowly being convinced by the idea of microloops thanks to loads of our friends succeeding with it.

I tried with 7 minutes and it works well. And although it isn’t technically a microloop, it is a step in the direction of running the subliminal for even less duration until I can find my own sweet spot.

So don’t feel so alone in your frustration. I share it and am sure loads of people share it but are trying to solve it for themselves too with trial and error


Along with working on being patient I am going to work on not being critical of other people, what their goals are , and especially what subs the run and why. Everyone has a different story. It’s not my place or business to bash someone else out of envy or anything else


Ran thirty seconds yesterday. Not running another thirty seconds until Friday April 12th. Not feeling anything yet but @SaintSovereign said I have to give it time…

I am taking action. I’m working through course work on FreeCodeCamp and with the Mimo app on my phone.